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A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR KA KN KI) ! NEW GOODSI And prices LOWER THAN EVER. I have purchaaed in New York, fot cnah, and I fim now daíly recuivinií uno of the largeHt and most aelect stocks of Groceries in Washtenaw County, oonsiating of a íull and well selected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop- including ; ii il iwwden, Impértala, Younff II ykoii, Hysons, Japans, OoIomk'v, l'oruiosaa, Cong-ou. Souchongt, and TivimUii}-, Together with a full line of COFFKES, oonsiatlng of the followin; branda: MOCHA., OLD OOV'T JAVA, HAKACAIBO, LAGUAYUE,9ANTOS and RIO, both roaated and round ; a full and well aelected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Toguther with everything in the line cf Pure Spicua.Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiory. Also, a choice aasortment of Lndies' and Oentlemen'ii Underwear. Culi and examine Ooods and Fricea and we will insure satiafaction. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynurd'a lllock,' cor. Main and Arm elreets Ann Arbor. Mich. B9Highe8t catih price puid for all farm produce. tt THE HEALTH LIFT. A THOROUGH GYMNA8TIC SYSTEM FOR LAÜIl'S ANU OHNTLKMKN, IN TKN MINUTES ONCE A DAY. The Hualth Uit is a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. Forthe at tuin mout and pronervutiun of Heallh. It is the beat means of PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT IB THE 8IMPLE8T, SAFKST AND MOST EFFICIËNT MODE OF TAKING ALL NEKDKU KXKC1HK. In the brief apaee of ten miuutee all the musolea are grudually , thoroughly, and aymmotriciilly brought into aotion. Conoentrated exerciue for the bur and aedentary. ANN ARBOR OFFICE AND PARL0R8. 11 Eaat Hurou 8 South of Court House Sewing Machines THE SIITGER, NEW DOMESTIC, Axxd tiae HOWS, And several good Second-Hand Machines at the SEWINU MACHINE OFFICE, Auu Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines The very best that are made, and attachuicnta and parts for ucarly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rapaircd better therc than anywhere else In America. If your machine don't work well, trade it for one that doea, or have it repaired. All machines gold ou easy paynicnU at the office. Second door east of Post Office, Ann Arbor, IHicb. (155() I. I.. GR1NNELL, Airen t. SAMBO XI. THIS FAMOUS SIRE- thouKh btill extensively advertiscd by parties haring his last year's pigs- is owned by us, and has been at the bx-ad of our Berkshires the past six months. We own his entire progeny sired since September last. The equally famons "CHARLES DICKEN8" and " CANADA NEGRO," lustroua for their many prizes won in England, Canada, and at the Oenteunial, have been at the head of our Essex and Suffolks the past six months. All who see our Poland Chinas say they are unequaled. Making a specialty of swine breeding, and having large herds of each varicty, we can generally nll orders on short notice - say 30 or 40 days. All cbaiges prepaid to Jackson or Detroit, but nothing shipped C. O. D. II V I.l. BROS., 1 mile froin, .Mari'h, 1877. Am Abbob, Mich. ICE I IOIE I We have the largest and best erop of ice ever put up in this city. We have oa hand about 3,000 tons, and will deliver it to familieSf hotels, etc., ut the following prices for the whole season. 25 lbs. 6 times a week, 92 OO a iiiontli 25 " 4 " 1 T5 " 25 3 " " ., Hotels and restaurants at twenty-flve oentê per 100 lbs. Kuch month invariably cash in sdvance. J. 1VM. HAIÍGSTERFER t CO. 1029w3 A BSTEACTS OF TITLES. Tho undersigned, Regislor of Deods, wül promptly and malee Abutracts of titlea, Fr jm the Original Becords, For Attorneys, Agenta, Owners, or Purchaaers. No paiim will be spared to irive a complete chain of title, and show all eiicumbrtinces. Charges rusonable. CHA8.H. MANLY. Aon Arbor, January 10, 1877. 1617. (f) f f ACan't bemade by every agent every L Mmouth iu the busfuess we furnish, but lll i ■ M1'10 willing to work can earn a dozen U J J J i]:iYs a day in there own localitics. Have no room U explain here. Business pluasant and honorable. Wonit-u, and boys and girls do as welli.smun. We will furnish you ft cúmplete outfit iVrr. The busioess paytt better than anythiug ele. Wc will bcar expense of starting you. Partlculara f ree. Wrile and see. Farmers and mechanies. thcir sous and dauKhtcrs, and all classes in nced of payiug work at homet should writc to us and learn all about tbu work at once. Now ia the time. Don't delay. Addru8, Tkuk A Co., Auguata, Maine. . 1620 &K ♦ W'ííi Per day at home. Samplen woith ?5l w wU $i free. Stimsoh & Co., Portland, Me. . 678 TISS MArVTIE M. JHILNER, Teacher of the Piano. Instructlon giveo at the realdence of the pupil ftf desired. For terma tnquire at reaidence, No. 48 Houth State ■treet. ltiUui3 RAILROADS. "UI CBWTO APRIL 15, 187? _OOIHTWMÏ7=====; 1IJl#! Detroit, leve, i 001"" "itó'?; ï jaïïg"- 1Í?:J? S ïï & !S!=??'- ts: GraaLake, ,M fe,- jlg. arahal,. „, 1M!, gjjffl BattleCreek, 12 í 1 57 S? ,„ 1 Gale.burg, 12 _5ll 8' Kalamaioo, 1 15 2 s8 Áj! !."" Decatur, 15 1: Dowagiac, j 41 f 1 !) _ ÏJüe, gil 4 07 Oio !mHuchanan, 5 24: A J, I SS 1 ThrecOaks J 561 4 43! 7 ÍS 10New Buffalo, 4 13 :J 5S 7 Sí I Michigan City, 4 40 5 ! 7 5J - KeBdnKtoa. 6 20 6 S 9 Chicago, arrire, 7 061 T 25I1OM _OOIH8ïi8T. "" rrsii ■ A.M. lp m. "n" Chlcaffo.leave, 6 00 8 30, 3 j Vat KeDuiugton, 6 45 9 12 4 3:, " tl-' i Lake, 6 40 9 54' g 4] Michigan City, 7 32 10 40 6 S I'J l] NowBuffalo, 7 65 11 ooi 6 5li I " II Three Oaks, 8 09 n 13' 7 09 '!'- HM n Buchanan, 8 41 750 ■ Niles, 9 OP 11 55 8 20 iT Dowagiac, 9 27 : 8 48 ' i: Decatur, 9 52 9 ls 'M,. Lawton, 10 10 p. x. 9 si ' - Kalamazoo, 10 60! 1 ig j0 10 ï; TOalesburif," 1112 lJS,I,1'i Battle Creek, 11 47 1 67 m m S S {PMarahaU, 12 45 2 40 8 ij'Tï,,, Albion, 1 10! 3 02 i.n J.„u Jackaon, Lv., 2 16 3 45 6 20 SS iF Gra Lake, S 451 5 48 in ïï ' !i lii: CheUea, 3 10 J " J ,- ;- Dexter, lü J J J - - Delhi, 3 37 6 - Aun Arbor, 3 52 4 55 7 00 II 15 T„ - Yp.ilanti, 4 15 1 5 10 7 15 1 { f. ■■ WayneJunc, 4 43 6 29 7 40 ; G. T. June, 6 30! 6 00! S S5 ij ij ! „ I Detroit, Ar., 5 461 6 15 8 40 12 30 'tt Í! :8aturd" Md "i. h. o. wgggBaa&a? DETROIT, HILLSDALEÍaí ANA EAILEOAD. "■■ To take effect December Slit ii;8 001110 WEaiiu,. TATIOH8. Mai:. Exp. 8T1TIOKB. '7. i. K. f. M. "NUL Ypailantl.... 8:20 7:30 .?! 8l'"e 9:15 8:O{ Banken u BndKewater.. 8:42 8:25 ! HüUdal u! ï MancheaUr. 10:12 8:48 ManchsaW. ! y Huyale líw 8aÍ!8ÜSj Banker. ... l:Oo 11:00 Ypwlanti il u Train run by Chicago timeT To take efieot. April , 1877 W.F.PARKEE.Bnft.Tliiaitó. GREAT WESTERN RAIL VVAY. THE SHORT LINT BEOTEEN DETEOtl, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTOi PMlafleliita, AND ALL EASTEP.K CITrES. IQ miIiEStheShorteatLinefmi A i7 Dntroit to Buffalo anj 1'oiotiEut I & A ÍT Miles the shortest line from Delnajl ,O4 O Niágara Palls and points East. Surf Connectiona at Suspeniioi Ifriilifi and Buffalo wilh the New Vork Central audËrie Bailwap, The Track and EquipmeiUs ot tb; StU" WKBTEHS are perlecl, and ït ismanwei itti view to the SAFETY and COMFOWila Patrons. TOÜBISTS AND PLEASURE SlimShould bear in mind that the OREATWISTEJ Railway is the Shurtedt and most Coniii'' Route between Detroit, Buapanslon fitit [ Buffalo, and ia the only line wtuch MO98W Swp l ilion Bridge in f uil vieir of the falla. For information aod tickeU tía tlUyrroute apply to G. W. BHARPLBSS. Agent M. C. R. B., AnnAiborlii IF YOU WAOT A GOOD OVERCOAT AND WANT TO BUY IT CHEAt (O TO WM. WAGM'i For He ia Selling Overcoais at fe. IP YOUR BOY WANTS A BOX OF GOLLABS 8END HIM TO WM. WAGNElJ FOR THERE HE CAN GET THEBÏ?11" THE LEA8T MONEÏ. IF YOU WANT AGOODSIII MADE TO ORDER, got0 WIVI. WACIMER'S 21 South Main Sr. Ass . ■ . ' -i THE ENEMY OF DlSEASt THEFOEOFPA' TO MAN AND BEAST. Ia tbofiraud Olí MUSTANG liniment Whieh ha stood the tent of toM 1 There ia no Sore lt wül not l"1;."0. aiS5',' will not cure, no Ache, no I''" "„r Human Body, or the Body of ■" ;;. JJ mentic animul, tht doe not r "" „&, H_ touch. A bottle coiting 26c. W"; ,oa V ten Baved the life of a human ik 8'. „„ni. to Ufe and uaeíuloeBmBiJ%- BlciSlrtj X OFFER FOR SAI-E my BkSi I Huron ad Fourth "n''a„ti }tt Rotl. This Is one oí the ".ttM lucutions n the city, and wi" "í.-tii) fi. ur 1598 Jw - TJ SEÑÍ) ïirtoQROWBLL CO'iJf K lor pamphlst of 100 pa. g,,jMt1 3000 newnpapuH, and eatuoates ■ Aertiging.


Old News
Michigan Argus