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THE HEALTH LIFT. A THOROUGH GYMXASTIC SYSTEM FOR I.AD1KS AND (iKNTLKHKN. IN TEN MINUTES ONCE A DAY. The Health UK is a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. For the ttttummunt and preservation of Heallb. It in the best means oí PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT IS THE 8IMPLKST, SAPBST AND MOST EFFICIËNT MODE OF TAKINQ AT,L NEEDED EXECI3E. Tn the brief apace of tt-n minutes all the mm. ele are gradual!? . thoroughly, and symmetricalir brought into ftction. Concentratod exorcise for the busy and sedf-ntary. ANN ARBOR OFFICE AND PARLOBS, U Eaat Hurón S South of Court House Sewing Machines THE SI1TCER, NEW DOMESTZC, And tilO HOWE, And several good Secoud-IIand Machines at lh SEWING MACHINK OFFICE, Ann Arlor. Also Needies for all Machines The very best that are made, and attachments aní pacts lor nearly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Kspaired better therc than anywhere else in America. If your niachinedou't'work well, tnit it for one that does, or hare it repafred. All nuchines sold on easy payments at the ollice. SitoikI door cant of Post Office, Ana Arbor, Micli. (1556) I. I.. (.Hli;i,l., Agent. ZIEORGE W. CEOPSEY, tata of the finn of Ci.ark & Cropskt, and A. Keaknky, late of Texas, undcr the firra name of KEARNEY & CROPSEY, FTave estahlished themsulves at No. .- South Tlitin M.. A uu Arbor, und updpott tu du Crocery Business They will also keip CKOCKEKY, GLA88 anJ WOODKN WARE, and a full liiiu of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FRUITS. They have fitttd and fúrnished A First-class Bating Department, Me;üs ttin be had at al! hours, or hoaniby the week. Cash :iii for Hul lor, D'u". imil II Country produce. Guods promptly déllTred iu ;tny part of the city. Ktiinember the pUte. 33 Soutli iliiin Street. KEARNEY & CKOPSEV Ann Arbor, April 26, 1S76. MS ETN A. INSORMGB MM, Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Fuid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilitios, including Re-Insurance Keserve, $4,735,092.36. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.36. C. MACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. MANÏZOOD : iïow Lost, fïow Restored ! . Jnst published, ft new ediiion of P' jf3vjfcCiilvrwilPh Celobrated EsnaT iwJou the radical cure (without meiicinej of "fiSSpermutoirhcDa or Semina! Weakness, I voluutary Öeminal Losaea, Iuipoteucy, Mental ad Physical Incap:icityt Impedimenta tö Matriagf. etc, ; also, Conuumption, Epilepsy and Fita, indufr ed by self-indulgence or (sexual extruvjii;anee, Ac. Brtfl'ric1, in a sealed envelope, oniy rix ctntj. The Ctilebrated author, in this admirable EessTi clearly deniongtrates, from a thirty yeara' succes ful practice, that the alarming consequencts o' self buae muy be radically cured without the Ön' gerou6 use of mternal medicine or tho application of the kuife ; pointing out a mode of cure at on himple, certain, and effectual, by meann of which every sufferer, no matter what his cocditiun mí be, raay cure himself cheaply, privately and rad' icnlly. Thie lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. ttent under seal, in a plain enrelope, to any "Cdreas, post-paid on receipt of m cents or to post-ac:e stampfl. Addresa the Publishera, THE CULVERWKLL MEDICAL CO., 41 A ii 11 Street. N. Y Post Oltice Box, 4580. 16ö0yl THE ENEMYOFDISEASE! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Is tbe Grand Old MUSTANG LINIMENT Which hu atood the test of forty yeor. There in no Sore ït will not henl, no Lammees will not cure, no Ache, no Pain ttmt HÜiicte Wö Humaa Body, or the Bo]y oí a llorae or oihe' mestic animnl, that does not yield to its míj3 touch. A bottle cOHtinK 2óc, 5lc, or #1.00, hta ot ten attved the life of a human leing, and reatoreJ to hfe and uaef ulnes man a valuable hrse. WB. KLY, OrganiBt at the FreabyteriaQ Uhurch, will glve Lnstruction upon theHn0 5r Orgau, or in vocal culturo and harmony. Lcsw113 ;iveu at pupils' residence. Terms, $15.00 per c1", if 20 lessons. Pianos tuned aod repalrea. CsH0 iddre39, 13 Bowery ttreet. i620yl


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