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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. D""ÚNAUI JHOLEiN, M. D., Pbysician and Sargeon. Oitice and residence, 71 Huron street, ;}un Arbor. Oiiiee hours f rom 8 to 9 a. m. ftnd f rom 'irïp.m. r(T J. HEKDMAN, M. D., Physician nd SurïY . geon. Office, southwest oifieT Main and jforon streets. Reeideace, 48 Soïitïi State street. Office bours f roni 10 to 12 a. na. and 2 to 4 p. m. LE. MoFARLtKD, Surgical and Mechan, cal Dentist, corner of Main and Huron gtreets (Jackson'a old stand.) Great pains takeu in ,1] opertions entrusted to my care Prices to suit hftiuicí. All work warranted. Teeth extracted titiiout pain. Office hours: 8 to 12 a. ni.; 1 to 6 p.V.; 1 to 8:30 p. in. rtf H. JACKSON, Dentist. (lflice corner of y , Maiu and Washington streets, over Bach & ibel'8 store, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics adniin■tered if required. EUGENE K. FKÜEAUFF, Altorney at Law, Kotary Public, and Commismoner of Deeds jor Teuiiylvauia, Consultation in tur. Oernrnn or mllrilln(finriii Office in Riusay and Seab-olt's aock, Washington St., Ann Arbor flRANK E. YOUJNG, Attorney and Counselor at Í Ljw, Solicitor ia Chaucery, General Gonveyancer, ud Xotary Public. Office witli John Ñ. Got't. Atncts of titlc caref ully compiled. 1629 ■ri CLARK, Justice of the Poace, Notary PubJtj, lic aïid Gouveyancer. Will loan money for ttliTs ou rea! ?state seourity. Office over No. 8 Huron street, Ann Arbor, Micli. TINES & WORDEN, 20 South Main atreet, yf Ann Arbor, Mich., wholesale and retail dealere m Dry Goeds, Carpeta aud Groceriee. MACK & SCIUHD, dealera in Dry Goode, üroceries, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main elreet. BACH & ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., No. 26 South Main street, Ann .tibor, Mich. YM. WAGJfliR, dealer in Ready-Made ClothÍDK. Oloths, Ca6Bimere8, Vestinge, Trunke, CarpetBags, etc, 21 South Main street. T FREDBRICK SCHAEBERLÈ, teacher of J, the MANO, VIOLJN AND GUITAR. Sesidmce southeast corner Maiu and Liberty stris, Ann Arbor, Mich. NOAH W. CHEEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office east Riile of Court House Square, Ann Arbor, Mich. JOHN L. BURLE IGH, Attornev and Counselor at Law, No. 24 Bank Block, uccond ñoor, XB A2ÍB0K, . - - MICHIGAN. HENRY R. HILIj, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer in Real JJstate. Office, No. 3 Onera Houee B'ock, AKN ARBOE. EVERYBODY SAYS THAI REVENAUCH IS THS Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Sast Huron Street, up-stairs. A. BL WINSLOW, 32 East Huron Street, DEALER IN PiCTUEE TRAMES, BRACKETS AN1) Y10LIN SI RINGS. J. H. NICK'ELS, Dealer in FRESH & SALT MEATS, Hams, Saugages, Lart), etc, SIATE STREET, OPPOSITE NO1ÏTHWESÏ CORNER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Orders promptly fllled. Farmers having meate Wiel] sb.ould give him a cali. 1568-yl SHAÑAHAiX & BROKAW Have opened a Mcal Markct on Nortli Main St., Itoe doors north of Hall k Marble's, whcre will b kept a f uil line of fmh and Salt MeaU, Smoked Ham, SausaffCf X.urd, etc. A'l orders promptly nlled. 6ml618 THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann .Yrbor, Michigan. üewives deposite of One Dollar and upwards and How8 Five per cent. interest on all deposita reiiniDg three months or longer. WEKEST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNÜALLY. 41so, bujs and sells U. S. Bond?, Gold, Silver and InWet Coupons, aud New York, Detroit and Chi?o Ejchange. sOBells Sifrht Drafts on Great JUritain, Ireland, Wnany, or any other part of the European Content. Th Bank is organized under the General Bank ueUw of this gt ite. The stockholders are indijal!y liable to the amouut of their stock, and whole capital ia secnrity for depositors, while BanJuioI issuj the capital is inveeted ior the of bil!-holrlers. Tuis fact makes this Ir "'lotion a very safe deposit of moueys. Msrricd Women eau deposit subject to tneir own Mits only. ony to Loan on Approved Securltles. I BittEcioss- R. A. Beal, C. Mack, W. D. Harri"""'. W. Deubel, W. W. Wines, D. Hiscock, W B omith. OrïICERS : c' mck, Pres't. W. W. Wises, Vice-Pres't. C. E. Hiscock, Canhier. KBEKBACH & SON, hfflsts iè Ptarinis, 12 South Main St., KPs on hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, RTISTS' & WAX FLOWER MATERIALS T"ilct Arlii'les, Trusses, Ktc. W1$ AND IIQUORS, I : I ii iwf'd to the finniiliing of PhyWlnöls, etr., wiflTPhiloeophical i!'iiritus, llolieraiau Chemical totee, U are, Pnre UeagentB, etc. w, ,,,oi.. ::irfiully prepared at 1Ö46


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Michigan Argus