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The Flag Of The Prophet

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What is this flag of the Prophet, around which the tnrbnneil, "thefaithful," are called npon to rally? The best authorities state that it was the turban of the Koreish, oaptured by Mohammed. A black flag was, however, soon substitnted in its place, consisting of the curtain that had hung befare the door of Ayeshah, the favorite "wife of the Prophet, wIkikc a lleetion for herwas so stronfr that ho was wout to say that she woulil be the flrst of his wives to whoin the gates of Paradise would be open ! The SanJak-Sierif is regarded by the Mohammedans as their most sacred relie. It flrst oame into the possession of the followers of Omar, the seoond Caliph of the Moslems, and geherally regarded as foimder of the Mohanmuxlau power, as from a mere sect he raised it to the raak of a oonquering nation, and lèft to his suocessor an empire greatsr than tlmt whii'h Alexander of Maoedoii had made and rulöd ia the olden time. It was this Omar who assumed the tit.le óf "Commander-of the Faithful" {Enúr-qXmumenia), by whieh, e& tlie readers of the "Arabian Nights' Entertüinmontn " will remember, the Caliph Saroun-alRaschld, who was conteniporary with CharXeüaagbe, was alwaya addressed. The flag of the Prophei passed irom the followers of Omar at Damaseus into the hands of the conque-ring Abbapidee, in the middle of the eighth century ; next into thoso of the Caliphs of Bagdad and Kahira. It was brought into Europe toward the close of the sixteenth century by Sultan Amurath III., with whom Queen Elizabeth made a treaty of commerce in 1579. It was depositad in Constantinople, where, covered with fortytwo wrappings of silk, it was deposited in a chapel in the interior of the seraglio, where it is perpetually guarded by several emirs with constant prayers. It is known, liowever, that the banner unfoldcd by the Moslems at the begiruimg of a war, and likewise carefully preserved, ie not the same as the identical f lag which Mohammed had mat! o out of the white turban of the Koreish. The Moslems believe that it is, and will fight bravely under it, thus verii'ying Mokanna's famous declaration, that Faith, fanatic Faith, oncp wedded f ast To ono dcar falfiphood. liues it tü üiü last.


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