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A i'iiiM inNewburgh, N. Y., is ping lawn-mowers to Englmul and Germany. The orders are large. Australia importad rabbits to koop down the tveeds. 8he is aam. irnportiug weazels to keep down the rabbits. The French say that their comrnerce j sprang up f rom 5,800,000,000 frailee to 7,700,000,000 in consequonce of the Exposition of 18G7. A Pittsfikiid maimfaotnreí is sendmg carriage nigs and bankets to South America, Norway and Sweden, and is enlarging bis mili, as a result of the Exliibition. No port so stnnll uow a not to be able to tl'ade with Brasil direct. Iliöhruoild, Va,, has just dispatched tivo brigs to Brazil loaded with flonr, petroleum, nnd clothing. Tiie London Times sayB that " tlie Hupply of provisions from America can be poured unceasingly into this country without danger of exceeding the evergrowing deinand." Germany's resolution is uushaken not to go into the Exposition of 1878. As the Director General will not recognize prívate exhibitors, and Germany rcfuses to appoint the Commissioner through whom the exhibitors must apply, the nonparticipation of the GerinaiiB eems a nxed faot, The smaller cotton porta did better this year khan New Orleans. Tlie total rcceipts since Sept. 1 were 3,407,924 bales, against 3,295,251 last year ; but New Orleans received 9(51,169 l)ales, as compared with 1,059,892 last year. Norfolk, Mobile, and Galveston show a híuidsome iucrease. Charleston and Savannah exported lesa. A vkhkbti has jnst sailed from Philadelphia for Italian ports laden with samples of American goods of all descriptions. A special agent will distribbute them throughout the kingdom with the view of obtaining orders in competition with European manufacturera. Philadelphia is manifesting a great deal of the commercial spirit which iusures the prosperity of a seaboard community. The Department of Agriculture rcports Üiat the corn erop of this year will reach about 1,295,000,000 bushels. Illinois heads the list of States with 250,000,000 bushels. Next in rank are Iowa (155,000,000), Ohio, Indiana, Missouri and Kansas. The pricc of corn is highest in Massachusetts (95 cents) and lowest in Kansas (23 cents). The wheat erop of this year will reach nearly 250,000,000 bushels. The wonderful stories that were" told early last year as to how cheaply a valuftble quality of pig iron coukl be manufactured in the State of Ohio have been realized by the work of the season. The metal is produoed at a cost of only $12 or $13 a ton. Thoy Imve the iron, liine stone, and coal sometimes on the same i land, and alwayg near together. Ordinarily the same grade of metal has cost from $1? to $23 to produce. Cheap iron is assured to the United States. The report of the Auditor of Cincinnati for the year ending Jan. 1, 1877, states the total bonded debt of that city at $21,901,327.45. Of this $15,604,000 are railroad debts, 14,542,000 of it for the Cincinnati Southern railway. The tiixable valuation of the city Jan. 1, 187(5, was $184,498,565. The bicorne of the city for the year ending Jan. 1, 1876, was 8785,000, and of this $811,000 was procured by the salo of city bonds. It is said that since the Auditor's report came out the issue of bonds for the Cinoinnati Southem has been iucreiised to $17,342,000.


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