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- Ou Sunflay'next the Rev. Mr. Sailor, of Allegan, will oocupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian (Jhurch. - The anuual mseting of the State Conference of the Unitarian Church is to held iu this city, Tuesday, Wedneaday, and Thuraday, April 3, 4, aud o. - Rav. U. H Brighain'a closing lecture of the courae on the Reformation will be gieu at tliü Unitarian Church on the next Sunday eveoing. Subject - The Life and Influeiice of Johu Calvin. - Prof. Laird, oí überliu, O , preached at the Congrefjational Church on Sunday last. Before the morning services Dr. Angelí read a letter frotu Prof. Kyder acceptiug the offer of the pastorsliip of the chuich. He will entar upon duty the flrst Suuday in May. Sonietiine ago the House, up at Lansing, deteateil and theu reconsidered and tabled a joiut resolution providing for the purchase of oue hundred copies of a certain book, " Michig.m aud the Oentenuial," by our old fellovvcitizen S. B. McCracken. On Fnday last the same subject cauie bei'ore the House again, the Uommittae on SUte Libraiy reportiug back 8enate Joint Kesolution No. 2 for the same purpose, recommeuding its passage, enumerating the favora recaived trom otlier States, and the " courteaies " to be roturnoil. The discussion wlnch followed the report was hot and heavy, but we let the Detruit Tribune correspondent teil the tale : It was defeated this time, as before, entirely by the strouuous exertion ol A. S. Sawyer, whosa argumeut was that " the State can not aft'ord to spead Í7Ó0 to be courteous," a doctrme tliat the joople of Michigan may not thauk hira for laymg down lor them ; but hia oppoaitiou to the moasure appears to hare been lairly conducted and honest ; he did not, as Wood and Stanchtield did, insinúate thut there is any job or steal about it. He knew what they didu't, that it is no " job " at all. He kuew the amouut of retaliation hs was courting, and where ït will strike, aud yet ho weut in tor a tight. The above opinión of the book and the propriety of placing 100 copies at the tibrariau's disposal have been stated bet'ore m these letters ; but the resultation having once been beateu, that should have been the end of it ; it is uot of such vast importauce as to have been entitled to all of another morning's time lor discussion. And if its fate only arouses such autagonism as will defeat Mr. Sawyer's bill to pay S20,000 for Mr. Eice Beal s nephew's Brazilian variety show, tor the University, the State will be very much the gainer, in the present statO of public and private nuances. Peihapa that is just what Mr. Sawyer would like tu have happen: ïor ït ia said that evèrythiug has not gone ioveiy between him aud his cliënt of late ; there has beeu a reckless disregard on their part as to wlio oocupied the next room at the Lansiug House. And as to Mr. Beal - well, the Lord made nothing in vain. As Mr. Beal, no matter trom what motive, has more thau auy one else been iustrumental in bringing about this legislative dissection of laboratorial inwardness, it must be confessed that Mr. tíeal, too, has his uses. Certaiuly he ought to be satisfied with the glut of revenge that awaits Inm iu the forthcoming report, without wanting to haul into the family $20,000 of bug mouey. It is but fair, however, for us to say, that 11 Beal's nephew " ia oniy a cousin of a very distant degree, and that there is considerable inerit in his " Braziliau variety show," whether the State is or is not prepared to purchase it. The Senate Umversity Committee say of it- in their recent able report : "The Beal-Steere collection, which is one of the most valuable of its kiud in thia couutry, it not in the world,- contaiuing many new and rare species, - consista of 100,000 shells (laúd and sea), Ü,ÜOO birds, 8,000 iusects, 1,000 coráis, 100 mammals, 2,500 botauical specimens, 300 specimens of ancient pottery, 1,700 specimens in the general archeological collection, 1,000 minerals, and 2,000 specimens in spirits." Hit Beal wlien you chooae, reporters and journalists, - he has his own club to strike back witb, and we'll hold your garmentn, - but Iet every tub stand on its owu bottom. Auy university in the country would be glad to own the " Steere Collecticn," and we hope that sotne day it may become the property of the Michigan University.


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