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- Alderman-elect G-ott was serenaded on Tuesday evening. _- The suinmer term of the public schools of this city opened on Monday last. - March did n't go out much like a hon, bat jaade his exit in remarkably good humor. - Exercises were resumed in the Literary Department of the University on Wednesday. - liereaiter the homeopaths are to have a portion of the hospital pavillions set apart for their use. -A hegira from Ypsilanti to the Black Hills jreported. The juvemle chaae after the end of the rainbow and that fabled pot of gold. - Tliose April showers you read about carne with the very first day of the month. The day was one of shower, sunshine, thunder, and ffiod. The monthly inspection and drill of Coinpany A will take place at the arraory on Monday evening, April 9. The public are invited. - Bev. Dr. Brigham is to preach in Universalist Hall, Hillsdale, on Thursday evening next, April 12. Subject - The ideas of a rational religión. - The work of Dr. Douglas at the laboratoiy is to be distributed arnong the other professors, to be assisted by Charles S. Van Cleve, of the class of 1873. - W. D. and F. O. Williams, sons of J. D. Williams, of this city, left for California on Friday last, with a view to making their homes in that State. - In accordance with a vote of the Regenta, Prof. Jeany is to prepare piaus tor a central boiler house from which all the University buildings can be heated. - Last year the common council was politically divided : Republicans, 9 ; Democrats, ó. l'his year it is : Republicans, 8 ; Democrats, 6. Wat's the hodds ? - Grocers and dealera were paying yesterday: for wheat, ll.40aS1.50 ; corn, 30a32c ; oats, 35a40c ; apples, 30c ; potatoes, f 1.26 ; butter,20c; Eggs, 17; Lard, 12c. - Joe Jacobs requests us to sav that Mayor Cramer pledges $200 to the Toledo, Aun Arbor aud Jiorthern Railroad completioa fund. Xo be saved out of his salary, we suppose. - Marshal Cook disbursed in aid of the poor during March : First ward, $43.48 ; Second, Ï2:i.78; Third, $37 98; Fourth, $93.60; Fifth,47.14; Sixth, $24.92. Total, $270.90. -A Horse Show and Sheep Shearing Festival s to be held in this city, on the fair grounds of the Washtenaw Couuty Agricultural and Horticultural Society on the 23d, 24tu, and 2óth days of May. - Why the Beal complaint against W. W. Douglass was nolle prossed in Justice McMahon's Court : the threat8 were conditional and would n't warrant a conviction. So Attorney Siwver wntes to the justice. - Samuel Pettibone, an old resident of this city, and tor many years county surveyor, died at his residence in the Sixth ward on the night of the 3d inst., aged 78 years. He had been coufined to his home for a Ioug time. - The following is the Democratie City Committee duly appoiuted at the convention held on Friday evening last : George W. Cropsey, Ansou D. Besimer, Adam D. Seyler, Lewis C. Kisdon, Isaac Dunn, Chas. C. Church. -Miss Mary Wheeler, of this city, was married in San Francisco on the 3d inst., to Air. Eobert Lillie, of Scotland, and at three o'clock P. M, of the same day the happy couple sailed on the ateamer City of Pekin for Yokohama, Japan. - At the Council meeting on Tuesday evening Marshal Cook reported the arresta for the month of March as follows : drunk and disorderiy, 3 ; vagrancy, 1 ; larceny, 2 ; using obscene lauguage, 1 ; assault with intent to kill, !. Total, 8. - C. Mack, of the firm of Mack & Schmid, left for New York on Tuesday, to mako their ipring purchases, and before going requested the Aegus to say that in view of the falling market bnyers would do well to hold on until his return. - On the 3Oth uit. Gov. Croswell and the Senate cenferred happiness upon the following Washtenaw men by making them Notarios Public: W. E. Depew, Edward Duffy, A. Couklm, Hubert Orttnan, D. B. Taylor, G. O. Yandergriff, J. W. Young. - We notice that a Drain Commissioner wa3 nominated and elected in several townships of the county. The township drain law was so araended in 1875 that the commissioner holris office two years, so that no election should have been had this spring unless to fillavacancy. - On Saturday afternoon last William W. Douglass was arrestad on complaint of E. A. Beil, charged with threatening to shoot the lattei' it he didn't change the tone of the Courier. Douglas was held to bail and his examinination set down for Wednesday forenoon, before vhich hour the oomplaint was withdrawn. -In the Circuit Court on Friday last Judge Huntington entered his decisión in the slaughter house case, holding the ordinanoe void so far as it concerned slaughter houses erected before its passage. The Council on Saturday eveniug ordered an appeal to the Suprema Court. It would have been modest, to s&y the least, to have waited the incoming of the new Coudcü. - Israel Eaaty, of Lodi, is now in jail in thi city, charged with committing a murderous assault upon his wife aud daughter on Monday last. Easty is insanely joalous of his rte, and imagines that there is a oonspiracy to kill him, He says that he hasn't slept so well in four years as since lodged in jail, - thinking himself safe from the assassins of his honor aud life. - About 1 o'clook A. M. on Fnday last a vacant dwelling on the corner of Washington and Iiigalls street, in the Sixth ward, was oompletely destroyed by fire. The engines did not 'each the spot in time to ranke an effort. The building was owned by J. H. Peebles, was valled in the neighborhood of 11,400, and was 'iisured for tl.OOO in the Watertown (N. T.) Insurance Company. - Our neighbor of the Courier ia informed "at ueither Dr. Angelí nor any member of of auy " University Bing " inspired the para8'aph which he makes tlie subject of comment and the cause of threats, and that Dr. Angelí hew riothing of it until he saw it in print. Ihe Aegus knows no "ring" and no partiaiship in University matters, and thinks wdspeaks for itself. - A fire alarm on the afternoon of Wednesday called out the firemeu and the citizens generally, and both engines were soon playing ater upon the residence of Eugene Oester'nn on Fourth street, corner of Pontiac. The 8r onginated in the attic and wa3 subdued "efore doing great datnage, but the water fln■■'Pü the job. The contonts were speedily and "% removed. Insured for ffiOÜ for the bene6t of a mortgagee. - The board ot county canvassers will meet at the Clerk's oflioe in this city on Tuesday next, to canvass the votes polled on Monlay last ior Justioe of the Supreme Court and Agente of Ule University. It will be necesIMJ' to cali a special session of the board of upervisors to cauvass the Court House loan Yte if plans are to be adopted and work inlugurated the present ycar. -Alm Arhor Commandery No. 13 electert the 'ollowing oHicers on Friday evening last ; Em'fent Cominander, James Boyd ; Generalisim. L. C. Risdou ; Captain-General, John L Batleigh; Prelite, William D. Harriman ; Recorder, Hudson T. Morton ; Treasurer, fted. Sorg ; Senior Warden, Bufus Cate ; Jun10' Warden, Charles S. Millen ; Standard Bearer, Michael Fleming; Sword Bearer, E. J' Johnson ; Tyler, John Little. - The red ribbon boys and the ladies made a capital hit in running a lunch room ín the opera house basement on election day. Dropping in during the afternoon we saw a number of men sober and happy wham we remember haring seen in a Tery different condition on previouB election days. And it was both curious and interesting to hear some of them inging temperauce and Suoday-school songa. May they continue in the good way. - Professor Jenney's lecture before the Ann Arbor Scientiñc Association ou Wednesday evening was a most enjoyable ona, The natural productions of Tehuantepec were described in their scientitc relations, with steries of personal experience in this mteretting región, and almost every object mentioned was made to appear in certain characteristic lines on the blackboard. A few chalk lines from Mr. Jenney's hand seem to teil the whole story, - " Three times and out" was the motto of the Hepublicans in putting a candidato for Mayor in the field. The convention nominated Emanuel Manu, who had no a&pirations in that direction and said " no you don't ; " then the committee sought to laad William Noble to the slaughtor, who recollected running once and would n't do it again ; and then Henry C. Waldron, " pleased with a rattle and ticlcled with a straw," consented to fi!l the vacancy, and wa Mayor until the polls closed Monday afternoon, - and no longer. - Charlie Millen has got home, and those new goods are coming in in large quantities. See the advertiseraent in another column, and know that Millen & Son mean business. - On Wednesday E: C. Seaman, Esq., read an essay on "Atheism and Materialism" before the Unitarian Conference which commenced its session on Tuesday evening. - In the Supreme Court on Wednesday, judgment below in the case of James S. Reynolds vs, the Continental Insurance Company, was affirmed with costs, beating Reynolds, - Immediately folio wing the official canvass on Tuesday evening Mayor elect Cramer took the oath of office and the responsibility of the city government now rests upon his shoulders. At a later hour in the evening he was seitnaded at his residence on the corner of División and Washington streets. - In the Circuit Court yesterday forenoon Judge Huntington gave his decisión in the chancery case of the Regents against Dr. Douglas, Dr. Rose, R. A. Beal, and the executors of the estáte of R. S. Smith. He decided against the demurrer, so far as to Rose, with eosts, and dismissed the bill as against Beal and the Smith executors, also with costs. -Judge Huntington entered his decisión in the Beal contempt of court case on Wednesday, finding against Beal and fining him íioo, If Beal shall keep on in the even tenor of his way he is likely to prove a liberal contributor to the school library fund. Un Saturday morning last, March 31st, Dr. Henry S. Cheever, of this city, died at his residence on Washington street, ol consumption, aged 39 years. Dr. Cheever graduated fiom the Literary Department of the University in 1863, in the same class with his two brothers, Noah W. (late Judge of Probate) and Byron W., and afterward from the Medical Department. He was appointed professor of materia medica in the Medical Department in 1869, which chair he fiiled with honor until 1872, when he retired temporarily aad went to Calorado in search ot health. Returning somewhat improved he entered on duty again in üctober 1875, but was obliged to giTe up before the close of the term, and finally to resign his position. Dr. Cheever was popular as a lecturer and as a physician, and his wife and children hare the sympathy of a larg circle of friends. - At a meeting of the Medical iaculty hld en Tuesday appropaiate resolutions vrere adopted, a copy oí which has not been furuished us for publication.