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Closing Exercises Of The High School

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The exercises of the graduatiug class of the High School took place on Frlday, June 22, at. 10 o'olook A. M., ia the hall of the ceutral building. The hall was clossly filled and mary applicants wer unabla to Rain ndmittauoe. Ths weather was extreme! favorable and close packing did not matorially detract from the comfort of the interested hearur?. The júniora had tnmmed the hall beautifully for the occasion, aud iu a seiui-circle over the platform was inssribeJ in evergreen letters the motto of the eins, " Inveniam viarn aut faciam." Tlio followinsf progiamme wan olisarved : Muiiic. Trayer hj the Hev. W. H. Kyier. Musio. 1. Orisiuttlity, E. H. Bowmau, öfc Uharlex, 2. Tennysou's Harold, Nellie M. Colman, Ann Arbor. 3. (Jolden Mean in Politics, F. C. Cole, Ann Arbor. i. Political Antugonisms, G. H. Fletcher, Mankato, Minn. Music. ■5. Housekeeping, Jane Eyer, Highlaud Park, o. Partisanaóip, Uñarles Freeland, Millers. burg, Ind. 7. Creeds, Lottie L. Hall, Ana Arbor 8. The Welfare oí tha South, William alpi... Superior. Mustc. 9. The Real and Ideal, Effie Hyde. I'lainwell. 10. Benodiot Arnold, R. R. Petitt, North Clymer, New York. 11. The Charactei ol the Italiana, Annie J. Ookford, Ann Arbor. 12. The Study oí the Fiue Arts, 1. X. Payue, Port Clinton, Ohio. Musía 13. The Cost oí CiTilizatiou, J. (i Schurtz, White Pigaou. 14. Mohummedism, Ana D. VVhipple, Fowleriille. W. Liberality of Thougut, fiara B. Willits, Hillsdate. 1C. Utiiit.y of Beliel, Mek W'nostor, üjcatur. Music. I'reeittation oí Diplomas. Musió. itouediction by the Rev. W. H. Kyder. As no bvief abstract would do justice to the essays and orations of the yoiiug Utdies and gentlemen, suffice it to say that both in uianner anil matter, iu compensa! urn aud thought, they reflooted credit upoa taemselves, the class, thoir iu6tructors, and the school. The perfect order whicli was maintained throughout testifiod both to the interest iu their efforts, as the applause and bouquets did to their suocess. We append a full aud classitied list of tha graduates to whbm certiücates or diplomas were presented : CI.ASE1CAL OOUIISE. E. H. Bowman, C. H. Colé, Nellie M. man, Jane Kyer, G. H. Fletcher, Wm. Galmn, E. H. Hilton, A. M. Huycke, J. E. Huut, G. H. Johnston, Maggie E. Morton, Lydia Mooie, P. S. McFariand,' Amiie J. Ocktord, I. N. Payne, li. R. Petitt, M. K. Perkins, J. G. 8churtz, F. M. Towusend, Nellie A. Stauiey, Asa D. Whipple, Mack Wooster. LATÍN C0UB8E. J. G. Abel, XI. 3. Browne, E. M. Brown, Alioe E. Clark, T. C. Clark, Nellie M. Colman, Matie Cornwell, Jane Eyer, G. H. Fletcher, Charles Freeland, Arma B. Gelstou, F. H. Guff, Xat Guuter, Lottie L. Hall, Mary K. Haskell, (Jhas. Hutchinaon, C. H. Hutchms, Mary H. Power, S. M. Stooker, J. H. Willard, tiara B. Willits, Mack Wooster, W. T. Wliedou. SCIESTIFIC COUBS. Bert ha Baúr, F. C. Colé, Carne Lovejoy, Clara A. Uott, M. Alice U-oodrioh, VV. C. MiiWr-, tSar.ih Douglasa. Eíerett Marshall, f. i'r. ThomuR, Charles Wagner. 13XOI.I3H COUBSH. Emma Brown, Eraraa K. BanfieW; Efíis Hyde, Isadore M. Kisdou. COMMESOIAt, OOUBSB. Henry Binder, Fi C. Colé, Ernest L. Chase, Carissa A. Halev, O. C. Jones, C. W. Coman, A. M. Shaw, X. J. Sullivau, J. U. Thomas, Ida M. Cook. GKRMAK COUKSB. F. C. C,le, M. Alice Goodrich. The Alumni Asoociation t i the Uigh School had its aecond annual iv-uniou in the evemng, with a lara attendauce and u general interest, Dr. J. B. Steere presidiug. U. II. Harrower, of the class of "4, was the orator of the occasion, and in hi8 twenty-flve minutes diacussed "Cardinal Richhlieu ; " A. J. MoGowan, ot '71, was the poet. nis thema the "tliiknown"- tlm symbolic word which marks a grave on one of the Yirgiuia battle fielrts. Miss Julia M. Barry, of '70, read aa essay on " Tiie Signs of the Times." Oration, poeui, and essay were all good. After these exercises oftieers were elected for the ensuing year, as follows : President, Volney M. Spalding, '69. Vice President, Miss Fanuie Kellogg. Kecording Secretary, Miss M. L. Hall, 73. Correspouding Seoretary aad Treasurer, Asa Whipple, '77. Orator, Branch H. Culby, 'Vi ; altérnate, E. D. Barry, '72. Poet, George Horton, '7ó; altérnate, K. A. Horton, 'Gö. Essayist, Miss M. L. Pond, '71 ; alteruata, Misa Clara L. ConoTer, '72. Toastmaster, H. T. Morley, '75. Exeeutivö Cominittee, John V. Sheehau, '72. Mía. U. J. Kiutnor, 'fi5, Miss Nollia M. Colmau, '77, and Heury Wauty, '7-1. And thereafter supper was served in an adoming room, uuder the supervisión of Hungaterfer. - At the couclusion of the feast, the alumni, teachers, and others, headed by the Ana Arbor City Band, proceeded to the residence of Superintendent Perry on Jefferson street, and complimented that gentleman with a serenade. Prof P. was called out and responded n a brief speech. - The music at the graduatmg exeroises was furuished by a detachment from Spfel's 3and, Detroit.


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