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Variety Of Races In Russia

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Thifl ethnologieal variety is tlio restllt f a policy inauguiated by Outherine II. 10 long is the Southern frontior was mflhed forward slowly, the acquiied ter'itory was regularly filled up by Eussiau )easants from the oentral provinces, who rare ansióos to obtaiu more land aiul more liberty than they enjóyed in their mtive villajes ; but, during " tho glorins age of Oatherine," the frontier was mshod forward so rapidly that the old netluxl of spoutancons emigration no ongor sifïiccd to pcople tho oimexed enfitory. The Empresa liad recourse, herefore, to orgiviiized emigration from uri'igu countries. Her diplomatic agente n Western Europe were ordered to use 11 possible effbrts to induce artisans and jeasants to eniigrate to Bussia, and spe:ial agentsVere seut tovarkms conntries o supplement the effbrts of the diplomaists; Thousands accepted the invitnion, and were for the most part settled on tlie land whieh had been recently he pasture grouncl of tho nomadio ïordes. This policy was ndopted by sueoeeding sovereigns, and has boen continued in an intcrniittent fashion lown to the present day, and the consequeuce of it has been that Southern Russia now contains a variety of races such as is to be fouud, perhaps, nowhere else in Europe. The official stiitistics of New Bussia alone - that is to say, ;he provinces of Ekaterinosalf, Tauride, vherson and Bessarubia - enumérate the 'ollowing nütionnlities : Great Russiaus, jittle Bussians, Poles, Servians, Monteïegrius, Bulgarians, Moldavians, Germaus, Englisli, Swedes, Swiss, Prendí, italiana, Qxeeks, Armenians, Tartars, Vlordwa, Jews and Gypsics. The religons are almost equally numcrous. Tlie Btatistics speak of Greek Orthodox, Eoman Oatholiös', Gregoriana, Lutherans, Oalvinists, Anglicans, Mennonites, Separatists, Pietifsts, Karaini Jews, Talmudsts, Mohammednns, mul mimorous Bussian sects, such as the Molokani and the Skoptsi or Euuuchs. Amerioa herself eotild senroely show a more motley list in kt stntistics of jjopulation. - From Russia, by 1). Maokenzie Wallace, AL A.


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