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Agricultural And Domestic

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If anything is needed by the family and yo have not the money to pay for it, see if you have not ome commodity which you can exchange for it. Every farmer should have many producís for sala If you cannot get it in this way see if it cannot be done without. Under no circtunstances créate a liebt unless it be a positive necessity. You aan endure privations better than you can the dun of a creditor or the viaits of an officer. To Mix Paints.- Li mixing paints, observe that, for out-door work, yoa nnit iifte principally, or wholly, boiled oil, linie it i for the decorative part of houses, etc. , then mix as for in-door work. For in-dooi' work use Museed oil, turpentine, and a little dryers, observing that tlie less oil the les wilt be the gloss, and that for flatted 'white, etc,, the color being gromid n oil, will scarcely tcquire anyfurther addition of fchat arricio, as the object i lo have it. dull. An excellent ïiniment to apply io sore on hoTHes' backs, legs or elsewhere emm be made a foUows : Take inner bark oï the ordinary white oak boiled down ia an iron kettle until it is as black a ink ; wbile boiling, drop in fl pieee of alum about the size of a hen'í egg. Never use a bi'asi kettle to boil it in. This Ïiniment is to be applied wiíh a sponge, and, indeed, it is good for any sore or bruise. It is a safe thillg to keep in any one's barn ïeady to nse when occasion requires. Bulö tOR Milkino. - The followi' ■ rulos are issiteil froïïï a New York cheese factory for the use of its patrons, and are worthy oí' a wider dissemination : 1, Müch cows shonld have free acces at all times to good ruiming water, 2, They shonld never be heftted, by bein# run, stofied or dogged. 3. The titmosi cleanliness should be observed in rm'lking, and by no mean tcet the hands in the milk while milking. ét. No can oí niiJk should stand where it will abaorl the barnyard oï atable odor, or any other scent. 5. Tlie millt ehould be trained and well aired immediately after having been drawn f roni the cows. (!. Some arrangement for eft'ectually oooling ig at all times very desirable, and, when the milk is kept at home over night, is indinpensable. 7. Scalding all vessels sed about milk at least once a day with boiling Wateï, and rinsing with cold water at night, is essential, Plant Eakly Potatoe Only.- Prof. MeAfee, of the Iowa Agrictiltliral College, advises the planting of eurly varieties of potatoes onl,y, in order to cut off the supjjly of food for the potato beetles late in summor. This, we think, is an excellent suggestiou, and for other reaSons tiian those named by Prof. MeAfee, Theïe are, at least, two broods of this insect in a season throughout the greater part of the Northern and Middle States, and in soie favorable localitie three. Now, if none bilt the earliest Tarietíes oí potatoes are planted, the tops will be ripe by the time the first brood of beetles have 'come to maturity, The second brood not finding its favorite food ia abundance, a large portion must perish, for, say from the lst of August until the following spring is rather too long a time foj: the mature insect to live, especially if short of food. It is generally the second or last brood of the season wbich hibernates, passing through the winter in safety; but by cutting off the supply of food we may at least lessen the nuniber which are to pass over to Üie following season. It is worth trying; in f act, anything whioh is likely to lessen the nu'mber of this great peet should receive due attention at this time. - Rural iV w Yorker. About the House. A bmaMj dish of charcoal placed in your meat larder will keep the article Kweet and wholesome almost as well as ice. Occasionally for cleajiing the teeth it will sweeten the breath when nothing pIbc will do so. Eiieumatic Ciiee. - A lady sends the following to an afflicted correspondent of the Gcrmantoivn Telcgraph. ünc drachm of hydriodate of potash, four ounceRof the tincture of gentian ; tak' one table-spoonful in the same quantily of water, four times a day, at 7, 11, 3 anll 7 o'clock. Sausaobs.- Try it with good Bkrong herbs and pepper : One hundred pouiulH of meat cut fine, four ounces of sage put through a fine sieve, two pounds of salt, half ounce of cayenne, two ounces of black pepper and one-half ounce of summer savorj' passed through a fine sieve. Mix thoïoughly. Orange Phittkbk.- One pound flour, one pint of milk, with a teaspoonful of salt in it, and a quarter potind of melted butter, and three eggs beaten veiy light. Prepare four oranges by removing tlie yellow rind and every partiële of white pith, divided into small pieces without breaking the skin. In each spoonful of butter put a piece of orange, and fry a golden brown ; sift powdered sugar over as soon as taken from the pan. Bbeakfast Poached Eggs.- Place a frying-pan of salted boiling water on the fire, ülled with as many small muffinrings as it will hold ; break the eggs singly in a cup and pour into the rings; boil tliem two and a half or three minutes ; remove the rings, and take up the eggs singly in a strainer ; serve on half slices of nicely browned and buttered tonst of baker's bread ; put a small pieee of butter on each egg ; pepper slightly, and ganÚBh with sprigs of parsley. Serve hot. To Destiïoy Warts. - A medical exchange states that a drachm of nitrate of silver dissolved in an ounoe of nitromuriatic acid makes a solution which, applied to warts with a fine brush, will permanently cilre thern in four days. We may add that we know of nothing better to remove warts than the leaves of the common beau. Crusli the leaves between the fingers, and squeeze out the jwice pon the warts two o thïe times a day, until they dry up and disappear. The cure will generally be complete in less than a week. - Journal of ( Vtenrdstry. To Clean Kid Gloves. - Lay thein on a olean board, and first rub the surface gently with a clean sponge dampened with eamphene or a mixture of camphenc and alcohol. Theu dip eacli glove into a cup containiiig the oamphene, lift it out, squeeze it in the hand, and again rub gently with the sponge, to remove all the wrinkles. After this gather up the cuil in the hand and blow it to puiï out the fingere, when it ínay be huug up by a thread to dry. Thia opcration should not be conducted near a ñre, owiug to üie mflammable nature of the campheno vapor.


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