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RAILROADS. iHCHtttAM CElñratAlTRAÍlloIir JUNE 10, 18T7. OPIMO IT. lilIOM. =j . -g & J 1 51 I Ï LA_e!?!eÍ A. H. A. M t.U. I'. II. p. K. 7 Detroit, leaTe, 700 985 445 3 15 6 05 ó ,', O.T. Juuction, T 15 8 SO 5 00 830 ÍO i0 í! Wayne Junction 7 4!lO 16 S SI 8 55 66 i o li Vpnilanti, 8 17110 35 i 411 7 21 ju Qeddes, 8 30 6 15 . "" Ann Arbor, 8 40 10 50 6 30 4 32 7 55 1? Delhi, 8 55! 1 6 43 3 Dexter, 9 031 ' 6 53 4 55 8 1( Cheluea, 9 23 I 7 12 S 13 8 SJ QrauLake, 9 52 1 7 35 5 SS 9 oo " r.u I "77 Jaeknon, 10 20 12 15 8 00 6 06 9 30 1 57; Albion, 1104 13 62 7 04 10 U Marshall, ! 1 60 1 SO g 7 SS 10 4t! I P.M. Me Battle Creek, 12 80 1 58 ♦ 8 011111 ii, Oaleiburg, 12 i 8 39 U M .. M. A. U Kalamazoo, 1 30 2 40 5 00 9 00 12 11 t Lawton, 167 6 35: 1 00 _j? Decatur, 2 15 t 60j 1 27 Z Üowagiac, 8 41 6 15 j un Niles, SU; 4 07 00 IJiin Buehanan, 8 25; 7 11 3 60 ThreeOaks t 61' 4 41 7 87 J JO su New Buffalo, 4 13 4 56 ! 7 60.' S J5 Michigan Cuy, 4 40 ! 6 20 8 10 4 OS w Lake, 5 33 6 02 S S0 4 S2 6 Kenainjjton, 6 03 6 50 9 40 5 40 ) !„ Ohioago, arrive, 6 66 T 40,10 30i 6 SO i, OOIHG A8T. _?_ _L_ üí ëIiL. - I A. M. r. K. P. M. KM. tT Chicago, leare, 7 45 1 30 3 45 5 15 ií.' Keuington, 8 85 2 2o! 4 35 0 05 ) y Lke, i 9 2i: ! 6 23 6 48 lo L Michigan City, 10 08 3 30 8 2 7 Si 1) New Buffalo, 10 31 1 6 61 - ni Thxee Oakt, '10 40'. 7 09: S 11 11 u Buehanan, 111 1 7 SO í Niles, U 31 4 1H 8 211 9 00 lili Dowaginc, p.m. 8 48 loi Decatur, 12 01 9 15 J 1 Lawton, 12 25 9lti tí . Kalamarxio, 12 42 5 22 10 10, 6 30 10 26 II! OalMburg, 1 20 . I 6 53 S! Battle Creek, j 1 6 53; ji M 7 35 11 16 S Marshall, 3 10 i 30 p 8 12 11 40 Ti ! i.M. Albion, 3 37 A.M. 8 43 13 K Jacknon, 1 4 36 7 20 6 20 9 45 13 50' i II Ora Lake, 4 47 : 5 48 10 06 ' . CheUea, 5 13 1 g 15 10 24 I , Dexter, i 5 31 1 6 SO 10 35 I , Delhi, 5 43 j 6 43 Ann Arbor, 6 66 7 00 10 50 3 10 la (eddes, S 05 7 05 -_ü Ypilantl, 6 15 8 29 7 14 11 05 2 ti! Wayne June., 8 43 8 49 1 7 40 11 22 2 41 tu O. T. June, 7 15 9 16! 8 25 11 50 3 SO U Detroit, Ar., I T 30 9 30[ 8 40:12 05 8 S5 1 w #Sundays excepted. iSaturday and Hunday . eepted. IDuily. H. B. LBDYARD, Oen'lSupt., Detroit. H. C. Wehtwobth, (ien. Pasa. Agt., Chicago. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDI. ANA RAILROAD. To take effect Juue 13, 1876. OOIMO WE8T. OOIXO Km. ■TATiom. Mai:. Exp. ítationb. Exp. Hrí A. U. T. U. Ypíilanti.... 8:3U 7:20 A. K. ., .Salino 'J:16 7:67 Banken 5:00 i:l, Brídgewater.. 9:42 8:16 Hilladule.... ia 1.1 Manchester. 10:12 8:37 Manchester.. 8:20 tv r. h. Brídgewater :X ix Hillsdale 12:45 10:33 Saline t:35 3 Bankera 1:00 10:45 Vpsilanti.... 10:20 M Traint run bv Chicago time. W. t. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypllntl 1 EORGE W. CROPSEY, Late of the firm of Clark A Cropskt, aod . Kkaknky, lata uí Texas, under the fíriu name oí KEÁRNEY & CROPSEY, Hare establlshed thcmselvcs at No. 33 Sonth Main st., Ann Arbor, and propose to do general Grocery Business Ther wlll also kep CROCKERY, OLASS nd WOODEN WARE, and a full line of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FKUITS. They have íitlcd atd furnitihed A First-class Eating Department, Where Meah can be had at all hours, or botrdbf the week. Catih pald f or Huiler, Eggs, and all CJoiintry produce. Gooda prompttj dï-.'jcred ín auy part of tho city. Kemember tfiepj(V, 3 3 South .11 ui 11 Mtreet. KEAUNKÏ & CROPSEY Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 15 TUE ORIGINAL AND ONLÏ C3-E2XJI3STE ki Vibrator " Threshing Machines, CONÖI9TINC OF Complete Horse-Power Establltliment, with 24-ioch, 2dinch and 32-iuch (.';...■■ der, with 6, 8, 10 or 12 Horse Power to match. 'Io MiyleM of Mounted IIore Vow or; our IinproTed "Triple Gear," aud inipruTtd '8pur Speed" (Woodbury style), both klndi mounted on four wheols, auu speciul sizes ïusultifor 6, 8, 10 oi 12boises. Complete Steuiu Power Outfiu; mr uuritalea "Vibrator " Separatora. made exprwtlT for Steam Power, with 32-inch Cylinder and 44-inct Separatort or 3G-inch Cyliuder and 48-iuch Sepantiiig cleaning parts, with all the othor parts jirportlonately capacious and full oí " business; ' also, our matchlesB Steaui ThreNber L■ ffiueSf of ourown make, beyond rival ry iu l'over, Durabiuty, Kasy Firiug Beauty of Deafgn, Perfttt VVorkmauship, Klegaot Finish, completo in eTer? detail, and in all respecte a fit compauioo for our celebrated Steam Separator. Our "Vibrator" üeparators "alon. made expreasly lor Steam Power, and to match icf and all other make of Lngines, also, perfect. adapted to go with mi y and all other mate Sorse Powere, four ui zes, ranging from 24 tu36-ineli length of Cylinder, and 36 to 48 luches widthDi Separating parts. Tbe IV ide Reputallon of our matchlcas "Vibrator" Threshers for rapiil thrwi ing, perfect saving, admirablecleaning, do wasta. cleanllneas, economy in repairs, durabilfty, ease management, and a general superiority Íd tariooi other respecta, is now fully etitablished and geoer ally recognir,ed. The Acknowledfred Head and Front of Grain Threshers, and especially superior il grain be damp or wet. while tor ft'lax, Tini thr. and Hke Seed, no other machines can tm'hfaly claim any compariton. The Genuine "Vibrator" Threshen ARE MADE OM. Y 11Y NICUOLS, SHEPARD & CO Battle Creck, midi. They, or any of their regular authorized Dca]er ftirnish Illustrated Pamphlets, Price Lista wám full particulars, free, on applicatiou. 173ïoi3 MANÏÏOO3D : How Lost, How Restored I Juat published, o new edition of Dr' JfgR&Culverwell'ft Olebraled E"a! Jflpon the radical cure (without medicine)"' KSJHSpermatorrhoea or Seminal WeBkneê,l' Toluutary Seminal Losses, Impntency, Mental rJJ Physieal Incapticity, Impedimento to MarriM1 eto, ; also, Conumption, Epilepey and Fits, incoeed by self-indulgenoe or sexual extravagant, M9PrIce, in a aealed envelop, only cix cent. The oelebrated authur, in this admirable Em7' elearly demonstra ten, from a thirty years' Biiccei" ful practico, that the alarm ing consequente otjelf abuse may be radically cured without the danfferous use of internul medicine or the applicttt"1 of the knife ; pointing out a mode of euro at occe aimple, certain, and e&ectual, by means of vbicii every sufferer, no matter what hia condition mr be, may oure himself cheuply, prirately and rwl" ically. Thia lecture ihould be in the hands of eitrf youth and every man in the land. Sent under eeal, in a plain envelope, to any ' dresa( pot-pnid, on receipt of bíx cents or to postare (itamps. Addreaa the Publiahers, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Anii Street. ! V' Post Office Box, 458(!, li--"í: THE MILWilKEK MEDICAL & SÜRGICAL INSTITÜTE. EiUbliihed 1807 and Chartcred by the State Lti}' fortheimprovedtreatmant ot tü Private and ChrofiH Diaeaae mentioned ia thii carcl. Juat publiihid. "THE 8ILENT FRIENDIrt . MJÊIËÊ A confldential Adviaer for the youn JËJZSSaaW middl BS.rcl of' both exí-s ;on all Wk1' HOtl Private Naturo, iriiiDgíW ■■■■ Karly Abuse or Iníectíon, Sen1 M'rakneat, and Lom ot Manhood, and the beit n"1" et cure; with valuable adrice to the Marricd aud ujo contcmpUtii]L Marriaie ; includiiig a treatite on Femls IlBajies, and Chronic Affect ion of the Throat. Lun" nd Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer, Rupture, PiIei,Fiitula,the Opium Habit c. It contaim 260 large paei and ouaitüQUJ W CTvinjri,mtiled under wal on recfipt offlOcti. _j ▲ CLÖfICAL LECTUHE on th above dticMH. Ihp pnnciplci oí medical practice in their treatumUt Friet lüct. Addrcit, Attendtng PltTtlcian, Two Valnable Houses FOB. SALE, The property belonglng to the WELLES ESTAJE, ituated oq DIVISIÓN STREET, at the he01 ANN STKEET, and the pruperty latcly owuiti '". , ow oecupied by A. WIUENMANN, will be W"1 t a VEEÏ LOW PRICE, AND ON LONO TIME IF DE8IEEPApply to S. H. DOUGLAS.


Old News
Michigan Argus