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THE OLD KELIABLE Fire Insurance of C. H. MILLEN. HOME OF NEW YORK Capital and Surplus, $6,000,000. CONTINENTAL OF N. Y. Capital and Surplus, $3,000,000. NT AG ARA OF XT.7. Cash Aasets, $1,500,000. GIRARD OF Phil adelphia., Cash Assets, $1,000,000. OKZZXTT of Hartford Cash Assela, $800,000. Policies isRticd at sa low ratea ag iu any responsible Company. C. H. MILLEN, No. 4 Sonth Main Street, Anu Arbor. IF TOU WANT A GO 00 OVERCOAT AND WANT TO BUY IT CHEAP, HO TO WM. WAGNER'S For II il Selling OvercoaLS at Cosl IF YOUR BOY WANTS A BOX OF COLLARS KKNIi KIM TO WM. WAGNER'S FOR THEKE HK CAN GET THE BEST FOR THK LKA6T MONEY. IF YOU WANT AGOODSUÏT MADE TO ORDER, go to WM. WAGNER'S 21 South Main Sr. Axs Abbok. J Sewing Machines THE SIITCEH, 1TL W EOMSSTIC, And th.o HOWS, And seïeral {ood Sflcond-Uaml Machinea at the 8EWINQ MACHINE OFFICK, Auu Arbor. AUu Needies for all Machines The tpft best that are made, and attschiueiits and paita lor nearlj all machi oes. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired bet tor therc thno anywhere else in America, It' your machine don't work well, trade it for ooe tli a t does, or have it repairod. All machines soid on easy pa y men ts at the oih'ce. Sccond door east of Post Office, Ann Arbor, Mirti. (1506) 1. 1,. GKINNELli, ARrui. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! o NEW GOODS! And pricee LOWER THAN KVEH. I hare parchased in New York. for eaah, am' I am now duily recoivine one of the largeat anc moat sleet stock of Groceriea in Wimhleouvr County, conaiating of a f uil and well aelected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including Gnupowders, Imperials, Younr ) - ■.ous, Hyaon, Japans, Oolongs, loriiiuuim, on po mh, SoucliuiiK, and ruiinkii) , Together with a full line of COFFEES, eonsiatinir of the following branda: MOCHA, OI.D OOV'T JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAGUAYRE,8ANTOS and UK), both rouated nnd ground ; a full and well aelected aiock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Togethar with ererythin; in the line cf Pure Spictu.C'anned fruita. und Vegetablea. We have a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, IIAÏS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hoaiery. Also, a choice usortment of Ladie' andtíentlenjen's Underwear Cali and examine Ooods nnd Pricea and we will inBUresatisfaction. EDWARD DUFFT. " Haynard'i Block. cor .Mtvin and Ann streeta Ann Arbor, Mich. STHiheat cash price paid for all farm ruduce."%ja f f rtí'an't be made by every agent every L I Mmoiitli in the business we furnish, but II M M Mtliose willing to work can earn a dozeo V J J Wdollarsaday in there own lucalities. [ave no room to explain bere. Business pleasant nd honorable. Woiuen,aud boys and #irls do at relt i; r men. We will furuish you a complete outfit ree The business pays bette r than anything else. W will bear expense of starting you. Particulars ee. Wrlte and aee. Farmers and mechanie, u'ir kous and daughters, and all classes in need of tayiag work at home, should write to us and learn il about the work at once. Now ia the time. oii't delay. AddreM, Tki'L & Co., Auguita, Uatne. ïtSO RAILROADS. MUHlMAJi CEMRaÏ H.UUow, NO . o, 18T8. aomo irññ. =======s á-' i rr Detroit, leave, 7 00 1 V 10 14 'ÍS'1 O. T. Junction, 1 15 9 V, (í Jm Wayne Junction J 4ij 95(1 5 ,,, "ltj Kp.Uanti, i 8 15 10 17 5Í0 5 f ! U Aun Arbor, ' 8 35 10 Sí ' 6 14 i S U Delhi, : 8 50 8,! 8wUli Chelín, 9 18 5 j f - Ciras. Lake, 14! _ , o, ;-- Jackson, Lv., 10 20 12 00 8 00 o I AlbioD, ! 11 (M 12 4 ,1 1 Marshall, 1 1 1 50 lso_-l ■ ' ; 1 M r.u. g ;'M5 BatüeCreek, !)2 20 1 57 ?■ „ ,". Oaleburg, :. ;5 j JJ ÍM Kalamasoo, ' ! ir, 2 38 4 cf' f.;: Lawtou, i 1 66 ; 4 41 , i S lecatur, J 13 ; 00, } Ï? - Uowaffiac, 2 41 ; 5 26 í ín - Rucharan, 3 25 1 6 26 f Z, s Three Oftks 3 56 4 43 7 04 i f. - New Búllalo, 4 13 4 66' 7 ín í g Michigan City, 4 40 5 Jo' 7 M íu - ■ l-ke, 5 23 5 59 h .!5 Kensington, 6 20 6 4i' 9 40 Uhicago.arriT, , 7 U6 1 25 i 10 25. 6 5j OPIMO EAET. ; . i 77 IL JLlL _"_ 1 Ia. ■U. m. p. m. r y r Chicago, leare, '5 00 8 30, 3 L0, 5 li i" Keouiugtou, ! 6 45 9 12 4 3') íi'! Lake, 6 40 9 54 i a siíi!? Michigan City, 7-2 10 40 n ■_■:, ■,r,í!l NewBuffalu, : 7 oí 11 0(1 8 51 -11 Three Oaks, : 8 09 U 13 7 W 8lií líuchanan, 8 41 7 SO ■ Nile, í W'lll 55 8 20 sísr; Duwaglac, ' 27' 8 481 Deoatur, B SI 9 15 Lawton, 10 10. p. m. 9 85 ' KalamaMM, 10 50 1 1(110 10 10 T Ualesburg, 11 12 . BattleCreek, 11 47' 1 67 f i 1, ,6 ' I 1'. M. jt Maruhall, 12 45 140 ." 11 7T Albion, 1 1 3 02 L_ (; Jackson, Lv,f 8 MÍ 8 46 7 25 12 r 111 Grash Lake, 2 45 i 7 53 ij .y, j Chele, ; 111 R oír _ i Dexter, 3 -:; 857 í Delhi, i 8 37 i 8 50 ": Aun Arbor, '■ :i 52 4 y? 9 C5 fl 10 7i Ypulanti, 4 15 5 10' S 27 J 27 tu Wayne June, j 4 45: 6 20 1( 00 2 !! O. T. June, ! 5 30 6 00 lH45Sjo'c Detroit, Ar., ! 5 46 fi 15 : 11 00 i Mj 8unday excepted. :f-atui Jav and SundíTn '■ eepted. tDaily. H. B. LKDYARD, Opn'18upt.,I)etrt i H. C. Wentwoetb, Gen. Pan. Agt., Chicago. Corner Main and Hurón StiMi DETEOIT, HILLSDALE&lÑi. ANA RAllJtOAD. To tak tffect December Slat, 18IS. ooiKO wjai. ooiío un, iatiosí. Fr'ght. Mai.. ■ stítion. Mail F1M1 A. M. p. M.; Ypsilanti.... ;:( 6:00 HM line 7:57 6:38 ! Bankere HM í ' Bruigewater.. t:SO 6:55 ! Hillsdale .. 6:15 Mancheíter. 9:10 7:18 Manchenter.. 8:08 tu e. u. BridgewaUr 8.30 ( Hillsdale 12.35 9:17 baline 8: ; Banken. ... 12:55 9:30 Ypnilnnti.... 9:iO Trains run by Chicago time. To take eUeot , Dec. 31, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Bup't, TpsÜKi. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. THE SHOUT LINT BF.TH'EKN DETROIT, BUFFALO, NEW YORK NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTON Pliilaflfiliilia, : AND ALL EASTEKN CITIES. 43" 1O .1 1 1 . F.s tlit Sbo rt- t I.ine f rom 1 tf Detroit to Buffalo an 1 I'oiot Lut. aé" t ." Miles the ehortcat Une froin Detroitb O-' O Niágara Falla and points East. Surf Connections al Snupeniiioi BrlAge and Huffnlo iiu tbe vh York Ceiitrnl aud Krie llllí 1 íl S. The Track and Equipment of tlie GEEit WE8TEKN' are perlcct. und ít ismanaRed nitii a view to the SAFKTY and COMFOET oi ia ; Patrons. TOÜRI8Ta AND PLEASURE SEEKEBS Should bear in mind that the GE E AT WtSlttt Kailwav is the 8hortet and most Comfort 1 Route oetween Detroit, Huspenalon ftrirfe [ Búllalo, 111.fl is the only line which croas Suipriniün Bridge in t uil view of the falla. For information and tickets via thispopulii route apply to Ci. W. SHARPLKSS. Agent M.C. K. R. , Ann Arbor Miei. THE ENEMY OF DISEASE! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Ia tbe Grand Old MUSTANG LINIMENT Which ha9 atood the test oí forty ymn. There is no Soie lt will not benl, do 1. will not cure, no Ache, no l'ain that iBka f Human Body, or tho Bo4y ol a Horse or oilmJ mestic uuiiaul, that does not yield to it ""T touch. A bottle coating 26c, 50c, or #1.W. t ' ten Baved the life of a human being, nnd reíW" to hfe and usefulnen mnn a valuaDlu ïi'-rsiIN8DIUNGB CüiWl Capital, - - $3.000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6, 792, G49.9S. Losses Paid in 5o Years, $4=4,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, incla Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86Net Surplus over Liabilities, inclod""! Re-Iusurance and Capital Stocki $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Affent, AAr, iiEORGE W. CROPSEY, Ij a Lat of the finn of Olark A Ckopskïi ani -j Kearnky, lat of Texa, under the nrm n KEARNEY & CKOPSU Havo establislifd themsclves at No. 33 - ,( nainSl,, Au Arbor, and jiropose w ?e ii e ral Crocery Business They will also keep ('IIOCKKKV, .JkTIC WOODEN WAKK. and a futí lina ■' ' f ;! ,J and FOHEKiN FKL'ITS. ïheï ha" ""w Turnished i A First-class Eating DfP8n' ment, ,, Where Mealscau be had at all hours, or the week. Cath pald tor Butler, Wi'Allf Country produce. ti"Ol8 pnm'l "' ,j,rt. ered n nny part of tho city. Rfmembor i ' S3 South Ittaln streel. KEARNEY & CBOPSE Auu Arbor, April 6, 1876. Brick Store_ for Sale. Í OFFER FOR SA1.F. my Brick s"11,i"c'oo[li Huron amd Fourth atreeu, opp"" „eï otel. This Is one of the most desiraM ocatlon lu th city, and will be wij l. üa0


Old News
Michigan Argus