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Agricultural And Domestic

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iiiMiii'i me i ;n in. Pbocübe seeds enrly from the geed stores. The assortments nre always tlie best enrly. Do not bny fruit trees from the extmvagantly colored pictures shoivu by traveling agents. The -winglesa í'emale of the eanker worm begins to crawl ap the trees as soon is the grouml thinvs. Pbunino must bc done befdre or wait till after the sap flown. Use wax or paiftt to corer largo 'wounds. A YotJNO farmer friend aks us what he will do to make money. Bny a ow and pigs and tafee eare oí them. Ip yoting lamb are cojuing alonf? about these times tliose havijif? oaxe oL them must recollect Mttrk xiii, 37. Cows should be dried oft' i'rom 1'our (e six weeks before calving. Uiye them generoxis íood of moisi hay, fout littte grain. Hokses that havo been kept on hay and corn fodder can now bc graiaed more thorotlghly prepnratory foï the spring work. If yon nre goiïïg to set fmit trees in tke Spring, it is time orders were made and sent w some reliable nurserymim, as near home as possiíle, See tliat plows, harrovs, oorn-markerSy corn-planters, secders, singletree, hnr ness, aud everytliing needed iu putting, in crops, are in perfect repair. Manure, ricli and well rotted, ia ths onc tliing needful for garden, Eastt, We, Korth or Bouth. Have it ready iu time before all banda drive afield. Let the boys, -flieJi home froin scliool ou Saturdaye, build Ilesit houses for martins, bhie-birds and -wrens, and put them üj; nbont lionses, barns and frtiit yaxáa. Hot beds cnn be made early next month for tomatoeS, cabbages, pepper, egg-plants, etc. ïliey are simple and easy of constractioii, and anj one can have thfim. AijíjOw yoitng il ves to liuve the mi Ik ! of the ow for íour or íive days. Tlie first milk is medicinal, andit is neccssary the young animal should háve it to inake1 them healthy. Insects are to be fouglit at any time. Rt-moVe the eggs of the tont caterpiller bef ore they hatch, They will be femad near the end of the twigs, wound arouud like a neat band. Fkuit trees can be profltably wnáhed j with strong soap-suds or lye. It can be done any time now until the busy seasou commeiice. It kills dormant insects, I removes mos8e and linchens, and imj provea the trees gelierally. The peddlers of apple tree grafted uu Canada stock are humbugger of the worst kind. But the people neert not be humbugged unless they want to be. i It is a free country, and none of their i natural rights should be taken. Beekding sowb ehould have potatoes or succtllent food before fan-owing. Put ! poles around the pen eight inches from i the floor and the same distance from the ! sides, to keep the sows from over-laying j their pigs. Give them clean, wll-littered beds, but not enough to endauger the I young. Why in the olden times did men live ! to such immense ages ? It was not permitted that meat should be eaten iintil j alter the flood. So, if you want to live long in the land it is time to begin preparations for the early garden, for there is where many of God's blessings come from. If fmit trees have been gnawed by mice and rabbits during the deep snows, if it does not amonnt to entire riddling, smooth off the torn and rongh edges and paint thoroughly with grafting wax, or make a piaster of dry and fresh cow dilpg and cover thickly, and biüá on with a cloth. Apples fok Cows. - Those who have fed apples freely to their cows and other stock this fall have found them very useful in increasing the quantity of milk, and many think they have improved the quality also. At the meeting of the board at Worcester there was a general expi-ession of opinión in favor of th' practice and its economy. Many thought the apples were worth 12; cents a bushei for this purpose, and no one put them lew tiian 10 cents, and from that to 15. We think they are worth at least 10 cents a bushei to feed out, and that is far bet ter than to let them rot on the ground. Bilt they ottght to be fed out when mature, when they are ripe enough to eat, when their sugar is elaborated. It does not follow that they should be mellow enough to suit us, but they should at least be ripe. About the House. Oup Cake.- Four eggs, two cups of silgar, oue of butter, one-half cup of sweet milk, tbree of flour, oue aud a half teaapoonfuls of yeast powder. Fish Sacos. -Boil two onious aud tbree ancbovies in a piut aud a huif of water till quite soft ; theu tbickeu with flour and butter and add two glasses of wine, claret or port. Mush. - Stir coru meal, mixed to a paste witb eold water aud salted, into a pot of boiling water ; add more meal if not thick enougb ; boil au hour, stirring frequently to prevent himpiness ; serve hot and eat witb oold milk. TO 'E AKS WlïlNKLBS OuT OF SlDK. - If silk Hearfs or handkcrcbiefs have beconie wrinkled, moisten, not wet them, erenly withaspongeclippedina weak solutiou of glue; then pin the article, smoothly aud tightly stfetched, upou a. screeu or a mattresSi CORN-STARCH CaKB.- Tm CUpS OÍ pomleied sugar, one cup of butter, the wbites of six egp. three-fourtbs of a cup of sweet milk, three-fvurths of a cup of com-starch, two cups of liour, three teanpoonfuls of bakiug powder mixed iu the flpUI, flavor to suit the taste. Bice and ArnKs.- Tli e following is a very nice thing, especially for childreu : Core as many nice appïes ns will fill the dish ; boil them in light molasses ; prepare a quarter of a pound of rice in milk, with eugar and salt ; put some of the rice into the disli, then put in the apple and iill lip the intervals with rice, and bake it in the oveu until it i a liue oolor. Gorman Pot ato Ohbese. - Koll soumi white potatoew, peel aud masb them perfectly smooth ; to five pounds of the mashed potatoes, when cold, add a little more thau a pint of sour milk ; season it with salt and knead it well ; cover it and I let it remain, according to the season, froin two to four days ; then knead it afrenh and make it into smnll cheests ; hang them up in a banket iu the shade to dry ; wheu they are sufflciently di-jput 'them up iu layers in large pota or keg, and keep them elosely covered. It will bc flt for use in three or four weeks, but become tiner the longer it is kept. It must be kept in a dry place


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