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A DOLLAR SAVED IS A OLLAR EARNED ! o NEW GOODSI And primen LOWKH THAN KVER. í hiive puriíhnstid in NVw York, for cnnhf and I Hin now djiily receiving one of the largert and most neU-et stocks of Grooerics in W-idhtenuw Couuty, consistinff of a full and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of thii nt;w crop - ineluding (.IIIIIOU rs. II1H ii;ils, Olint 11} - sous, ll suais. Jupans, Oolons, fur1HUF.ÍIN, Cung-ou, Souchougf, and 'l'tvankaya, Together with a full line of COFFEE8, conei8tínir of the following branda: MOCHA, OLD CIOV'T JAVA, MAliACAlBO, LAGUAYKE.SANTOS and RIO, both roasted and ground ; a full and well aelectod Htock of 5UCARS, SYtf UPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line of PurO Spices, Canned lruiía, and Vegetables. We have a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIso, a choice assortment of Ladie' and Ge ntlcmen's Underwcar Cali and exanilne Gooda and Prices and we will insure satiafaction. EDWARD UFFY. " Maynard'e Block,-1 cor. Main and Ann streete Ann Arbor, Mich. THilx-.ït caeh price paid for all farm produce, "a Scwing Machines THE SIITGER., XTH W DOMESTZC, Aad tlie HOWE, And severa! soocl Second-Hand Machines at the SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Ann Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines The very bost that are made, and attachments and parts for nearly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rspairi'd better therc than anywhere else in América, If your machine don't work well, trade it for one that does, or have it repaired. All machines sold ou easy payments at the office. Sccond door east of Poot Office, Ann Arbor, iTIicn. (1556) 1. I,. - ií I i;ri-, Affent. TE HEALTH LIFT. A THOROUGH GYMNASTIC SYSTEM FOR LADIE8 AND GENTLEMEN, IN" TEN MINUTES ONCE A IJAY. Tile Health Litt ia a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. Forthe attainment and preservation of Health. It is the beat meaua ot PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT IS THE SIMPLEST, SAFEST AN1) MObT KKFICIE.VT MODE OF TAKINO ALL NEEDED EXECISE. In the brief space of ten raioutes all the muscles are gradually . thoroughly, and aymmetrically broufyht into action Concentratod uxercüe for the busy and sedentary. ANN ARBOR OFFICE AND PARL0R8, 11 East Hu ron S South of Oourt House SAMBO XI. miIIS FAMOUS SIRE-thouijh still extonsively X mlvertiscti by parties having hia last year'a pifs - is owned by us, and has been at the head of ouc l''i'i'kshires the past six months. Wc own lus Mitir1 [irogony .sin?d since 8eptember last. The equallj famous "CHARLI DICKEN8" and "CANADA NE(iRO," lustroua for thoir many Irizes won in Rusland. Canada, and at the Centennial, have beeo al the head of our Kssex and Suffolks tlu; past six months. All who See our Poland Chinas say they are unequaled. Making a specialty of swine breeding, and having largo hoida of oach variety, we can LCi.'nerully till orders on short notice - say 30 or 40 (lays. All charlea prepaM to Jackson or Detroit, but nothing Bbipped ('. O. D. 1IAL.L. llïtOS.. i mile from U. 11., March, 1877. Ann Arbor, Mich. piASHIONABLE DRKSS MAKING. Mrs, Wood invites the ladiea of Ann Arbor and vicinity to culi ut her Droas-Mnkinf? Room, otoi the store of Ilinaey & Seabolt, Washington street. A full line of new jind littest stylea of patterna const'inily on hand. Quality of work warranted, and prices made to suit the times. A share of publu; patrouajieis reBpectfully solicited. 171578 4 BSTRACTS OF TITLES. Tho underaijmed, Regislor df Deds, will promptly and carelully inuke Abstracts of titles, From the Original Records, For Attorney, Agonta, Owners, or PurchaBers. No pnins will be spared to ffivea complete chainof title, and ahow all euuuinbrunces. Charges reauonable. CHAS.H. MANLY. Ann Arbor, January 10, 1877. 1617. TRE HILL FAR FOR SALE. Adjoining the West line of the City of Ann Arbor, Ín township two south of range six eat, comprising the east huif of the northeuHt quarter of section ninetcn ; and that part of the west half of the west half of the northwest quarter of section twenty, lying north of t,he turnpike ; in all 100 42-100 acres, witb House, Barn, an Unfailing Spring of Water, And about tifty acres well improved ; flrat claHa lund and situation bnutiful. Two-thirds of the piimhtine money niay reraain on the land three to live years. Forterms applyto GEO. E. HAND, OrlI. J. BEAKU'S, Detroit. Ann Arbor. 1574tf fl) f f Can't be made by every agent every V I I Jmonth in the business we furnish, but lll i I Mlh-' will i iig to work can earn a dozen w U U Udollur.saday in there own localities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and honorable. Women, and boys and jiirls do as weW BB men. We ïrtU furnish you a complete outfit free. Tho nusincss pays better than anything else. We will bear expense óf starting you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and mechanica, tlit'ir EKn8 and daughters, and all classes in need of paylag vork at home, should wr;te to usand learn all about the work at once. Now ia the time. Don't delay. Atldress, True Jt Co., Augusta, Maine. 1Ö20 TINSEY & ÖEABOLÏ'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - FLOUR & FEBD STOK K. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FÜR WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. We nhall alBO Iceep a BUpply of DELHI FLOUR,, J. M. 8WIFT 00-3 BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUK, KYE FLOUR. BUCKWWHEAT FL.OUK, CüRN MKAL, FEED, At wholexnle and retnil. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hnnd, which will be aold on aa reasonuble lenin aa at uny otber house in thin city. Cash pnid for llutter, Kggs, and Country Pro2nce generally. U3t Goods delirorcd to any part of the city with out extra charge. RIMSEV &. SEABOIr. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1. 1876. 1564 Sall AND SKK TUK JACKSON TRUSS KOD WAGON Alio, the New It tirlit-Miiinl Burra 11 Iran Cum Sneller, at M. ROGERS'. THE Dl GEE áb CONARD CO.'S 111:11 111 1 1. 1 1 !t-m 00 11 1 m. ROSES Stront? Pot Planta, suitable for immedíate flowering, srint safely by mail, postpaid. ö aplendid varietics, your cholee, all labeled, for tl: 12 for 2; 18 for 3; 20 for KI ; 35 for 4ö. I'or Kt cents eiich, additional, one Murniflccnt Premium Kose to every rtollur's worth oidered. 8end for our .w l.iiiik. 10 Itose Culture, and ehootui (rom over 300 flnent sort. We make Rose a Great Speclitlty, aud are the largest Kosegrowers 111 América. Kefer to 100,00( cuBtomere in the Unitnd Btate and Canada. THR DINtiKK & CONARD CO., IIoke BOWEB8, West Grove, Cheater Co , Pa. 182Gw4 To ilio u urK Class.- We are now piu] to furnisli all classes with COIuUnt 'inplorment at home the hole of their time, or for the spare momnta. Business uut, liht and profilublf. Persons of eithyr s'x uasüy carn from 50 centa to ?.5 per venina, and a proportional sum by devoting thuir whule time to the business. Boys and girls earu neurly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their addresa, and test the business we make this unparallelcj offerTosuch asare uot will satisfied will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writiug. Full particularB, samples worth several dollars to coiumence work on, and a eopy of Home and Fireside, one of the best illustrated publications, all sent free by mail. Ueader, if you want permanent, profitable work, addres9, Gko. Sti.nson 4 Co., Portland, Me. C 1 A lity at home. Agenta wan led. Outfit Pwand termlrTRUE & OO., Augusta, Me RAILROADS. MÏCHWAK C EXTRA L rAIIjP no . io,jm AB ooiwo wii =====5s ATIOI. ij HLl JsW Detroit, leaTe, I 7 0ü 9 10 i?; P-Mr O.T.Junction, ! T 15 9 ar, i ? h. WayneJunction ; 46 9 50 Í 'i'lt ïpailanti, 8 15 10 17 S il AnnArbor, 8 36 10 35 $ ' 1) ï Ielhi, 8 50 Si' lij Dexter, 9 00 S "' - - -L? Chelaea, , 9 18 : 82- Ora Lake, 9 4; p.M 'mi Jackson.Lv., HO ïo 12 oo t tm' a u. Albion, :U04 12 45: ■ i,l{ Marshall, 11160 1 30 _: g " 1 1, BattleCreek, 12 20 1 17 7-i Galesburg. 12 U ZZ! }g[l Kalaniazoo, ! 1 15! 2 38 4 ÍJv fc?- Lawton, 1 66 1 4 4., 'r l !. Decatur, ■L ir, : J J! L; Dowagiac, , 2 41 ; 5 ■. Nü. 8 11 4 07 6 U }JJk ThreOkB 3 56 4 .13 7 04 I51-. NewBuflalo, 4 13 14 56 7 21 Michigan Clly, 4 40 5 20 7 50: ;fLnko, 5 23 5 5i 35; f 5 l Kensington, 6 20 6 4n 9 40 '■' I Uhicago, arrire, 7 06: 7 25" 10 2jl OOIHO KAST. '__ ■ A. M. A. M. p. M. LT' ("hicago, leave, 5 00 8 30 3 0 ti ' Kenaington, 5 45 9 12 4 sr, , !í ' ' Lake, 6 40 9 54 6 03 i','. SS Michigan City, : 7 32 10 40 6 Ï5 :7lgS N'ew Buffalo, 7 05 11 00 (, 01 Three Oaka, 8 09 U 13 7 03 Huohannn, 8 41 7 50 Nilea, 9 üi' 11 55 8 20 77 rDuwuKiac, ! 9 27 , 8 4S "PI Deoalur, 9 52 9 Ij Lawton, i 10 10 P. m. 9 s:. Kulumazoo, 10 50 1 li 10 10' iík!"!" Ouleaburg, 11 12 BattleOreek, 11 47 1 67 ■ , Marshall, Í12 45J2 40 Pn1nT Albion, 1 1U 3 02 ilqj' I Ia.h. 4 „ Jacknon, I.v., 2 15 3 45 i 7 95 10 , Gnu. Lake, 2 45. , 7 j CheUea, 10 - - Dexter, 3 25: 8 37 - . Í Delhi, 3 37 8 M IT ( Ann Arbor, 3 52 4 55 9 m f „ 7. YpeilantL 4 15 5 10 9 27 i L " WayneJunc, 4 43 5 29 1(00 (í'í G.T. June., 6 30 0 00 10 45! Si! Detroit, Ar., I 5 46 6 16 ,11 03 jjj 'Öundays ezcepted. :.Stur(lav and nnd. opted. tüaily. H.B. LBDYARD, Oen'l 8upt Iw. H. C. Wkntwobth. Uen. Pasa. Agt., Cliioga. Corner Main and HurooSlmi I IF YOU WANT A GOOD OVERC04! AND WANT TO BUY IT CHKAf (iO TO WM. WA6ÜEBS For He is Selling Overcoats at Goal IF YOUR BOY WANTS A BOX OF COLLABS SEND H1M TO WM. WAGMS FORTHERE HE CAN GET THE BEST M I THE LKA8T MOSBÏ. IP YOU WAXT AGOODöUIT MADE TO OEDEE, go to WM. WACNER'S 21 South Main Sr. Ann Abbob. THE ENEMY OF DISEASE! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Is the Grand Old MUSTANG LINIMENT ■W'hich has Btood the lest of forti f Thore ia no Sore lt will not beal, do t"" I will not cure, no Ache, no Pal" tbat ""rLv t Human Body, or the Body ol a Uoree """p meBtic animal, that doca not yiM "J. jï touch. A bottle coatinK 25c., 50c, or 1 "; ten saved the life of a human Iwing, u"to life and uaefulnea manj a valuaOl t'.ETNA Í Capital, - - &fa Assets Jan I, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Yesrsi $44, 760, 391. 71. Surplus over all Liabilities, inclnd' Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,093.36Net Surplus over Liabilities. todj1 Re-Insurance and Capital bt $1,735,092.36. C. MACK, Agent, Ann i. C EORGE W. CEOPSEY, lx iéi I Late of the firm of Clark .CRí"5íi'm3í:l Kkabnkï, late of Texas, undcr toe n KEARNEY & CKOP; lave pstabllshed themsdves al '■ "' nln St., Aun Arbor, and prPM Crocerv Business nd FOREIGN FBOITS. They b A First-class Eating I"P ment, v, Vhcrc Meal can be had at all hour, o the eek. .'" Ca.l, pald for Butler. E,-. produce. " 'mbf r lM r red in any part of the city. B"" S3 South .nainrec'; , Ano Arbor, April 26, 1876 I $5 - $20 iü# 'LL


Old News
Michigan Argus