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(!) rt rt fV'arj't be made by every agent every li U llmonrn in tne business we f urn lab, but fl 1 TÍ thoso willing to work can earn a dozen w J J idullars a day in there own tocalities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and honorable. Women, and boys and girl do as well s men. We wíl] furnish yon a complete oultit fvee The business pays botter than anythlng else. WewiH bear expense of starting you. Particulars free. Writc and see. Farmers " and mechan íes, their sous and daughters, and all classes n need of payiag work at home, shouid write to usand learn all about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address, T&us A Co., Augusta, Maine. 1620 (!kAday at home. Agenta wanted. Outfit and termefree. TRUE & CO., Augusta, Me Two Taal Hoiises FOU SALEE The property belonging to the WELLES ESTÁTE, situatéd on DIVISIÓN STREKT, at the heud oi ANN STREET, and the property lately owned and now occupied by A. WIDENMANN, will be ut ;; VEIIY LOW PRICfi, AND ON LONG TIME IF DE9IBED. Apply to S. H. DOUULAS. piEORGE V. CROPSEY, Late oí the ftrm of Clakk A Cropsky, and A. Kearnky, late of ', ander the lirin ua: KEARNEY & 0 KOPSE Y, Have ehtablished theinselves at No. 33 Soultt Tluiii st., A n 11 A rboi-, and propose to do neral Crocery Business They wUl also keep GROCKÊRY, GLASS a WOODEN WARE, and a full line uí D0ME8TIC and FOREIGN FRUITS, They have fitted . furnished A First-class Eating Department, VVhere run be had at all hours, or board the weck. Cash pjiid tor utirr, Kgu. and alt Country produce. Goods ]roiúptly deliv r-d in any part of the city. Kciuember the plací . 33 South Jlüin Street. KEAKNKY & CROPSEY Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 1580 To tlie Woikinir CIo.s.- We are no prepared to furnish all classes with constant employraentat home the whole of tbeir time, or ibr thcir .spare moments. Business new,lightand profitable. Pereonsof oit,h(;r sex easily earn frota ! cents to $5 per cvoning, and a proportional sum by devoting theiï wliolo time to the business. Boys and girls earn neariy as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address. and test the business we make tliis unparalleled offer : To such as are nut wcll satisfied wul send one dollar to pay lor the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth severa! dollars to eommence work on, and a eopy of Home and Fireside, ono of the best illustrated publications, all sent free I mail. Reader, íf yon want permanent, profitable work, address, (jKO. Stinson á Co., Portland, M'. THEMILWAIIKEE' MEDICAL & SUR6ICÁL INSTITDTE, Establishod 1867 and Chartered by the State Legielature tor the improvotl (ivatmcnt of uil Private and Chronic Diseases mentioued in this card. Juot published, jemiïrtom "THE SILENT FRIEND! JmlJSuÊSJL A confidential Adviser for theyoungand fê SaBr midiiif ujifd of both oxís ;on all Dib'aQ w es oí a Private Nature, arisingfrom ,t Early Abuses or lufection, 8cminal Weaknoss, and Loss of Manhood, and the best meana oí cure; with valuuble adyice to the Married and those contcmplating Marrittfie ; including a treatise on Female DiseaaeB, and Chronic Affect ons of the Throat, Lungs and Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer, Ilupture, Piles, Fiutiila,the Opium Habit &c. It containB 2(X)large pages and numerous engravins, niailed under cal on receipt oföct8. A CLINICAL LECTURE on the above diseaees, and the principies oí' medical practice in their tnatment Price 10 ets. Address, Attending Physioian, r oC r . & INSTITUTE, No 436 Water st., MILWAXTKEE.WiS Bricli Stom te Sale. I OFFER FOR SALE my Briek Btore, Corner ei Hu ron uh1 Fourth streets, opposite Cook's Hotel. This is one of the most desirable busii (ocations in the city, and will be sold at a bargair. 1598 JOHN G. GALL.


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