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About The House

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A Tai'K &EASON. - Ii' thc comer oí a carpet gets loóse, prevente the door opon, ing, or trips cvery onc tliat enters the room, nail it clown at once. A dog'seared carpet niarks the sloveu as wclí as the dog's-eared book. How to CjjEAn Orti Cloths. - If you wish to Lave theni look new and mee, wash them with soít flanuel and iukcwarm water, and wipe perfecÜy dry. If you want them to look extra nice, altor they aro wiped drop a few spoonfuls oí milk over them, and nib them with a dry cloth. Muffins. - Beat two cggs with onehalf cup of sugar, one generous tablespoonful of butter, and a little salt ; add one and a half cups of sweet milk, and three cups of iiour in wliieh is sifted three teaapoonfuls of good baking powder. Beat well and bake in buttered mujiin-tius. Cobn Bkead. - Mix two cilios of sifted corn-meal with two cups of sonr milk ; add onc tablo-spoonf ul of sugar, one-half íeaspooni'ul oí salt, one table-spooiiful of melted Imtter or sbortening, and ouo egg. Beat well, and lastly add one-half teaspoon of soda dissolved in one tableí)oonful of boiling water. Bake in a quick oven. A íady who is vory successful in raising poultry Baya when the wings of her little tnrk'.ys 'begin to lop down, and they look sick and weak, she pulls out the'longest feathers raí eiwh wing, and they. re all right inafew hours. She very scldom lust s imy, and rfio has tried it for years. If it is so, it is worth knowhxg aád praeticing. Gemlvn "Winu-hags." - To f i ve ounces of butter add one-quarter pint of water, and boíl ; add gradúally, while on the ftre, sis óunces of flonr, threo eggs, and one Bpoonfui qf sugar; stir rrry briskly Eoi ten idí, llien take the paute, and put by spoonínls in buttered tins, spriukle with powdered BUgar, bake fifteen minutes and serve. Soft Ginöerbkead - Put one cup of dark molasses, one-half cup of brown sugar, and one-half cup of butter (or part botter aml partlard) into a pan and set it where it wül just come to a boil. Coo}, and add one teaspopnful of ginger, one-half of salt, and one egg. Stir in one-half cup of sour milk and two a half cups of flbrtr ; beat well, and last of all add two even teaspoonfuls of soda dissolved in oiie-third cupful of hot water. Bake in moderate oven unül well done.


Old News
Michigan Argus