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- Company A of this city propoaes to celébrate the 4th of July in Bay City. - Prof. Perry gives a reception to the graduating class of the High School this eveuing. - That old-fashioned rainy day (Saturday) interfered with a number of projected picnics. - A new bell tower ha3 been put ou the Fifth ward engiae house and a new bell hung in it. - ' Uncle Andrew Robison," of Sharon, has so far recoyered from nis recent severe illness as to ride out. - Timothy D. Wallace, who has lived in Lodi for sixteen years, died on Sunday last, aged 71 years. - The fast train makes twelre stops between Chicago and Detroit, and the running time is eight hours. - Samuel D. Bird, of Northfield, fall dead near hi hom, in a üeld where he had gone to cut brush, on the 9th inat., aged 72 years. - Mr. Andrew DeForest arrived here from California on Monday, and it ís understood tbat Andrew will come in SepUmber,- to êty. - ïhe Bed Ribbon Club of thi city are arranging for a Fourth of July picnic It will be held on the ialand and a good tim ia expected. - The Court Houae Building Committeo sdïertise ia another column for proposal. Aud now contractora should sharpen their laad pencils and sail in. -We give place to the new M. u. R. K. time table, but don't rely too implicitly on its figures, for we hear that still another new on will tako effect on Sunday next. - The Memphis Bed aud the Uuirersity Jíine played a match game of base ball on the lair grouuds on Tuesday afternoon. The Keds jcored 7 and the University boys 3. - The Jajksou County Pioneer are to have a picnic at Jackson on the 2lst inst., and the members of the Pioneer Society of thi county have been iavited to particípate. - A stock company ia being organized at Vpsilanti for the manufacture of boots aud ihoes on a large scala. The factory of Messrs. Tristram & Weber, of Detroit, is the nest W - The salaries of Ypsilauti's officer for the current year have been fixed at : Mayor, $1 Clork, 1300; Attornoy, $100; Treasurer', 100 ; Marshal; $600; Superintendent of Poor, $200, - BeT. Dr. Cocker ddrejsed a large meeting gathered at the Opera House on Suuday ifterooon last, under the auspicea of the Belorin Club. His remarks ware received with great favor. - C. B. Mabley, of Detroit, will address the Reform Club, at the Opera House, this irening. It is expected that he will be ac:oinpunisd by other members of the Detroit Keforni Club. - The sidewalk coinmittee has adrertised for proposals to construct a walk six feet wide irom the Michigan Central Railroad track to the Huron River bridge, along the west side of Pontiac street. - Under the new arrangements of trams the mails will close at the postoffice in this oity as follows : Uoing West, at 10:30 a. m., 5:40 p. m., aud 6:30 p. m. üoing East, at 10:30 . m. and 5:40 p. m. - A railroad meeting is to be held at the Court House this evening. Subgcription will be in order, after hearing the statements nd propositions of Gov. Ashley, so go prepared to put down your name. - James J. Parshall got a grind stouo free on Friday eyening last, by carrying it i'rom Itisdou's hardware store to bis residence in the First ward, without stopping eu route. It weighed about 160 ponnds. - The closing exercises ot the High School lill take place on Friday moruing next, at 10 o'clock, iu the usual place. The graduating claBS is a large one, and the exercises will be toteresting, both to the friends ot the graduites ond citizens generally. - John Weiss and Qeorge Gruner appeared talore Justice McMahon on Tuesday. and ntered a plea of guüty to a charge of assault ui battery committed uponEugene Osterlein. Sentence suspended on payment of costs and ntisfying the injured party. - The Barrett Club drew a large audience on Friday evening last, and all seemed highly pleased with the manner in which " A Happy Pir " and " The Serious Family " were played. iboat $120 were netted and turned into the treasury of the Keform Club. - An Ypsilanti man was up here on Tuesday last, and wanted to sell strawberries to nise his share of the Court House tax-levy. "Foragingon the enemy " was the idea running through his head. He offered thera cheap eoough : ten quarts for a dollar. - The Reform Club ia making an effort to Meare an address next Sanday afternoon from Mrs, Lathrop, of Jackson, an earnest and popular laborer in the temperance work. If succusinl notice will be given in the several churches neit Sunday morning. - The High School alumni will hold a reunión on Friday evening next, in the High School hall. The oration will be giren by G. H. Hanower, the poem by A. J. McGowan, ai an essay be read by Miss Julia M. Barry. After the exercises a supper will be eaten. - The last number of the Chromcle mentiona a proposed trip around the lakes from Dítroit to Chicago, to be taken immediately itter commencement. Reduced rates of fue ar hoped for if the number of students joining in the excursión shall be large enough. - G. P. Brown, of the present graduating tlw, and the local editor of the Regüter, has obUined a situation for the coming year in Ih High School at Pontiac. Sucoess to him. J' S. Crombie, of the same class, and a rfsident of Pontiac, goes into the Coldwater High School, as principal. - The Manchester Enterprise tellB this " big a: Wm. Bowers, of Sharon, haa a cow hich originated from the herd owned by &W, Palmer, Esq., of Bridgewater, which Si'es datly 68 -% pounds of milk. She is lilked three times a day, and fed 21 ears of itn. Who can beat that ? " -Th Unirersity boys have placed the Womencement week tournament in charge of "following officers: General Manager, T. 1 Noble ; Manager of Procession, T. J . Ea" ; Managers of Apparatus, D. N. DeTarr, " G. Van Wert ; Procession and Entries, F. G. Fergnson, J. ƒ. Reed, J. H. Tweedy, jr„ C. C' Whitacr ; Prizes, D. L. Parker ; Renting of Stands, C. J. Reynick; Judges and Pólice, ; S. Deacon ; Printing, J. R. McLaughlin. A kl8timeis expected. "" H. C. Wentworth, Esq., General PassenP' nd Ticket Agent of the Michigan Central "lroad Compauy, adyises us that excureion fekets from and to all stations will be sold Jl% 3 and i " at one fare for the round trip," iood to return on any trains of the 4th or 5th, ad that "ampie provisions will be mad to Wommodate all." Every man and hiswife - ept the printer, who has to work harder öouday weeks than at any other season - can '"Ut up shop and go celebrating or visiting. Io the Supreme Court at Lansing on "sday, a decisión was rendered in the case f the Hartford Fire Insurance Conipany ts. Junes S. Reynolds, rerersing the judgment Mlow, with coBts, and granting a new trial. T1e judgment below wa in favor of Reynolds, 'h Insurance company being the appellant. 0 'he same day a mandamus was grauted, " the relations of Joseph Pray, against Asher ' "Ty and Conrad Krapf, commissioners on "io estáte of A. J. Buchoz, ordering a certified "turn of certain evidence taken on the harUlí oí a crtain claim presente-d by aid Pray giat said eitate. - We have taken considerabi pain to lean the condition of the wheat erop in this oounty, and are advised by farmeri living in different towns that ths proapeots for a large yieldisnow fine. either th dry weather, the late rains, nor the fly has materially in jured it, Hereandthere afleid has been lodged, but as a whole there is no cause for oomplaint. - Yesterday Undersheriff Fleming arrested a man giying his nam as F. S. Browu, on suspicion of haTing a stolen horse and carriage in hia possession. A telegram to a reference he gave at Birmingham brought a reply that no such man was known. Later in the day, Chief of Pólice Bogers, of Detroit, who had been notified, telegraphed, "Hold man and horse, officer and man wilt come."