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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Sale of Cauri House Aid Bands. THE undersignod will receive scaled proposals iir the purchasc of twenty thousand dollars of bonds to bc issued by the city of Ann Arbor to aid in building a court house withln the limitsof said city. Said bonds will bc in denominations of $100 aud $500, and will bear interest at the rate of 7 3-10 percent., interest payable annually on February first of each year. The first two thousand nsta'liuent oí said bonds will be payable February first, A. D. 1879, and two thousand each and cvery year thereafter until the whoïe sum is paid. Bids will be received for any amount of either denominatiou, or for the whole aniount. and all bids will be closed on Saturday, tho nintb day of June, 1877, at 6 o'clock p. m. D. CRAMEIt, Mayor, ADAM D. SEYLER, Eccorder. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1877. 1637w2 THE M I ÏHAITKE K' MEDICAL & SDRGICAL INSTITÜTE, Eatabliihed 1867 and Chartered by the State Legislatura for ttie improved trffttment oí all Private and Chronio Dise&ses mentioned in this card. Just published, mtmmm "THE SILENT FRIEND! SWfMfc AconflilentialAdviser fortheyoungand yH jÉÊr os of a Private Nature, ariungfrora " Early Abuses or Inteetion, Seminal Weatcness, and Lusa of Manhood, and the best means olcure; with valuable adrice to the Married and thoso cint("mplating Marriage ; including a treatise on Female Dieeases, and Chronic Aflections of the Throat, Lungs and Skín, Catarrh, Cáncer, Rupture, Piles, Fiitula.the Opium Habit&c. It contain2G0iargepagei end nmuerouiengravin c. mailed under al on receipt of50ctiA CLINICAL LECTURE on the above diseasei, an4 the principies oi medical practico in their treatuieut. PricelUctf. Addresa.Atu-ndinKPhvsician, M.&S. IrtSTITUTE, No 435 Water st., MIIiWATrKEE.WIo. THËÖRÏGINAL AND ONLY o-EisrxjiisrE t Vibrator " Threshing Machines, CONSISTIXG OF Complete Ilorse-Power EstablisbïiM-MV with '4-inch, !8-inch and 32-inch Cylinders, with fi, 8, 10 or 12 Horse Power to match. Two Styles of IVIoitnted Horst Power) our improvcd "Triple (ear," and improved 11 Spur Speed " ( Woodbury stylc), both kind mountcd on four whecls, aud special sizea made for 6, 8, 10 or 12 hoisrs. Complete Steam Power Outfit; our unrivateil "Vibrator " St-parators, ïnatlc cxpressly for Steam Power, with 32-inchCyliDderaDd 44-inch Scparator, or :ífr-inch Cylinder and 48-Ínch Separatiug cleaning parts, with all the other parts pro. portionately capacious and full of "business;" also, our mátemeos Steam Xbrewber Eníiicn, of our own niake, beyond rival ry in Power, Durabtlity, Easy Firiug, Beauty of Design, Perfect Workinansljip, Elegant finish, complete in every detail, and in all repects a fit companion for our celebrated Steam Separator. Our " Vibrator " Ncparators "alone," made exprcssly for Steam Power,and to match any and all other" msike of Engines, siso, perfectly adapted to go with any and all other make of Horse Powers, four sizes, ranging f rom 24 to3fi-inch length of Cylinder, aud 36 to 48 inches width of Separating parts. 'lbo Wiclü Reputal ion of our matohlesy "Vibrator" Thresbers for rapid threshtng, perfect saving, adnurablecleaning, no wastage, cleanliness, econoiuy ín repairs, durability, ease of management, and a general superiority in various other respects, is now fully esUblishtid and generallv recoguized. the Acknowledffcd Head and Front of Grain ïhreshers, and espeeially superior if grain be damp or wet, while ior Flnx XiinoI b y, and like Seeds, no otiter machines can truUtfully claim any comparison. The Genuine "Vibrator" Threshers ARK MAME ONLY BT NICHOLS, SIIEPARD & CO., Battle Creck, micli. They, or any of their regular authorized Dealers, furnisli Illustratcd Pamphlcts, Price Lists and full full particular, free, on applicatlou. 1737m2 MTY SCAVENGERS. The underaigned offor their services as scavenirors. Vaults, ceaapoöla, etc, cleaned to order, and at reasonuble pricee. Orders miiy be left at J. H. Nickel' meat market, tí late street, or made through the Postolfice. Anu Arbor, Muy 17, 1877. W. ACTION, 163C GEU. A. WALKER. Two TÉaWe Houses FOR SAZiS. The property belonRing to the WELLES ESTÁTE, gituatedon DIVISIÓN" STItKHT, at the head ol' AN'.V STREET, and the property lately owned and now occupied by A. WIUEN.MANN, will be sukl YERY L0W PRICE, AND ON WSO IIME IP DESIRED. Apply to S. H. DOUGLAS. CARD. I have associated with md Jivmcd M. Willeoxfon, whoie long experiencc in the public offices in tha oounty, particularly iti the offices of Kegioter of Deeds and Judije ofProbate, alfords addittunal fncilitiea for making abstracts of titUs to all the real cstaio in the Oounty. Hereafter "we shnll give our undivided attent ion to making Abstracts, Deeds, Contracta, and Mortgtige8. Also to loauin money for partius outside. No charge to the lender. TRAC Y W. ROOT. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1877. 1632w6 OEEWER8, ATTENTION ! FOB. SALE Al Ami Arbor, ata bargain, a BUICK BREWERY, with 13K1UK I) WELLING adjoining, sitiiatcdnear Ihe depot, lirewery contains spacioua Vaulta, Copper Boiler, etc. Property cost over 515,000. Will be sold for$C,500. Ouly S2,500cash required. This is an excellent opportunity lor any party desiring to engaso in the business to obtain a fine brewery at half lis value. For particulars apply to Auu Arbor, April, 25, 1877. JOHN N. QOTT, Esq., i 1682 Ann Arbor. IE! ATTRACTIONS TUIS WEEK AT TUK CASH Dry Goo&s House WK STIMULATK TRADIJ BY SELLING CHEAP ! 110 Foulard Suita at $2 50 and $3.00. 100 Foulard Suiis, very stylisb, at $4 00, $5.00 and $7.00. 100 more of those Elegant Parasols in 20, 22 and 24 inch. 25 Doz. Ladies' Kid Gloves at 50c per pair. $1.00 Black Cashinere for 75 oents. $1.35 Black Casliinere for $1.00. 2000 Yda. Apron and Shirting Calicóes at 5 and 6cts. 1,000 Yds. good Giughaina at 8cts. 3,000 Yds. best Bleached Cottons at 10 oents. Four Papers Pins, lOots. 50 Dozen Ladies White Hose at 6cts per pair. Sun Uinbrellas, 25, 35 and 50cts. All wool Black Grenadine, 50cts. Pure Silk and Wool Grenadine, 75 and 85 cents. Nottinghatn Curtain Lace, 15, 20 and 25cts. Dresa Goods trom 10 cents per Yd. and upward. Bunting, or Seaside Cloth, new shades, for Ladies' and Childrens' dresses, very stylish. Striped and Colored Hose, 15, 20 and 25cts. 150 Lidies' Linen Suits, choice styres. At 10 and 12ota durable Sheetings. Indigo Blue and Brown Denims, 12 1-2 and 15cts. Great Bargains in Cottons by the Bolt. All Linen Handkerchiefa, 5, 10 and 15 cents. EveryÜiing Cheap AT THE CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE. PRICES Sl'EAK FOU THEMSELVES. Reepectfully, C.H.MILLEN&SON lOJOtf TpOli RELT AME INDEMNITY Agttillrtt LOSS BY FIRE Apply tr c. ma.c:k. Hu issues policies at the lowest rates in the following first-class Conipanies, having over $35,000,000 Cash Assets And a long established reputation for fair dealing and prompt payment of losses, of which the iEtna has paid forty-five millions. London Assurance, Organized in 1 720, assets over $5,200,000. Aetna, Hartford, Orgunized in 1819, assets over $7,200,000 Fran&lin, Fliil'a, Organized in 1829, assets over 13,200,000 TTnderwriters, 1T.T1., Organized in 1852, assete over $3,200,000 Phooniz, Organized in 1853, assets over $3,000,000 Germán American, Organized in 1872, assots over $2,200,000 Hational, Hartford, Organized in 18G9, assets over $1,000,000 1 EORGE W. CROPSEY, La te of the firmof Clark & Cropskv, and A. Kkakney, late oi' Texas, uiuler the tirm uame oí KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Havo estïihlished themselves at No. 33 Soilllfc Muin M,, Aim Arbor, and propose to do general Crocery Business They will also kctp CKOCKERY, GLASS and WOUDEN WARK, aud a full line of DOMESTIC and FOKEIGN FKUIÏS. Thcy liavo tttted aud furniühed A First-class Eating Department, Where Muals can be liad at all boura, or board by tho week. Cash paid tor Huiiit, Eirgs, and all Country produce Gotxls promptly dclivered In any part of the city. Kemember the phice. 33 Sou (U II ui 11 Street. KEARNEY & CROPSEY Ann Arbor, April 20, 1876. 1580 Brick Store. fFSaï. OFFER FOR SALE my Brick Store, Corner oí Hu mu and Fourth streeta, opposite Cook's otel. Thi U üdc of the most destrable busines: locatlons In the city, and will be sold at a bargaius 1698 JOHN U. OALL, ALLOW US TO Me a few Remarte Suiil a wist; man : " I ,.it me maku the sougs of a natiou, and I care not wbo makes ita laws." Thig was once quoted iti the hearing of a celebrated wit, who replied : " Hut let ino see the dress a man has worn and I will tull yon Iuh hiatory." Wo loave it to others to argüe ]ro añil ron as to wuioh of thfui gave utteranco to the more philosophical reflection. But we frankly confess that the weight of prubability seems to U8 to rest with the latter proposition. Nothing externa! nocías to be more indicativa of character than the dress. We do not lay this down as a rule from which Ulero can be no deviation, but eommon sunso will support us in saying that clothing is a most important element in determining both individual and national oharaoter. Clothing ranks next to food in importance. It cannot be absent without involving barbarism, partial ar entire. The need of it was the first thing perceived by our first parents wheu they had attained by questionable means the knowledge of good and evil. lf we trace the developments through whioh the clothing of mankind has passed since then, we are forced to the conclusión that the manufacturo of clothing ranks next in vital iinportance to agricultura, which was given priority by the oommand to dress and till the ground. And as an element and iudication of civilization it is of even highcr value, the savage in his nakedness, the ancient Druid offering human sacrifices of bodies clothed like his own - in paint. The unclothed condition of the heathen of to-day are instances which demónstrate the proposition that clothing and civilization are inseparable. You must all wear clothing, and we are generous enough to wish you may all wear good fitting and well made goods. We are endeavoring to do our aliare of business ; we believe we are entitled to it, and have only to convince you of the fact to secure it. If you ask why, we answer : Because our stock is large, carefully selected, and well made ; because our prices are as low as can be found anywhere in the State. We have taken extra pains this spring in making a large and fine eelection of Boys' School Suits, alao in suits with knee pants for boys from 3 to 8 years old. A few more remarks and we will bring this to a close. My Merchant Tailoring Department is oomplete. In the future as in the past we shall endeavor to keep a large assortment of as fine goods as the market affords, in both foreign and domestic makes ; and as for our trimmings and cut it needs no comment, as thousands can testify to our superior taste and knowledge in that direction. Come and see us and be convinced of cur desire to please you in qualily, price and style. Yours truly, S. S0NDHE1M, Ann Arbor, Mich. 16S3m3 A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS! And prices LOXEfi THAN KVER. I have purchased in New York, for cnsh, and I m dow daily receivins; one of the livrgest and moet select stocks of üroecrien in Washtenaw County, consistí ng of a íull and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop- including Ruupowdeit, Impertáis, 1 oung Ilysons, llysoiix, Japans, Ouioiigs, Farinosas, Cougouw, Souchougi, and 'l'UHlllut)S, Together with a full line of COFFEEB, coosistine of the following branda: MOCHA., OLD OOV'TJAVA.MAKACAIBO, LAUUAYRE.SANTO3 and RIO, both roasted and (jrouod ; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the Une cf Pure Spices, Canned fruit, and Vegetables. We hare a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hoüiory, AIko, a choice asaortment of Ladies' andOentlenten'e Underwear. Cali and examine Goods and l'ricea and we will insurc sutisfaction. EDWAllD DUFFY. V Maynard'8 Block,-' cor. Main and Ann streete Ann Arbor. Mich. feyHighest cash price paid for all farm produce, &í NEW GÖÖDS -AT WM. YA6ER'S My Stock is now composed of the latest patterns in Clotlis and Cassimeres, which I will make to order, in first-class style, and at reasonable prices. Remember tliat all goods are worranted as represented. Don't leave your order until U C my stock. WM. WAGNER THE MERCHANT TAILOR, 21 South Main Sr. Ann Arbor. p. S.- Do not forget tliat I keep a large stock of Clothing and Furnisliing Goods. WM. WACNER.


Old News
Michigan Argus