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Doings Of The Common Council

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The adjourned meeting of the Counoil was held on Monciay evening with a tull attendance of membera, and the following business transacted : PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Of W. H. Mclntyre and others, to prohibit the cutting down of streets and crossings and doing general street work without direction from the Council. Laid on table for future consideration Of F. Sehmid and others, lor construction of a reservoir, for fire purposes, in Liberty street, between Main and Second streets. To General Fund Committee. Of C Mack and others, for extensión of Fifth street south to Hill street. To Street Committee. From Ladies' Decoration Society, inviting the Council to attend the exercises of Decoration Day. Accepted, and Aid. Besimer and Page appointed coiuunttee to niake necessary arrangements. PEOM OITY 0FFICKK8. City Attorney made a verbal report in relatiou to several matters referred to him at last meeting. He had examiued the proceedings taken in sereral sidewalk cases and tound them so irregular that it would be unsafe for the city to atteinpt to enforce the collection of the assessments for their construction, and recommended a line of policy to be pursued in future cases. Had examined the ordinances relativo to the keeping of swine and did not oonsider the " piggery " of Israel Hall as coming under its provisions, or that Mr. Hall need hava any fears of molestation from the pólice. In relation to tbe rebuilding of the sidewalk along Foutiao street, between the railroad and river, he had found the matter to contain several points, and anked that a committee be appointed to act with him in the matter. BEPORTS OF C0MMITTEE3. Street - Becommending the construction of a stoue bridge over the west branch of Allen' creek, on Huron street, and that the committee be authorized to let contract and cause the construction of such bridge. Accepted and adopted. Sidewalk3 --Recommending the rebuilding of sidewalk on west eide of Elizabeth straat, between North and Fuller streets ; also for the repairing of sidewalk on north sida of Lawreuce straat, aast f rom State ; also for rebuildiug of sidewalk on south sida of Bowery street, between State and División streets. Each of which ware aocepted and adoptad. Also, by the same, referring back the petitions tor sidewalk on east side of Fourth street, between Huron and Ann streets, and ou west side of Tlmyer street, north of Lawrence street, on account of irregularities. General Fund- Recommending thot the improvements for the fire departmeut, asked for by the Chief Engineer at laat meeting, ba granted. Acceptei and adopted. Pólice- Relativa to the petition of the hackman asking protection from outsiders aud others on public occasions, reported the following resolutiou which was adopted : Resolved, That the hakmen ba requested to furnish to the Marshal due prooE ot any cases of violations of the ordinance relativa to their business, aud that the City Attorney be directed to prosecute all persons so offending. Special- Recommending that Supervisor G. Krapf be allowed the sum of $298, for services in making assessment rolls for 1876. Accepted and adopted, and warrant ordered drawn on contingent fund for the amount. The committee to whom was referred the matter of issuing the bonds of the city in aid of the new Court House, submitted their report providing for the issuing of bonds to the araount of $'20,000, in sums of not less than $100 nor more than $500 each, bearing interest at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent., payable annually, and the bonds made payable in annual installmeuts of $2,000, the Brst installment becoming due February 1, 1879. Accepted and adopted. MI8CELLANEOUS. By Aid. Besimer, that a special committee be appointed, consisting of Aid. Woodruff, Sprague, and Kyer, to act with City Attorney in the matter of rebuilding sidewalk between railroad depot and river. Agreed to. By Aid. Cate, that Treasurer be directed to transfer from the general fund the sum of $298 and that the same be placed to the credit of the contingent fund. Lost. By Aid. Woodruff, that Recorder be instructed to draw warrants on the several Ward street funds, payable ou demand, to the extent of the various credit balances in the bands of the Treasurer, when so directed by the Aldermen of auy ward. Agreed to. By Aid. Gott, that the Marshal be directed to act as Director of the Poor uutil the f urther order of the Council. Agreed to. Dr. D. M. Tyler having declined to act as a member of the Board of Health, Dr. ThomaB Wilkiuson was appointed to fill the vacancy. By Aid. Besimer, that Aid. Gott and the Mayor be appointed to consult with City Attorney and settle with bondsmen of S. M. Webster, formcr Treasurer, with full power to act as in their judgment Bhall seem best. Agreed to. Michael Weinmann's taxed bill ot costs, in the suit of the City ot Ann Arbor vs. Michael Weinmanu, known as the slaughter house case, amounting to $40.60, was presented and allowed. The Marshal was authorized to cause the eradicatiou of the bed of Canada thistles in the rear of E. Duffy's store, and of any others that may be found in the city. The Liquor Tax.- Section first of the ameuded law iayiug a tax upon manufacturera and dealers iu distilled and malt liquora is as follows : That in all townships, cities and villages of this State there shall be anuually levied and collected the following tax iipou the business of manufacturing, selliug, er keeping for sale by all persous whose business, in whole or in part, oousists in selling, or keeping for sale or manufacturing distilled or malt liquors, as followa : Upou the business of selling, or offering for sale, spirituous or iutoxicating liquors, or mixed liquors by retail, or any patent medicine mixture or compound, which in whole or in part consists of spirituous or intoxicating liquors, the sum of $150 per annum ; upon the business of selling or offering for sale, by retail, any malt, brewed, or fermented liquors, $50 per annum; upon the business of selling brewed or malt liquors at wholesnle, or at Wholesale and retail, $100 per annum ; upon the business of selling spirituous or intoxicating liquors at Wholesale, or at wholesale and retail. three hundred dollars per annum ; upon the business of manufacturing brewed or malt liquors for sale, if the quantity manufacturad be over five barrels and does not exceed 1,500 barrels, $50 ; if over 1,500 barrels and not exceeding 5,000 barrels, $100 ; if over 5,000 barrels, the sum of $200 per annum ; upon the business of manufacturing for sale spirituous or intoxicating liquors, $300. No person paying a tax on spirituous or intoxicating liquors under this act shall be hable to pay any tax on the sale of malt, brewed and fermented liquora. No person paying a manufacturer's tax on malt or brewed liquors under this act shall be Hable to pay a wholesale dealer's tox on the same. Under this section druggists will have to come down with the stamps or throw out patent medicines. The New Coubt House. - A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors was heid yesterday to hear the report of the building committee on court house plans. The committee reported recommending the plan submitted by G. W. Bunting, of Indianapolis, Ind. After an examination of the plans the Board, by a vote of 16 to 6, adopted the report. Afterward Mr. Marsh, of Detroit, waspermitted to exhibit his plan to the Board. To-day the Board wül arrange for the issue of the bonds and for aome other details. The building committee will immediately advertise for proposals, and if reliable bidders are within the $60,000 the work will be commenced at once.


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