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St. John's Calamity

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Wednesday, the 20th of June, 1877, was the most cnlnmitons day ever known in the annals of St. Joliu, N. B. " Nothing," snys a correspondent, " conkl have biirst moro suddenly on the uuexpecting citizens thau the lire -vvhich doBtroyed so many vtiluable live, wasted property by millions, laid au arresting hand on many and varied forms of industry, nnd spread not only desolation, bnt terror and consternation, all around. Public buildings, palaces of commerce, temples of religión, banks, palatial residences, nowspapers and telegraph offices, sehoolhouses, almoHt everything of which tlie citizens of St. John feit proud, were all in a few hou rs laid in ruins." The account continúes : The loss of our hotels, churches, school-houROB, banks, etc, was made a thousand times more painful by the lamentable destruction of life accompanying it. The fire was discovered in a building owned by Mr. Fairweather on the south side of ïork's Poiut slip, next to McLaughlin's boiler shop. To the latter building the llames had spread lefore the firemen had reached tho scène. The engines arrived and did their best to stop tlie dames, bnt all efforts were in vain. Nothing could bc done. The ñames then spread to various buildings on Have's wharf, which were also quickly consumed, and the ftre broke outwith a roar into Smith street, carrying everything bèfóte it. From there the flamea spread into Drary lañe and Mili street, following that into Doek street, taking both sides. Ere tuis, however, the rear of the London House and adjacent buildings had been attacked. When it was seen that the flrst fire would inevitably sweep along Dock or Mili streets, aid came from Portland in the shapc of the town engine and firemeu. The tinderboxes on lire, aided by the wind, proved a combination too much for the gallant workers, and, almost in despair, they saw tlie fiamos advauce npon them, not slowly, but with a rapidity that appallod the stoutest hearts. The Carloton engine came in on tlie ferryboat and leut its aid. One engine had been stationed at tlie corner of Mili nml Union streets, while men with branches were down on Union street opposite Drnry lane. Tlie buildings were a mass of flames at the enJ of Smith street and Drury lane, and, while the workers were vainly endeavoring to have tho lire end there, a raomentary gale took tlie llames across Unión street to the oppositc hoii8es, and then they receded, but their touch had been fatal, and in loss than uve minutes tlie buildings were doomed to destruction. Both sides of tlie street were soon in the grasp of the devouring element, and men were obliged to drop their brauch-pipes and run up the street, after which they dragged the hose after them. Auother lot of men were working at the foot of Union street, and, by placing boards in front of their faces managed to bnttle with the flames until their clothing became singed. Proceeding along Smith street in s southerly direction, the fire soon reached Nelson street, and then Eobertson's place; then extended to Koberteon's wharf, and then up North whaif. As it gained Nelson street on the south, i met the flames coming up that street, anc the combination made a terrific heat tha could not be borne. Allied with th strong wind from the north west, it die not take long for the entire wharf to b in a blaze. Half a dozen wood-boat were at the head of Market slip, and a the end of the wharves about the sam number of schooners. Before the flre had assumed formida ble shape on North wharf the men on th vessels bogan to pour pails of water on the decks. Tlie water was low just then and something like this was necessary t extinguish the sparks that were continually showering down upon them. Those at the head of the slip were, in quarter of an hour, on fire in so maw places that it was impossible for eac outbreak to receive attention before tli Tessels had been well on fire. Th flames passed above their maats, tha soon offered a stepping-stone to th shops on Sonth wharf. Not one of thsse west of Ward street was cupable of witli standing the intense heat and sparks All being of wood, they went down as i: lVlled by a hurricane, tlie schooners i front having been hanled to a place o safety. Many of the ocenpante of store were off helping their unfortunate broth er merchante, and some arrived just i time to save their books. Others wer just enabled to witness the destructio of their stock. Somc of the embers lodged in th steeple of Trinity Church, Germaii street, and, with nothing to sive it - fo the fire was so high as to bc almost be yond reach- the flames were left to pur suc their own way. As news spread that somo woodei houses on Horsefield street, as well a otliers on Duke street, near the Victoria Hotel, were on fire, thousands were alarmed, as it was soon seen that this fire was spreading south and east to Germain, Charlotte, Duke and Horsefield strooi. Not an ougine was to be had, and everything was going down before the unrelcuting fire. A building on Charlotte street had hardly become a prey to the flames when otliers on the otlier side followed. In haif an hour all the Germain strect side of tlie square was in ashes. Tlie buildings at the southern corner of Doek and Union streets and on the opposite corner caught almost simultaneously. To say that tlie lire raged tiercely hero would but too fnintly describe the terrible marnier in which it kept on, uulieeding streams of water dirooted upon it. The engiuo was obliged to shift its position from this qnartor, the lient being most terrific. There was dauger, too, oí the hose being bnrned, and, of all thiugs, the prcHcrvution of that was most essential. The engine was takeu down Doek treet, bnt tho fire kept up its rapid pursuit. It also spread along the western part of Mili street, ciossing over to the opposite side, and iguiting Kankin & Sons' biscuit manuf actory. Theu, following onwnrd towaid North stroet from South wharf, the fiamos éufcered into Ward strooi uid oxtendeu to Peters' wharf in a remarkably short space of time, carrying everything before them. Then they proeooded to Water street, and from thence soon made (luir way to the southern part of the Murket sanare, making a jnmp up to Prince William treet. Then the üniuos advauced to Princess and King streets, and ou Genuain streek The, lire commeneed at the York Point slip and BWèpt southwflrd through residences to King street, where it spread and burned all the public buildings, hotels, and the Imsiness portion of the plaóe, inoluding the wliarveB. (ircat drea.i of starvation is feit, as not a grieery or provisión store is left. Filteen thousand persons aro homeless. All the buniiK ss portion of the town and fully one-half toe resideuces are gone. Tl 10 following are amoug the list of mblic buildings bnrut: Postofliec, Jank of New BrnnSwiok, City Building, Justom House, Maritime Bank Buildng, in whie.h are this bank, tliat of Montreal imd Nova 8-otia, office of the Scliool Trastees; etc.; Bank of Nova lootte, new buildings ; Acndemy of Itwic, in wliich was the Knighte of Pythias Hall; Victoria HoU4 ; Odd ''ellows' Hall ; No. 1 engine house ; )iMuge Hall, King street; Teniperance [all, King Btreet, Efúst: Tfttaúatíe Ly.11111; Victoria Kcliool Honse ; Temple f Honor Hall ; Barnes Hotel, Royal [otel, St. John Hotel, the Acadia Hotel, 10 Brunswick House, Bay View Hotel, International Hotel ; Wiggins' Orphan Vsyluru, Deal' and Dumb lust it utiou.


Old News
Michigan Argus