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1877. Seeds, Plants & Bulbs OVER 1,200 VARIET1ES OF BEST FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS. AND SUMMfiR FLOURING BULBS All seeds in packets (Corn, Pens, and Beans excepted) oue-third less than any other reliable dealer in New York State. GREENHOUSE ANO BEDDING PLANTS IN GREaT VARIETY AND LOWEST PEICE8 VERBENAS (In oer 60 choicest named varieties) 50 cents per doz. ; $3 50 perhundred ; Í30 per thousand. Catalogue Free. D. C. McGRAW, Flobist, BWorside Garden ê, Binghaniton, N. Y. 1621 TISSOLUTION NOTICE. The co-partnership heretofore existing botween Nichols A Paul is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All aecountsduesaid ñrinmust be sattled at once. H. A. NICHOLS, HENRY PAUL. February 12, 1877. ic22 rpo rent7 TWO ROOMS Over tbe subscriber's Drug Store. Suitable for Lawyer,Physician, or Deutist. Enquire of _ . . . EO. ÜBENVILLE. ,, Jnn Arbop, January 31, 1877. 1620w4 $ % ' To tbe orkhig Class.- We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant omploymentat home the whole of their time or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persous of either sex easily earn froin 50 cents to 5 per evening and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business Boys audgirlsearn nearlyas niuch as men. TUat all whoseethisnotice may send their addres, and test the business we malte this unnarallelcd offer - lo such as are not well satisfied wil! send oue dullar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particular, samples worth several dollars to commenee work on and a copy of Home and Fireside, oneof the best ïllustrated publications, all sent free by ï„ l 5?der'Af you want Permanent, protitaWa work, address, Geo. Shnson & Co., Portland, Me. jyjISS MArVTIE M. niLNER, Teacher of the Piano. dei?redUCtln S'Ten &i the reaidence of 'e PP " For tema inqulre at renidence, No. 48 South State 'treel _____ 161m3 CEÑÍ) 25. tpG.P, EOWELL A CO.. New York, Olorpamphletof ïoopage, containing lints oí aoOOnowiipapeM, and tímate liowíifóot of FOR SALE ! Stone lime. Water Lime, Cleveland Piaster, & Plasterlng Halr, eith. er it mj Lima Kiln or at my ahop. J. VOLLAHO. FARMERS. WOOD WAJSTTED ín exehange for Badales, Harneas, Trunks, TxaTeling Baga, Horse Blanketa, Whips, Glovei and Mittüns, etc., at my harneas shop. J. VOLLABiD, ND SKKT1CK JACKSOJÍ TRUS8 KOD WAGOX AIbo, (he New Rlffht-IIand Burra 11 Iron Crn Sbeller, at M. ROttEBS'. ■pASHIONABLE DEESS MACING. Mra. Wood invites the ladies of Ann Arbor and vlcimty to oall at her Dress-Makinf? Koom, orer the store of Kinsey & Seatmlt, Washington street. A full line of new and lateit styles of patterns constintlyon hand. Quality of work warranted, and pnces made to suit the timen. A share of publicpatronagoi respectfully olicited. ly 1678 BSTRACTS OF T1TLES. Tho undersigned, Regisier of Deeds, will promptly and carefully make Abstracts of titlea, From theOriginal Records, For Attorney, Ajjents, Owners, or Purchasers. No pnins will be spared to Rive a complete chain of title, and ahow all enoumbrances. Uharirea reasonuble. CHA8.H. MANLY. Ana Arbor, Januury 10, 1877. 1617. THE HILL FAKM FOR SALE. Adjoinlng the Wet line of theCity of Ann Arbor, in towaship two soath ot range six east, comprising the east half of the northeast quarter of seetion nineteen ; and ihat part of tho west half of the west half of the northwest quarter of seotion íoríoo1." of th8 turnpike; ln a11 House, Barn, an dnfailing Spring of Water, And about flfty acre well tmproved ; flrst class land and situation beaatiful. TwD-thlrd of the puichaae money may rumain on the land three to iive years. For term8 apply to QEO.K.HAND, OrH.J. BKAKEH, ' Detroit. Ann Arbor. 1574tf $.X to íi'JO Perdny at home. Samples worth t " JiWU i ftee. Stuison & Co., Portland, e 1478 (l9A(illy ' homa. Arents wnted. Outlt V nd terina TBU JO., itiWnt, M


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Michigan Argus