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Turnips Declared A Sure Cure For Hog-cholera

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Maj. John Millón, a well-known eitizen of Laplata, Macón couuty, lias grer.t faith in tnrnips as a sure cure tor the disease known as hog-cholera. So great is his fiiitl i tliat he lias filed a claim with the State Governnient for the $10,000 reward offered by the Legislature for a remedy for that disease. Maj. Mi Hou says expeiiments made by h'.m have deinonstrated the fu3t that tarnipa are uot ouly a cure, but a preventivo of cholera. He has impiirted the secret to many farmers iu this State, all of whom fouiid the remedy ure. uno wealtby farmer iu Howard coiinty, Maj. Millón says, had thirty-eight hogs alllicted with cholera. He was advjsed of the tniiiip cure, but plnjed no faith in it. However, he conclnded to give it a trial, and, selecting one of the hogs worst afflicted, he put it in a pea alone and fed it turnips. The resiilt was, that hog recovered and all the rest dieil. Maj. Millón states that únicas a hog is too far gone to eat, the turnips will cure him. Tne remedy is a cheap one and easily proonred, and it eau cprtoinly do no harm for fainers


Old News
Michigan Argus