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The rooeiver of the Erie railroad gcte $50,000 ayear. Tichbokne demonstrations have ngain broken out in England. The Texas cattle drive for the coming seasou is estiniated at 250,000 heatL Tkkue are New York young men whoso highest joy consista in beiug taken for English snobs. öeorob Macdonald, who has eleven ehildren, is the anthor of the " Annals of a Quiot Neighborhood." Peoi'IíE keep putting their posfcü cnrds in the mail before writing the address. Genius has become too general. The number of ehurch members among the Indiaus is estimated at 70,000, of whoin about 35,000 are Protestants. Sonset Cox has a way of smiling at an audience that makca everybody wonder if he doesn't have strawberries and cream the year round. Dubing the year 1874, 148,171 imraigrants arrived in this country from Greiit Britiin, in 1875 the number was 105,046, and in 1870, 75,533. A Boston grocer received 1G8 barrels of potatocs the otherday, all frozen. lior a few minutes he forgot altogether about the politica! situation. In Quebec 6,000 children reeeive gratuitous instrtiction in tho Catholic religious establishuaents, and 4,000 indigent siek are cared for during the year. Charleston has strawberries, New Orleaus has ncw potatoes, Baltimore has green peas, and Burlington has a fair supply of last fall onions still on hand. The Dominion Government has issued an order forbidding the running of raili-oad traína in Canada on the Sabbath exoept by direct order of the Government. It doesu't make any difference, after all, which city packs the most pork. It's the uumber of Ulster overcoats worn in a town which tells the story of its progresa , At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce in Pittsburgh a gentleman orged the chamber to "tlirow off its timidity audtry the virtue of cheek and brass. Grasshoppeks, bugs, field-mice, cows, frost, cold rains, floods and droughts are predicted for the West this summer. Nevertheless, the West is a glorious old expanse. Mus. ex-Senator Hendekson lias affectionately dedicatcd hercookory-book to her friend Mrs. Gen. Sherman, ' ' a latly who studies the comforts of her household." In a recent divoree case in California tho husbund èxhibited a broken arm, a torn car, a lame leg and thirteen scars to prove tliat his wife hadn't tried to make home happy. At a festival held at oneof the Dalton colored churehes n cako was awarded to the most graceful lady walkist in the room. The waddliug took plaee up and down the aisle. A Nobth Carolina negro got up a colonization selieme, mle 600 out of it, and then got up a tree to avoid the rush. When the Coroner found him he wnsn't in good health. A china service which once belonged to Maria Antoinette is owned by a Neto England woman, but the ax witli which the lamented Maria used to split kindling wood is owned in the West. The yellow-hnired oflicer who astonished the Indians in the iight on Ouster river was Capt. Thomas H. Frcnch, it is now believed, he being the only offtcer then wearing long, yellow hair. An Euglish girl laugliB at the idea that a woman cannot live comfortably with her mother-in-law, and advertises for some good-looking young fellow to give her a chance to try the experiment. The Seuate of Connocticut has passet! a liill giving married women the same property rights which they held before marriage, but prohibiting lmsbaiid and wife from conveying property to each other. T. B. Aldkich, in speaking of Harriet Martineau's Autobiography, remarked : " It is refreshing to sec anybody who can sit down and jast scoop out the brains of the people she describes, as Miss Martineau does." That directory mnii who inakes it out thnt Bt. Louis has a population of 501,489 csui get a iight in Chicago as quick as a wink. The Chicago Times has alrendy called him a liar ; but that don't count. TirE new resorvation of the Sioux Indians will be locatod west of the Chickasaws and Seminólos, to whoxn the Sioux are unknown. On the wcstof them will lx' the Anipiihocs and Chcycnnes. their old friends. CaiiIFoknia newspapers allcge that from unexplained causes that State, and San Francisco in particular, furnishos a greatcr nuniberof case of paralysie tlmn any othor similar rogion in the country, if not in the world. An intelligent foreigner writes to a rliiladelphia paper to say that when a dog curls his tail to the left it is an evidence of low breed, und that dogB tlint oor] their tail to the right are never af(lictcd with hydrophobia. Tiiu pèóplé who live in the Massaehusetta valleys are gétting so how that, When a man comes into the neighborhood and builds a duin, they sell out and move to the top of the hill, and nail eleats up along the trunks of the highest trees. A wojian at Mystic, Conn. , who ent her throat a few days ago, liad her windpipe drawn together and still lives. Her only iii(ionveni%nce is a slight leakage where tlie wotffid was drawn up, which makes a sound like a sfcam valve when she takes a heavy breatli. The New England States produced in Ig76 abdat 30,000 cases of seed leaf tobacco; Pennsylvnnia, 40,000; New York, 15,000; Ohio, 35,000; Wiscousin and othcr Westom States, '20,000: total, 140,000. In 1875 they respectively produced : New Engïand, 40,0(M) cnu-s ; renusylvajiia, 30,000; New York, 10,000; Ohio, 15,000; Wisconsin and othcr States, 10,000; total, 105,000. wdjtbjb ani apjsjua. tl l altt old ; it :s tinto for me to ttO,V S:[hil sintrr. luit hii steps tto nlow, And ho stoppcd to rent nrmr a bank of miow. ■ t" Mumiy h. 11 w:ts Been Jlri?,'fii Sprinp, in robe of fuiry yrcoii, 'M its ghftulg Ughta nul MCtln stüoon; sin1 hastenod fnvnard to the place, i. d halo of tender fintee SblniDfi about her lovcly face. over him btodJng Rvüúy tbere, With liir hjuilHst iull cf BnoW-dOBfl fair, Bho BCattered tliin in ïiiKhory lnur. lirckimod :i roliin vrUh nuïdy lr';iKt. And whlsperod, "Oliirdir. wiltfi yonrbcst, 1 1 iu!i tne Ured old. eömi t() rest." Hum i:l"ll'.


Old News
Michigan Argus