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State News Brevities

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Mrs. Fowler,, of Charlotte, who bas used snuif for sixty-six years, has quit as she says, to eucourage the red ribbon boys. During the recent deooration o] graves at Chattanooga, Tenn., the resting place of the remains of Lient. Col Morris B. Wells, of the Twenty-first Michigan Infantry, was discovered. Col. Wells went trom Ionia. Statistics froni eight townships in Saginaw County show that the increase in the acreage of wheat is aboul 20 per cent. over last year, and the Courier says the same is true of the whole couuty. On the evening of the 14th, in the viüage of Brooklyn, fourtoen miles south of Jackson, John Gibson was accutsed by one Ambler of being too intimate with Mrs. A., which he coolly acknowledged to be true. Ambler gave tiim a terrible bcating, so that at last accounts he was lying at the point ol death. A singular freak of nature is re.ported on the farm of the late Iialph Wadhauis, in Kimball township, St. Clair Couuty, where a thoroughbred calf whs recently born with its heart located in its ueck, entirely forward of the shoulder. ïho animal is uow three or four weeks oíd, and quite active. Win. Haddrill, of North Branch, Lapeer County, wishing to get rid of a tenant who was occupying bis house, coneluded to try au original plan, which was succossful, and niuch more expoditious than invoking the law. He put jack-screws under one end of the building, and raised it to such an angle thut the occupant was glad to slide out right side up. The galvanizad iron moldings, drops, pedestals, paneiings, etc, for the Senate and Representativo Halls of the new Capítol, and also the lantern for the dome, have arrived in this city. They were manufacturad by John Siddons, o) Itochester, N. Y., and the drop and molilings are now being put up by Chas. Vogle, foreman of Mr. Siddons' works.Lansing Ilejublican. Something unhoard of before occurred tbis week in the towing business in this región. Mr. D. C. Bowen, of Montague, Ims purcha8ed 600,000 feet of logs of Messrs. Toirent & Arms. On Wednesday evening the tug Joseph Heald hitehed on to 1,500 logs, containing 300,000 feet, and towed them to Montague, being 9 hoursand twenty minutes on the way. Thoy arrived in good condition. Thia afteruoon another 300,000 t'etit will be towed over. - Mutkegon Ch ron iele. Bears frequent Wexford County, and recently a large oue visited the premises of Jacob Keplinger, in Mherman, and carried off a hog weighing about 150 pounds. Xhe porker raised a cry and bruin found himself so hotly pursued that ho dropped his booty and flod. Whilo the men were securing the wounded hog, the bear returned to the peu and carried off auother, which he got away with, killed and buried. The Insurance Comrnissioner reports the nninber of companies doing busiiuess in this State to bp 164, as follows : Michigan mutuals, 40 ; Michigan stock, 2 ; other States, 108 ; Canadian, 3 ; other foreign, 11. Companies witbdrawn : Allianoe, Boston ; Armenia, Pittsburgh ; Bangor, Bangor, Maine ; citizens' Newark ; Farmers' and Drovers', Louisville ; Franklin, lndianapolis ; Globe, Cincinnati ; Home, Columbus, Ohio ; Hudson, Jersey City ; Oswego&OnondagaPhcenix, New York : Paterson, Paterson, New Jersey ; Peoplo's, Memphis ; Star Fire, New York ; Sun, Cleveland. The forty mutual companies in the State havo risks to the araount of $98,687,036 and a membership of 51,549, against 32,051 in 1870 ; amount of fire risks writton by the Michigan stock companies of the States and foreign governments. $133,397,203: premiums, $1,930,583; losses paid, $926,087 ; aggregate risks for 1876, $145,421,718; premiums received, $2,104,996 ; losses paid, $1,069,110. Tne risks in 1875 were $163,074,518; premiums received, $2,522,605; losses paid, $1,350,148.


Old News
Michigan Argus