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A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS AndpriceeLOWER THAN EVKB. I have purchaaed in New York, for cash, an I urn uow daily receivintj one of the lttrgeat anc most select stocks of Grocerics in Washtena County, consisting of a f uil and well selected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop- including Guupowders, Iniperials, V oim-; II y sun, II j sous, Japans, Oolony, lor iiiunuK, ContfouK Souclionga, and T wiiiilt ny s, Together with ft full line of COFFEES, consist ïnir of the followimt brands: MOCHA, OLD GÖVT JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAÖUAYRE.SAN TOB and RIO, both roasted and grouud ; a fu and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pur Hpicea.Canued fruita. and Vegetables. We have full arïd complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hoaiery. Also a choice assortment of Lndies' ffnd Oentlemen's Underwear Cali and examine Ooods and Prices and we will insuresutiafaction. EDWARD DUFFT. 11 Maynard's Block,' cor. Main and Ann Btrceta Ana Arbor. Mich. KfHiehest cash price paid for all farm produce, "fea THE HEALTH LIFT. A THOROUGH GYMNASTIC SYSTEM FOR LADUCS AND GENTLEMEN, IN TEN MINUTES ONCE A DA Y. The Health Lift is a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. For the attainment and preservation of Health. It is the bent meaos ol PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT 18 THE 8IMPLE8T, SAFE8T AND MOST KFFIUIENT MODE OF TAKINÖ ALL NEEDED EXECISK. In the brief apace of ten miuutes all the ninseles are gradually, thoroughly, and aymmetriciilly brought into action. Concentrated exercine fur the buey and sedentary. ANN ARliOK OFFICE AND PARL0R8, HEutHurouS Bouth of Court Houae Scwing Machines TUS SHTGES., NEW DOMESTZC, And th.e XZOWE, And several good Second-IIand Machines at tlic SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Auli Arbor. Als.) Needies for all Machines The very best that are made, and attachinents and pau for ii;t: ly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired better therc than anywhere else in America. If your machine don't work well, trade it for one that does, or have it repaired. AH machines sold uu easy paymcnts at the office. SccüikI door i-iisf of Post Office, Ann Arbor, ïlirh. (155G) I. 1, .iei M i.i, , Affent. MANHOOD : How Lost, How Restored ! Junt publiahed, a new edition of Dr iJSiCulverwell'i Celebrated Kswiiy gjgon the radical cure (without medicine of fiöiSpermatorrhcea or Seminal Weakneaa, Involuutury Seminal Loases, Impotency, Mental and PhysiCíil Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc, ; filso, Conuumption, Epilepsy and Pits, induced by Belf-indulgence or sexual extravaffance, &c ■íÍTlice, in a sealed envelope, only six cenú. The oelebiated authur, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonntrates, l'rom a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of sclf abuse may berudicalty cured without the daniferous use of mtorntil medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once BÍmple, certain, :ind etfectual, by meana of which every auffcrer, no matter what his condition may be, may oure himsclf cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Bent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, Kjst-piiid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stampe. Addreas tbe Fublishers, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 4 I Ann Street. . Y. Post Office Box, 4586. 1630yl MUM COHPANT. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,64,9.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. iet Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MAOK, Agent, AnnArbor. BSTRACTS OF TITLES. A Tho undersipned, Regisier of Deeda, will prompt' And carefuliy muke Abstracts of titles, Fr om the Original Records, "or Attorney, Aents, Owners, or Purchasers. o pains will In sjmiviI to ifivr a complete cbain of tic, and sliow all encumbrantes. Chargt's reutiauble. CHAÖ.H. MANLY. Ann Arbor, January 10, 1877. 1617. RAILROADS. MICII I4ANCEKTRAÍr ] A i .(H) APBIL !5, 1877. aoiKO west. :==::=5! 1 1 lí'iíjirt LILICH i A. M. A. M J'. M. j.. M TTT ■"- Detroit.leave, I 7 00 9 10! 4 45 3 ij 6 ; G. T. Junction, 7 15 9 25 5 00 3 30 5 S U; Wayne Junction 7 46 o 50! 5 30 3 55 e í. "s Vpsilanti, i 8 17 10 17; 5 59 4 15: ■ !'l Ann Arbor, 8 40 10 35 6 30 4 331 L '1 L Delhi, 8 55 6 431 4 til--11 Dexter, 9 03 6 53 'Tm" Chelse, 9 23 _ 7 37 - -'í: Grane Lake, 9 52 8 60 'jís ! P. M W-s Jackson, 10 2112 00 8 00 G 05 9 J . Albion, 1104 12 45 G 5í'in u:1 Marshall, 11 L0, 1 30 - 3 7 27 n i! U p. m. I 8 ! " 14 BattleCreek, 12 20 1 57 . 8 00 11 1 Galesburg, 12 LS 8 38 11 Ï ' „ 'A. M. U.P" Kttlamazoo, I 15 2 38 4 00 9 00 Is u Lawton, 1 66 4 41! 'fg'í Decatur, 2 15 6 00 , . Uowagiao, 2 41, 5 26 ,,;- Niles. 8 II 4 07 6 10 ñ" Buchacan, 3 25 6 25 ■" Thrceüuks 3 56 4 43 i 7 04 i5b NewBuffalo, 4 13 '14 56 7 21 ■■ 'ü ' Michigan City, 4 40 5 20 7 50 jíí"Lnkc, 5 23 5 59 8 36 J{! Kenaington, 6 20 6 40 9 40 Ohicago, arrive, 7 06 7 2610 26 í GOINO EA8T. A.M. A. K.'P. H. pTr" Chicago, leave, 5 00; 8 30 3 50 ■{ f KeoBiugton, 5 45: 9 12 4 35: r,nko, 6 40 9 54 5 23 i ï : Michigan City, 7 32 10 40 6 23 New Buffalo, 7 55 11 00 1 6 61 Three Oaka, 8 09 11 13 7 09' Jj'líJ Buchanan, 8 41 7 0 í Niles, 9 0i' 11 55 8 20 i u T '■ Downgiae, 9 271 8 48 la ' Decatur, 9 52 ' 9 15 ','" Lawton, 10 10 P. M. I I! 1 - _1 Kalamazoo, 10 501 1 16 10 10 6 30 'r:' Uniesburg, 11121 . 6 53 ' 2 SI L I BattleCreek, 11 47 j 1 57 U j 7 $ fc Marahall, 12 2 4o!p 8 12 ." Albion, 1 10 3 02 a.m. 8 43 4 ; B Jackson, Lv., 2 15 1 45 5 20 9 60 i i" Oran Lake, 2 45 5 48 10 08 Chelaea, 3 10 1 8 15 10 37 ,r Dexter, 3 25 ' 6 30 10 55 " Delhi, S 37 ! 6 43 i I Ann Arbor, 3 52 4 56 7 .00 11 15 6 a Tü Ypsilanti. 4 15 9 10 1191130 U Wayne June, 4 43 6 29 ! 7 40 ' 1 1 50 1 n]'t (i. T. June, 6 SO' 6 00 8 45 12 15; J l! Detroit, Ar., I 6 46i 6 16 8 40 12 30; 8 U j I ♦Hundays excepted. :Saturday and buodi-,, oepted. tDaily. ' H. B. LBDTARD, Gen'l Supt., Detní H. C. Wentwobth, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chiajo. " DETEOIT, HILL8DALË&IX ANA BAILEOAD. To take effect December 3 Ut, 1876. OOIMO WE8T. OOIIIO uj,. TATIOK8. Mail. Exp. STATIONS. Eir, V, A. M. P. M. YpBilanti.... 8:20 7:30 Á- ■ M : tíaline 9:15 8:U6 Bankera 5M i, I Bridgewater. . 9:42 8:25 J Hillsdale Manclieater. 10:12 8:48 Manchester.. 8:13 i:; p. M. i Bridgewater I Hillsdale 12:46 10:48 8nline í:ij ]', Bankera. ... 1:00 11:00 Ypsünnti.... lftu u Trains run by Chictigo time. To Uke efiect, April 16, 1877. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypllai'.u ZIEORGE W. CEOPSET Late of the firm of Clark A Ceopsey, jdí i Keakney, late of Texas, uuder the ürmiUMtf KEARNEY & CROPSEÏ, Have established theniselves at No. 33 Sonlk TI11I11 st,, Ann Arbor, and propose to :i general Crocery Business They wlll also ketp CROCKERY, GLAS3 ir.) WOODEN WARE, and a full line of DOMEST!" and FOREIGN FRUIÏS. They have tltted mí furnishíHl A First-class Bating Depart ment, Where Mcals can bc had at all hours, or boaidl; the week. Cash paid f or Kut ter. Kers", and all produce. Uoods prompl ered in any part of the city. Remeraber tbe flut. 33 Soutu Klain Mreet. KEARSKV & CBOPSEÍ Ann Arbor, Aprü 26, 1876. 1580 Tío Yalnal Houses FOK SALE, I The property belonglne to the WELLES ESTATL situatwi ou DIVISIÓN STREET: at the heii I ANN STKEKT, and the uroperty latei] o now orcupied by A. W1UENMÁKX, 'will te si at a VERY LOW PBICE, AND ON LONG TIME IF DESIEEP. Apply to S. H. DOLGLIS, IF YOU WANT A GOOD OVERC0A1 AND WANT TO BUY IT CHEAP, I GO TO WM. WAGWEE'S For He is Selling Overcoats at Coa IF YOUE BOY WANTS A BOX OF COLLAES SEND HIM TO WM. WAGNER'S FOR THEUE HE CAN GET THE BEST FOB THE LKA8T MONEY. IF YOU WANT AGOODSUIT MADE TO ORDER, go to WM. WACNER'S 21 South Main St. Ann Arbob. THE ENEMY OF DÍSEASÉÍ THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Ia the Grand Old MUSTANG LINIMENT Which has stood the test of forty years. There is no Sore it wiU not heal, no hamvoa will not cure, no Ache, no Pain that ain'ieti? te Humaa Body, or tlie Body ot h, Morse or otheru mestic (iniiMul, that dooa not yield to its mft?11 touch. A bottlo ooiting 25c, 50c, or $1.00, has o' ten aved the lifo of a human leing, and restore to liiti and uft uliii'tife imtiij a vulmible tirse jlTISS MAM'li: Tl. MIIMlt. Teacher of the Piano. Instruction gïven at the residencc of the pop ' dt'sircd. For ternii inquire at residence, No. 48 South St itreet. i614mS


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Michigan Argus