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State News Brevities

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A Detroit paper claims that that oit; can boast of the largest membership in iti Young Men's Chrittiaa Assooiation in proportion to its population, of any city in the Union. Wagner sleeping car No. 12, of the New York Central line, oaught fire in tbe Michigan Central yard, at Detroit, Sunday afternoun, from a defectire stovepipe. The fire engines extinguished the flamea. The inside of the oar was entirelv burned out, inrolring a loss of $5,000. Calrin C. Burt, a Jaokson lawyer, receutly arrested and taken to Detroit on a oharge of collecting f426.17 under false pretensos. Being arraigned before the pólice court he entered a plea of not guilty, and was admitted to buil. W. D. Morton & Co., private bankers of Detroit, made an assignment Maroh 22. Mr. Morton has been arrested and jailed for alleged falsa pretensos, in default of 20,000 bail. In the postal oar "General Dix." rooently buruud on the Lake fShore & Miohigan Southern Railway, there was a registered pouoh, containing 80 lbs of gold coin. The Coin was melted into almost a solid mass of bullion by the intensity of the ñames. There has been an immense amount of work perforined on the new capítol tbe present winter' The iron stairs leading from the basement to the tkird floor, overloolting the Senate chamber, are in poiition, the lathiug will be finished in a few days, the floors are ready for the concrete, and everything is in readiness for the spring campaign..aising Republiean. The log luirveat at Cheboygan during the winter just past, aggregated 50,980, 000 feet, with 500,000 feet of square and board titnber. Monday morniug last Frank Moorman, aged twenty three, oldest son of Ooorge Moorman Kaq., was shot and instantly killed by bis brother. The killing was accidental. The brothers had been squabbling as to who should gt up first, when the younger brother arose, and picking up a revolrer, supposed to be unloaded, and, as it afterward proved, with but one barrel filled, told Frank to get up or he would ehoot him, and after wuiting a moment shot him, the ball passing a little below the heart. - Ypsüttnti Cor. if Detmt Tribune. A township superintendent of schools in S&nilac county writes his business notices after the following style : "You are aloud to go on with the Howling of logs from , and such other Beasness as long as you don't alow any axposest Parson in your store that hes anyways ner Mixing with this it hes stnall pox." On Friday laat F. H. Walker, a farmer about three miles from Mt. Clemeus, was sowing grasa seeed when he disco vered a man dead in his field. Nuthing was found on his person to identify him. The deceased appeared to be about sixty years oíd. No marks of foul play were discovered, and from appearauces the body had probably been there a week or more. On Sunday evening last the residence of A. T. Laniphere, Coldwater, with its contents, wm entirely destroyed by fire. Loss about $1,000 ; ingured for about $4,000.


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Michigan Argus