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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DONAJlJQ MACLIJAN, BI. I., Pfoysieian and Surgeon. Oflice and residence, 71 Hurou Street, Ann Arbor. Office liours f rom 8 to 9 a. m. and f rum to 3 p. m. LK. McFABLSD, Surgical and Mechan. ical Dentist, corner of Main and Hnroa ■treets (íackson's oíd stand.) Great paius takeu in 3 11 operatioDS eutrnsted to my care Prices to snit hetiiucs. All wovk warranted. Teeth extracted without pain. Oflice honrs : 8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p.m.; T to8:30p. m. WH. JACKSON. lVntist. Oilirc c.iriicr i1 Main and Washington streets, ovor Bach & Abc I's store, Ann Arbor, Micll. Ancsthotics adniinistered if required. EtlGKNK K. FEUEAUFF, Attorney at Law, Nutary Public, and CoromiPsioner of Deeds ■for Peunsylvania. Consultatiun in the Germán or 3SngU;h laugnage. Oflice in Riusey and Seabolt's Block, Washington St., Anu Arbor. IjlKANK K. YOUMG, Attorney and Counselor at ' Law, Koücitor in Chancery, General Conveyancer, aml Nutiiry Public. Office witli John N. Got't. Abstracts of title carefully compiled. 1629 E CLARK, Justice of the Peace, Notary Pub. lic and Couveyaucer. Will loan money for othtrs on real ïstate eecurity. Office over No, 8 Hurin streef, Ann Arbor, Mich. "ÏTrlNES & WORDEN, 20 South Main otreet, Vy Auu Arbor, Mich., hole sale aud reta'l dealers in Dry Goods, Carpeta and Groceries. MACK & SCHMID, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main etreet. _ BACH & A11EL, dealers in Dry Goods, Grccerios, etc., No. 26 South Main street, Aun Arbor, Mich. TlfM. WAGNEK, dealer in Ready-Made cïöthVV 'Dg, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesfings, Trunks, Carpet Bags, etc, 21 South Main Street. JFREDERICK SCHAEBEBUï, teacher of . the MANO, VXOLIN ASli GU1TAK. Residence eoutheast corner Main and Liberty :street8, Ann Arbor, Mich. ■ITT IJ. ELï, Organist at the Presbyterian TV Choren, will give instrucüon upon th Piaao or Organ, or in vocal culture and harmony. Lessons giren ;it pupils" residence. Term, $15 per conree of 20 lcssons. Pianos tuned and repaired. Cali or addreae 16 Bowcry street. 102üyl NOAH W. CHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ottice rast sido of Court House Square Anu Arbor, Mloh. JOHN L. BUBLEIGH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Ño. '2-i Bauk Block, sccoudfloor, ANN ABBOR, - - MICHIGAN. HENRY R. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer in Real Estáte. Offtre, No. 3 Ocera House B'ock, ANN AKIÍOH. EVEBYBODY SAYS THAT REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 East Huron Street, up-stairs. A. H. WINSLOW, 32 East Huron Street. DEALER IN PICTURE FKAJIES, BUAOKETS ANI) YiOHA SlliIGS. I5DO MI8S MANTIE M. MILnËr TEACHER OF THE PIANO. dwJroV" ÜOU giVCn a' Ul' ?es.id0u0l! of tnc PUP U l"r terina inquire at residence, No. South State __; 16H J. Ií. NIOHEJ1.S, Dealer m mmn & salt meats, Huma, Sausagp, lirl, ct:., STAn; STREKT, OCTOfltTE NÜKTHWEST COENKK OF UNIVEKSdï CAMPUS. Onjen promHy fllled. Farmers having meats tosell Biioold give hiin a cali. lM8-yl THE ANN AKBOR SAVINGS BANK .A-nn Arbor, JMiehlgan. Keceives deposita of One Dollar and upwards and allows Five per cent. roerest on all deposits remaipiDg three months or longer. NTEKEST COMPOUNDEJD SEMI-ANNUALLY. AIro, blij s and nellfs ü. S. Bond, Gold, Rilverand Iutere.4 Coupoas, a,ud New York, Detroit aud CliicaL(o V.:hiiure. AIro ..-lis Bifiht Drafts on Great Britnirj, Iiehuul, Germany, or auy other part of the European Coninent. This Bank is organized uuder the General Biuk "il? Law of this Stite. ïlie stockholders are indiwdually liable to the ammml of their stock, and the nhnle capital is security for depositors, wjiile witti Banks of iesue the capital is investid íor (he KKiu-ily of biü-hoMers. ïhis fJCt (akèe this It_ stituliou a vory safe deposit of moneya, Married Woraeu can deposit subject to their own drafts only. Mpncy to loan ,,n Aprovcd Socurittes. ■■ l'iiu;cïoi;s-It. A. Bt:i!. C. Mu-l, Y. I). Harrimau, w. Deubf!, w. w. Winw, 1. Uiftcuck y B Saiith. 0MT0ER3.J 0. Mack, Pres't. % w. Wine, Vice-Pres-t. C. E. Hiscock, Ouhfér, JiBKRBAOH & SON, Dilüsts ai Ptoriiclsts, Í2 South Main St., Kp on hand a large and well selected stock of Jnuös, MJ';]ICJNES, OHEMICAT.S, DYE STUFF8, ART1STS1 & YAI FLOWER MATEBIALS Toilet ,rtit:l:s, 'l riiBRC.H, Btc. Mi WINES AND ÜQUORS. 1 ' ; '■' ' ' '■! '' " , ■'■:i : ; ,- , ui , [■ luiif of Phy11 ■ M.i ! ■. ■ :■ ■' , '■-., itli I iiil..sophical ,.,': ' ■ ■ ■ ' ; . 'iieiuitt Cheuiical '■ r roríeinn Bife Pure ü' ts, etc ' } iciaut' uetci wefujlv ] f epared t


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