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Estáte of Sarah -W. Beckwith. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washfceniiw, aa. At a Bension of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oifi.ce, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the seventeenth day of May, Ín the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William D. Harriman, Judgeof Probate, In the matter of the catate oí Sarah W. Beckwith, deceased. On readiug and filing the petition, duly verifled, of Kzra C. Óeaman, praying that a certain instrument now on iile in thia couit, purporting to be the ' last will and testament of Baid deceased, mtty be admitted to probate, aDd that Ezra t'. Heaman and H. Louise Sackett, or eome other suitable persons, may be appointed executors thereof. Thereupon it is ordered thatMonday,the eleventh day ot Jnne next, at ten o'clook Ín the forenoon, be assigcd for the hearing of said petition, and that the deviaees, legatees, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all othei persons interested in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a aession of said court, then to be holden at the Probate otfice iu the city oí Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouldnot begranted : And it is iurther ordered that aaid petitioner give notice to the persons interestcd in said estáte, of the pendeney of eaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thia ordei to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspapur printed and circulated in aaid county, three succeaeive weeka previouB to said day ot hearing. william: i. harriman, (A true oop.j Judue of Probate Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. 1635td Estáte of Joseph Shaw. ÜTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a Besaion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, flie. eighth day of May, in the year one tUousáüd eighL hu ad red anti seveuty-seven. Present, Wüïiara I. Karriman, Judge of ProbaAe. [a the inatter of the estáte of Joseph öbaw, deeeased. Dwight Hunt, executor of the las! will and testament of said deceased, comes into courl and represents that be is now prepared to rende r bis iiuul account aa such executor, Thereupon t is ordered, ilüit Saturday, the pjnth day of June next, al ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigaed for examinipg and altowing sucli account, aud t bat tlie devíseos, )egiíccs and heirs at law of said deceased, anti all other persons loterested in said estáte, are required to appear ata seseïon of aid court then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ad Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if iny there be, why the said account should not be alfowed : Aud it is further ordered that said executor give notice to the persons intereated in said estáte, of the pendeney of said account, and the hearing thereof, by cansina a copy oi' tuis order to 1m published "in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three Buccesslve weeks previous to said duy of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAX. ■ (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. i. DOTY, Probate Register. 1984 Real Estáte for Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O as, In the matter of the estáte of .lustin Kellogg, deceased : Notice is hereoy giveu, that in pursnanceoi an order granted to the undersitjned, executor of the last will and testament of said Justin Kelluï, by the Ifon. .lucige of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the nineteeuth day of May, A. I). 1877, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highesfc bidder, at the late resideDce of said deceased in the township of Pittsüeld, in the County of Washtenaw in said 8tate, on Saturday the peventh day of July, A. D. 1877, at ten o'clock in theiorenoon of that day (subject toallencumbrances by mortpage or otherwise existinsj at the time of the death of said decensed), the following deecribed real estáte, to wit : Being the iouthwe&t quarter of tbe northeast quarter of iection one, townahip three south of range six sast, in Michigan : Also all that part of the north thirty acres of the westhali of the southeast quarter of section one, townahip three south, range aix saat, in Michigan, lying north of the highway icnown a8 the Middle Ann Arbor Road.allin the X)wnship ot' Pittsfield, County of WaaMenaw nnd State of Michigan. Dated, May 19, 1S77. 163ötf GEOIÏGE KELLOGG, Executor of the last will of eaid Doceaeed. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, BS n the matter of tüe eatate of Nelson lí. Colé, late of the City of Ana Arbor, in said County and State: Xotice is hereby given, thní in pursuance of an order ranted to the undersigned, execntrix of the estáte ofaaid Nelson B. Colé, by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the County ot Washtenaw, on the tbírd day of April, A. D. 1877, there wili be Bold at public veudue, to the highest bidder, at the aouth door of the Court Houae in the City of Anii Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw in said State, on Monday, the fourth day of June, A. D. 1877, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that dayt (subject to all encumbranoes by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death ot said Nelson B, Cole), the iollowing deacribed real estáte, to wit : 1. The uortheast quarter of the outheast quarter of eection thirty-two in township two south of range bix e;i8t, being in the towiiBhip of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washteuaw and .state oí Michigan . 2. The north half of the aouth twenty-flve aerea of the east half of tho northwewt quarter of section flve, in town three south of range six eaat, bein in the township ot l'ittafield, in said County of Washtenaw. 3. L.ota number two (2), three (1),and four C4), in Picnic Grove, according lo the plat of said grove made by W. Weeks, and recorded in thfi Utiice of the Register of, Deeda foi the County of Waahtenaw, and State aforesaid, being situated on the aouth aide of the road called the Middle Ypeilanti lload, and bounded aa follows: Beginning ata point in the middle of said road one chain and tifty (50) links scuth, forty-four (44) degrees thirty (30) minutes east of a point where the sediun line of section twenty-eight (28) town two (2) south of range aix (0) east, ciosses the said Ypsilanti road; thence south forty-four (44) degrees thirty (80) minutes east flve (5) chains and twenty-live (25) links along the center of Baid road ; then;e Bouth forty-twu degrees, weat.on the line between lots four (4) and five (5), flve (5) chains and sixtyeight (63) links to the nqrth line of lotthirteen (13); thence north seventy-six nnd three-fourths(76%) degreea west sixty-two links to land owned by Ransom S. Sinith ; thence North two (2) degrees west along the line of aaid Smith's land one chain and aeventy-tive (76) links; thence north iortyfour (44) degrees thirt minutes west three chains and fifty (5ti) links; thence north foriy-one (41) degrecs üity (óO) minutes eaat four (4) chains and eighty-flve (85) links to tlie place of beginning, the saine being aituated in the City of Anii Arbor, in the County ot Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and being subject to the lijcbt of Joseph D.' Baldwin to couduot, water in pipes uoroai the eame in the higliway. Dutcd, April 1, 1877. 1631 kLlZABETH H.COLE, BxectxtrU. Ghancery Sale. IN pursuancp and hv virtue of a d cc roe of tbc Circuit Court of the United States fon the Eastern District of Michigan, in equity, made and entered on the thirtioth day of March, A. D. 1877, in a certain cause thereiu pending, whorein Charles J. Howell is complaiuant, aud Albert Case is defendant : Notice ia hereby given that 1 shall sell at public miction, on öaturday, the Skventh dav of July, 1877, at 2 o'clock p. m. of that day, at the front door of the Washtenaw County Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of washtenaw and State of Michigan, the Iollowing described property situated in the townshjp of Manchester, eouuty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, kuown, bounded, and described as follows, to wit: Being the northeast quarter of the southeast. quarter o? section number four [4]; also the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said section number four [41 (except the rights and privilRtxes granted to Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana, fiaüroad Compauy) ; also the southeast quarter oí the northeast quarter of said section number four [4]. Also the following described land, to wit: beginning easterly ten 1 10] chains and fourteen links trom the south west corner of the eawt halt' of the north part uf the northwest quarter of section No. three [$], thence northerly twenty-flve chains, thence easrterly four chains, thence southerly twenty-tive chains, and thence weaterly four chains aud four links to the place of bcginnint;, tbc last description containing ten [10J acres; the whole of the described land amounting to one hundred and fifty acres. Also the outheast quarter of the southeaat quarter of said section No. four [4j (except fourteen acres heretoiorc decded to Luiuuu Stevens), all in towofinip No. four [4] bou Ui of ra&ge tío. tinree [8 east in said eouuty ot Washtenaw. Dated, Miy 24, 1877, ADDtSON MANDELL, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan. John N, Gott, SoUcltor forConipt. löS6 Chancery Sale. IN pursuancc and by virtue of a decree of th Circuit Court of the United States for the Eas ern District of Michigan ia equity, made and en tered on the thirtieth day of Maren, in the yea one thousand eight hundred and seventy-soveji, i a certain cause therein pending, whcrein Charles . lfowcll is coinplalnant, und Patriok Wall is dei'euc ant: Notiee is lieroliy givcn, that 1 shall sell al pul lic auction, on SatÓrmï, thk Sevkxtii day o July, A. D. 1877, at 2 o'clock p. m. of that day, a the front door of the Washtenaw County Cou House, iü the city of Anu Arbor, county o Waslitenaw and State of Michigan, the followin described property situated in the township o N'urthiield, eouutyof Washtenaw aforesaid, knowi bounded, and described as follows, to wit : Tl west half of the Southwest quarter of section aun ber nine [9], in township nuinber one south o range number six [6] east ; also the southeas quarter of the southeast quarter of section nuinbe eight [8], in township number one [1] south o range nunjber six east; coutaiuing one hundre and twenty acres of land more or less. Duted, May 24, 1877. ADDISOX MANDEI.L. Master in Chaneery, Circuit Court of the Unite States for the Ea?tern District of Michigan. John N. Goit, Bolicllor for tlie Complainant and o Counsel. 1G36 Chancery Sale. ÏN PURSUANCE and by virtue, of a decree o the Circuit Court of the United States for th EaBtern District of Michigan, in equity, made an entered on the fhirtieth day of March, A. D 1877, ina ceitain cause therein pending, wherein Samuel S. Ellis is eomplainant, and Jacob Kern and Margaret Kern are defendants : Notiee is hereby given that. I shall sell at public auction, on Satup.daï, the bbventh day of Juirnext, attwo o'clock p. m. of that day, at the front ioor of the Washtenaw Oounf y Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washteuaw Hnd State' of Michigan, the followin described property, situ ated in the Towuship ot Manchester, County of Washtenaw and State of Michi.-in, known, bonnded, and described as follows, lo-wit : Being a part of the northeut quarter of the southeast quarter ot section mimber twelve (1'2J, in township tour (4J Btfuth ol range thieu (3) east, bounded as follows, to-wit : Beginning at the northwest corner thereof of said troct, running thtnee south 40' east one chidn to the highway fcalled the Clinton Road) ; theuce along thu middle of said highway south 53 Uo eastsn-"nteen chnins; thence south 47á east thive chaina aud ninety-three links ; thence south 43 ejist tive chains and ninety-nine links to the elist sude of said xection ; thence along said line north 40' wi-st uineteen chains and fortyfour linkb to the northeast corner of said tract ; thence along the north line thereof, souüi S6, west twenty chains and twenty-seven links to the place of beglnniniifexceptins and reserving from said description two acres ot land, heretofore deeded to Wm. Higgin), containinf; in all nineteen and one third acre ot' land, more or less. Aiso the west huif of the northeast quarter ot section number twelve (12), township number four (4) south of rague number three east, eontainiug eighty acres of lund, more or less) except about one acre and a half lmretofore deeded to J. H. Fountain. Also the south one quarter of the east half of the northeast quarter ot eaid section number twelve (12), towuship number four (4) aouth of range three east, containing twenty acres of land, more or less. Also a part of said soction number twelve (12) bounded as followp : Beginning at the quarter pot between section one and twelve (1 and 12), running thenee west on section line elght rods ; thence south to Clinton Koad; thence along said road till it intersects the line that divides land formerly owned by William Ticknor and David D. Soule ; thence north to the place of beirinning, containing one acre of land heretofore deeded to School District No. One f 1 ). Also anothcr piece of land situated on section number one (1), being that part of the west half of the southeast quarter of said sectiou number one [l], which lies south of the Jackson Branch Kailroad, supposed to contain thirteen [13] acres of land, more or less. Also the northeast corner of the west half of the northeast quarter of sectiou number twelve [12], supposed to contam about one und oue-half acres of land, more qr less, - all of the above descriptions of land beiug in township number four [4] south range uuniber [3] east. Also another pieee of land situated in the townahip of liridgewater, County and State aforesaid, bounded as follows: liesinning in the west line of Bridgewater, aforesaid, and northerly nine chains and twenty-two links from the aouthwest corner of section number seven [7], in towuship nuraber four [4] south of range four east ; running thence alongssid line north thirty minutes weht seventeen chams and seven links t o a certain stone corner; thence south eight degrees east seventeen chains and twenty-seven links toa stake ; thence south 89} west two chaius and thirty-six links to beginning, containing two acres of land, more or less. Also lot number eight [8] in block number thirty-nine [39], nccording to a re corded plat of the Villaje of Manchester, in said County of Washtenaw. natcd, Jlay 24, 1877. ' ' ■ ■ ■ - - ' . ■ I h J - I T AU) ( ADDISOX JIAXDELL, Haster in Chancery of Circuit Court of the Lnited States fur the Eastcrn District of Michigan. John N. Oott, Solicitor ior Complainant. 16i!6 Chancery Sale. IN' TURSUANOE and by virtue of die doeree of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in chancery, made aud entered on the thirteenth day of January, A. I). 1877, in a certaiu cause therein pending, wherein Martha Vaughn is complainant, and Fntrick Wall is defendant, tïie undersigned, one of the Circuif Court Commissioners in and for said County of W'aslitenaw, will sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the sonth door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Monday, the eighteenth day oí June, A. D. 1817, at ten o'eloek ia the forenoon of that day, all those certain pieces or pareéis of land situated in the townshtp of Northfleld, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known, bounded, and described as wit: ThE west half of the Southwest quarter of section nine, in township one south of range six cast. Dated, April 30, 1877. 1633 FRANK EJIERICK, Circuit Court Commssioner. Joiin N. (ott, Bolicitor lor Camplainant. Ohancery Sale. IN PURSUANCE and by virtue of the decree of the Circuit Court for the County of Wastrtenaw, to chaucery, made and entered on the twentyninth day of Match, A. 1). 1877, in a certaia cause therein pending, w-lu'rein Charles .1. llowell is complaiuiuit, umi Jolin W. Cowau and 3orcas M. Cowa are defendants, the iindt'isincd, one of the Circuit Court Commissioners in and tor said oouuty of Washtenaw, will seil ut public vendue to tlip highest biiidi'r, at the soutli door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in saiil county, on Saturdat, mr niniii day of Jükic.A. D. I.S77. at teu o'clock in the forenoon óf tb at day, all tb use certaio pieeea r paitMia of land sitúate ïn tlie towosbtp of Manchester, county ui Wuhtenav, Michigau, beiag tównsnip four south of range three cast, and known, bounded and described as follows, to wit ; The sonth quarter of the west half of the northeam quarter of section aumberone; also the northeasi quftrter of the southeast quarter of section aumber one; also so mueh ot' the west half ot' the soul In 'ast ouarter ut' Bakl section nvunber one as Lies and Is sitúate on the i ;ist and Dorth eastériy sid' of the liiver Raisin, the easterlv baok of sM rirer belng the west-erly boundary of tliu land. Dated, April 23th, 1S77. KHANK EMERICK, Circuit Court Commlssioner. JOHN N. GOTT, Cuinplainaut's solicitor. 16S2 Chaacery Sale. IN PURSUANCE and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of the United otates for the Bastera District of Michigan, in equity, made aud entered on the seventeenth day of January, A. V. 1877, in a cortain cause therein pending, whereio Elizabeth Hutohlnson, Charles L. Kinckp, and Edward Packard, executirs of the last will and testament of Samuel Hutclunson, deceased, artí complainants, and James F. Avery, Mary A. Avery, aud Auna L. Cook, are defendflnts: Notice is hereby given that l Bhall sell at public auction, on ÖATURDAY, THE NïNTH DAY OF JUNE, A.D. 1877, at 2 o'clock p. M. of that day. nt the fr'nt door of the Washtenaw County Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, the following described property situated in the city of Ann Arbur, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known, bounded, aud doscribed as folïows, to wit : iïeing lot number one, and the east half of lots liumber aeven and eijrht, in block number one (i) south of ran-j;e four (4) enst, aocording to a recorded plat of the villape taffw city) of Ann Arbor, as recorded in thn Reyister'a OíHee oí Baid county of Wtshtenaw. Da tod, April 26, 1877. ADUISOX MANDELL, Master in Chancery, Circuit Court of 1632 U. S. Eastern District of Michigan. John N. Gott, Solicitor for the Complainants. ÜINE JOB PRIKTING done at the r AUGQb OFÍ'ICE. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUI-.T haying been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage executed by John 'Hoeschle to Emanuel G. Öchaffer, dated April '22, 1875, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw county, Michigan, on April 22, 1875, in liber 51 of mortgages, on page 22, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage bccame operativo, and no proceedings in law or equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and tbe sum of üve huudred and eighteen dollars being now claiined to be due on said mortgage, besides the eosts and expenses of this foreclosure (iucludingtweuty-five dollars asan attorney's fee, as providedis said mortgage): Notice ia, therefore, hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by ti sale of the premises described in said mortgage, or some part thereof, to wit : AH of the following described land situated in the township ol1 Sharon, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, the west half of the northwest quarter of section Dumber fourteen, and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section fifteen, all In towuBhip No. three south of range No. tb ree east, State of Michigan (except a piece of land in the northeast corner of the north half of the northwest quarter of section fourteen, Ueseribed as followa, towit: beginning at4he northeast corner of said north half of th northwest quarter of aaid section fourteen, and running west along the north line of said lot thirty-niue rods, thence south fifty-five rods, thence east thirty-nine rods to the east line of said lot, thencfi north nfty-five rods to the place of beginning, comaining thirteen acres and sixty-flve roda more or less), at public vendue at the sou tli door of the Court House in said city of Ann Arbor(it being the place for holding the Circuit Court in said county), on tbe Twenty-first da v of July next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Dau-d, April 12, 1877. CHBISTIAN MACK, Administralor of the estáte of Emanuel G. Schatter, deceased. 1632 K. KrubaüFF, Alt'y for Admtnistrator. Mortgage Hale. DE F AT'LT having been made in the conditions of a mortgnge exoooted by Otto Munch to Fobn M. líoller, dated January twnty-íourth, A. 3. 1872, and recorded in the Office of the Kegiater of Deeds tor Wawhtenaw County, Michigan, on fr'ebruary líitb, 1S72, in liber 45 of mortgages, on age lliS, wbicfa mortgage was duly assigned by John M. Roller to Mack, tíchmid & Co., by deed of assignment, dated May 22d, 1872, and recorded in tíaid llegiater'a Office on May 24th, 1872, in liber 3 of assignments ol mortgages, on page 433, by whicii default the power of sale therein contained jecame operative. and no proceeding at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt txured by eaid mortgage or any part thereof, and he sum of mx huudred and twenty-one dollars and thirty-nine cents beine now claimed to be due upon said mortgage, besides the eosts and espetiBei of this loreclosure (including forty dollars as au ittorney fee as mentioned in said mortgage) : Noice is therefore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premisea therein described, or sonie part thereof, to wit : AH that, ertain piece or parcel ot land situated in the vilage of Manchester, County of Waauténaw aiul State of Michigan, described as follows, to wit : A trip of land seventy-three feet in width olf frorn he south sicle of block twentyone in said village - aid strip of land fronts aeventy-three feet on Kaiload Street, and runs back to the River Kaisin, at lublie vendue, at the south door of the Court louse, in said city of Ann Arbor, it being the plue or holding the Circuit Court in eaid Oouuty of Vashtenaw, on the Sf.venth iay of 3fwt next, al en o'olock in the foreuoou. Dated April 12, 1877. CHRISTIAN MACK & l'-REÜERICK SCHM1D, Jit., Compoping fhe Ihm of Mack, Sclunid & Co., 1(';;" AasijmeeFi eosiíE K, Frceauff, Attorney for Assignee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haviiig been made iu the condiüon ot' a certaiu mortgage, made and executed bv Persing and Hannah S. liilmer, husband and wife, of.Meeosta County, State of Michigan, to Loreu.o D-Ilale, ui' theCiiy of Ann Arbor, datert the TM dayof July, A. 1). 1872, and recovded July 27, A. I). 1872, in the oillce of the Kegister of Deeds in Washtenaw County, Michigan, in liber 48 of Moiigages, on page 301, by which said default Uie pover of sale coutamed in said mortgage becameoperativf, and the smu of four huudred and forty-sevtn 151UU dollars ($447.16) being claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of thia notice, besides the snm of tony dollars provided to be paid iu said mortgage as au attorney fee on takiug proceedings for the foreclosure thereof, and no proeeedings having been had or instituted, either at law or in equity. to recover the sum seeured by said mortgage or any part tbereof : Notice is therefore hereby given, that the said mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the mortgaged premises therein described or some pari thereof, viz: That piece or parcel of land sitúate, lying and being in the City of Ann Arbor, State oi Michigan, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginniug at a poiut nine chains and seveuteen liuks east oí the quarter stake between sections twenty-one and tweuty-eight (28) in township two south of range six east ; thence eastalong the line three (3 chains and two links ; Ihenee south at right angles four chaius and fifty links to the north bounds of the Michigan Central lïailroad ; thence westerly along the north line of said liailroad three chains nd sixty-four links; thence north three chains id twenty-eigbt links to the place of beginning, outaining one and oue-half acre of land, at pubc auetion or vendue, at the south door of the ourt House, where the Circuit Court for the Counof Washtenaw is held, in the City of Ann Arbor, n the twenty-third diiy of June, 1S7 7, at ten o'clock the forénoon. Datad, March 2, 1877. 1628 L. D. HALE, Mortgaeee. A. Fklcii, Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage Foreclosure. EFAITLT having been made in the conditions - of a certain moitgage, made and executed by ohn Hashley and Catharine Haahley, hia wife, of iiaron, County of Washtenaw and State of ichigan, to Hoaea Eaton, theu of the same place, earing date the flfteenth day of December, in the ear 1874, and recorded in the office of the Regisar ot Deeds of Waahtenaw County, in said State, on the eighteenth day of December, A. D. 1874, in liber 51 of mortgagea, on page 487, on which said mortgwe there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice, the sum of thiiteen hundred and thirty-nine dollars and twenty cents, and no proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted lo recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof : Now therefore notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the sixteekth day oï' June, A. D. 1877, at ten o'clock in the torenoon ot that day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw is held), by virtue oi the power therein contained, I ahall foreclose eaid mortgage by aale, at public auction to the highest tridder, of the premises de?cribed in snid mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be necessary tosatisfy the amount due on said mortgago with the interest, costs and expenses allowed by law, and ulwo thirty dollars as a reasoDiible solicitor or attorney lee as expressiy stipulated and ugreed to in said mortgage, which said premises are deecribed in said mortgage as follows, viz : AU tho iollowing deacribed lands to wit: The wedt half of the aouthwest quarter and the south'ast luarter of the eouthwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the northweat quarter ofaeetion niimber fourteen fHJ, townahip number three (■') south of ranire number three (3) east, eounty nnd State atoresaid, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land according to the governmeut irvey, be the same more or Teas. Aun Arbor, March 15, 1877. 1G27 HOSEA EATON, Mortgagee. A. Felcjh, Attorney lor Mortgagee. Cbancery Sale. I N' riTRSUANCE and by virlue of the doeree of L the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw. in ohanoarj, made and entered on the twentyninth day of March, A. D. 1S77, in a eertain cause therein pending, whereiu WiHiam Wileon ia romplainaut, and Kdwiu I). Ayrea, Eva C. Ayrea, and Jane A. Crritüth are defendants, the underwigned, one of the Circuit Court Commissioner in and for the said County of Washtenaw, will sell ut public veudue, to the highest bidder, at the potith door of the Court House, in the city oí Ann Arbor, in aaid county, on Satuiiday, the ninth hay or Junk, A. 1). 1877, at ten o'oloek in the forenoonof that diiy, the iollowing described lauds andpremiaea, namely: All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the City of Ypsilanti, County of Waahtenaw, Michigan, and describad as follows, to wit : Commencinj; al the southwest corner of Hamilton and Ellis streel in said city; thence west four rodB ; thenee south. aixrods; tlieuce ea at four roda; thence north aix. rods to the place of beginning. Dated, April 24. 1877. FBANK EMERICK, l-')32td Circuit Court Commissioner. Joslin & "Whitman, Uomplainant'a Soliuitoin


Old News
Michigan Argus