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RAILROADS. MICHIUAK CENTRA I, üAILKoaJP JUNE 24, 177. ioiNií KM. ======5! MATIOX. S i léHi HJ_j!_piPi" Ia. m. a. m r. h. f. k. p w - ■ Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 35 4 45 3 15 Si' G. T. Junction, 7 15 9 50 5 00 3 50 6 Si!'1 Wayne Junction 7 46 10 17 5 32 8 55 j .. j'll Ypailanti, 8 17 10 35 6 00 4 IS, !? Qeddes, 8 80 6 15 Ut " Ann Arbor, i 8 4010 50 6 30' 4 32 8 (TT" belhi, 8 55 6 43 _JÏ"ï Dexter, a 03 i 6 53: 4 53 ,"" Chalseu, 9 23! 7 12 5 0ï g , Qrass Lake, 9 92 1 7 37! 5 27 9 J Jackson, 10 20Í12 15 8 00! 6 10 9 m',H Albion, 1104 12 53 ! 7 00 101!, Marshall, 11 CO 1 35 -' S 7 30 l0 J - Battle Creek, 12 20 ' 1 58 ? 8 00 n w ,, Oalesburg, 12 S5 ! 8 38 u a " a. m. 1 Kalamazoo, 1 15 2 40 5 00 9 00 12' ij . Lawton, 1 57 1 6 35 1 !: Dccatur, 2 15 6 52 1 i Uowagiac, ; 2 41 6 17' 2 i Niles, :i 11 4 07 7 ooi 7" Hucbauan, 3 23 - 7 II t! S ThrecOaks 3 52 4 7 87i JmT" NewiJuflalo, 4 08 4 56 7 49 3 L Miehigun Cltjr, 4 40 5 20 8 10 4mT" Lko, 5 23 6 02 6 50 KenBington, 6 03 6 50 9 40 Chicago, arrive, 6 7 40 10 30 ijjjjj QOING EAHT. f_ -?_!AÍrL ï A.M. r. u.'r. m. J " Chicago, loave, ,7 00 9 00 3 45 S ij ï KenHington, 7 50 a 50 4 35! i'fi ,■ Lake, 8 37 10 28 5 L) 1. ;. Mithignn City, 9 23 11 10 6 21 NowBulfalo, 9 45 1126 6 51 -JsA Three Oaku, .0 00 11 30 7 ou mS' I BuehanaD, 10 82 7 46 , - L ! Niles, 10 46 12 15 8 20 9001!, Dowagiao, 11 15 ' 8 48 - . ,: Decutur, 11 39, 9 15 . ! l.uwloii, 11 57 ; 9 85 i. m. : Kalamazoo, 12 35 1 38 10 10 6 W 10 2i ■ (ialesburg, 12 55 j . 6 53, '; Battle Crek, 1 32 2 17 m h 7 M u „ J Marshall, 2 17 3 00 L 8 12 11 40 Albion, 2 45 3 21 a.m. 8 43 't JackdOQ, 3 35 4 05 5 20 9 4.1 12 50 ú tirasa Lake, 3 S7 ! 5 48 10 06 Ohelsea, 4 19 6 15 10 24 _. Dexter, 4 35. i 6 30 10 35 , I Delhi, 4 43' 1 6 43 Aun Arbor, ' 4 54 5 10 7 ('O 10 50 S 10 v (Jeddes, 5 OS i 7 05 Ypsilanti. 6 12 5 '.M 7 15 11 05 2 2; ; Wayne Jiinc, i 5 3C 5 45: 7 40 11 22 2 ri U. T. June., { 6 10 6 15 8 25 11 50 S Sí u Detroit, Ar., I 6 25! 6 30l 8 40,12 05 JSS Sundajs excepted. ISaturday and Sutdiy oepted. tUaily. H.B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Supt., Detac. H. C. Wkstwobih, (en. Paue. Agt., Chicago. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE&IÑÍ ANA RAILKOAD. To take effect June 24, 186. OOINO WEST. GOIBO lm. STATIONS. llai;. Exp. STATIONS. Elp. ï] A. M. P. M. Ypsilanti.... 8:20 7:25 X. M Saline 8:19 7:57 Bankers 5:00 tt Bridgewnter. . 9:42 8:15 Hillsdale .. Manchester. 1: 1 2 8:37 Manchester.. t:4 1 p. M. I Bridgewuter ft.35 lü Hillüdale 12.45 10:33 1 Salino 9:3i (t Bunkers. ... 1:00 10:45 Ypeiliinti.... 10:2 il. Trains run by Chicago tinie. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypnlsnti THE ORIGINAL AND OÑTí a-EisrxjiasTE 4 Vibrator" Threshing Machines, COXSISTINO OF Coinpiete Horsc-Powcr Establiik ment, with 24-lnch, 28-inch and 32-inch Citeders, with G, 8, 10 or 12 Horse Power to match.' Two m ii s of IMounted IlorePowors; our improved "Triple (iear," and irapwel 'Spur Speed" (Woodbury stylc), both klnli mounted on f(ur wheels, and special sizes niidr :--: 0, 8, 10 or 12 hoiscs. Complete Steain Power Outfiti; unrivaled "Vibrator " Separators, made eipresi; for Steaiu Power, witfa 33-fhcb C'ylindoraiid 44-ÍDch Scparator, or 36-inch Cyliüder aud 4S-iüch Sepwting cleaning parts, with atl the other parís f-r.portiouutely capacious and fu 11 of " butMM also, our matcbless Steam TUresher El gilíes, of our own makt', beyond rivalry in Power, JDurability, Kasy Firiog, Beauty of Design, Perfett Workmanship, Elegant Finish, complete neven detail, and In all respecta a fit compaiúon for our celebratud Bteam Beparfltor. Our "Vibrator" Ncparntors "alore," madc expreasly for Stcam l'ower.and to match auy and all other make of Englnes, also, perfectlr adapted to go witb any and all olher wake oí Horse lowers, f our ranfring from '24 to36-i4 length of Cylinder, aud 3ti to 48 luches vidtbií iScparating parts. Xlie World-Wide Reputation of cr matchless "Vibrator" Thrrsbers for rapid thrcsbing, ierfect saviug, admirable cloaniiic;, novasUït, cluanlinesa, econoray in repairs, durability, eaaeof management, and a geupral áuperlorlly Id wíl ■ other respecta, is now fully estabüshed M allv recognized. Tlie AckuoTPledg:ed TIcudand Fruí of Grain Threshers, and especial ly superior if rain be damp or wet, wbile lor flux. Tima liy, and like Secds, no ollter machines can trvA& y claim an comparison. The Genuine "Vibrator" Threshers ARE MADE ONLY HY NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., Uatilc Creck, Mich. Thcy, or auy of their regular aulborized Pelten. urnisli Illustrated Famphlets, Price Lista andíult ull imrticulars, Cree, on anulication. 173mS 2&JBL 1T H OO i :" low Lost, fíow Eestored! Just publiBhed, a new edition oí Dr. dmtCulverwcll9 Celcbrated El aJKEon thc radical cure (without mediciné" hítíWSpermatorrboaa or Seminal Wenknessjt" oluutary Seminal Losaos, Impotency, Mental- liysical Inwipacity, Impedimenta to JíarrUiTítc, ; alao, Conuumption, Epilepsy and Fita, indrt d by self-indulgenoe or sexutd extravaH0W,4í. DriTi'rice, iu a sealed envelope, only eix centThe eelebrated author, in thiö admirable EI' clearly demonatrates, from a tliirty years' buocwh ful practice, that the alarminff conBequenct í" aolf abuse may bcradicftlly cured without thedO' gerouf use of intermil medicine or the apiilicatiís of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure tolí simple, certain, and effectual, by meana of wh every surTerer, no mattr what hia conditiun mI be, may ouro himself cheaply, privately andi icnlly. This lecture abould be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under geul, in a plnin envelope, to any' dresa, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or W postage stampa. Address tbe Publiahora, THE CÜLVERWELL MEDICA1-C0,, 41 Aun Street. N.ïTost Office Box, 4 5$ 6. lCJOrl TUK 1IIUVA1KKK' MEDICAL & SÜRGICÁL INSTITUTO. Ettabliihed 1867 and Chartercd by the State Lígúl11 Jortheiinprovedtrcatincut otall Private and Chnlfltf DiHcases meotioued ín this card. Jurt publiihed, -fmïmtm, "THE SILENT FRIEND!" MiËlmi. A conödential Adviscr for theyounüi i(JfCflFmidJle agt-d ot' buth excB;onaliIHi'1 e ol a PrivatO Nature, ariinf;lwiB r Early Abusos or Iniection, SenunM'eaknefls, tnd Los ol Manhood, and the bcit mtt of cure; with vtluable advice to the Married ttil thM contcniplating Marriage ; including a trcatiie ou Fem10 Diseascs, and Chronic Aftectiona of the Throar.Lu'1? and Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer, Rupturc, Pilea, Fistula.thc Opium Ilabit tic. It containi 2001arge pages and nuuicrouJ cSp gravin gs, ma led umler i-al on receipt olWcti. A CLINICAL LECTURE on th above diteMM. the principies of medical practice in their treatweot, Price lUcti. Addresi, Attcnding Phvfi-.-kn. o 436 Water .t.. M" VlwIaUkIIíWÍ TEW TEA STOEE. Japan T a at 3Oc, 40c, óOc and Of per lb , and lbo vcry best importe at TOc per lb. Gunpowder Tea at 60c and 80c per lb., and die 'ert best. imported at 81,00 a pound. Young Hyson at 40c, 50c and Güc, and the ltost at ported at 80c per lb. OoIour Tea at Mc, 50c, 60, andl 70c per lb. Imperial Tea at 30c, 40c, and 50c per lb. Twankey Tca at 20c, 25c, and 30c per lb. COFFEES AND SPICES, of our own roa-sting and giindiog, at greatly dllCÁd priecs. tiixv u a Cali and bc Convinccd. .1. W. HAMÍSTERFER & CO., 30 & 32 South !Uain St., A nu Arlmr. 1639m6 T w o VaiñalJÍeHo ns es FOB. SALE, The property belonglnR to tlie WELLES ESTÁTE.. BituatedoD DIVISIÓN STREET at the k2 ANN STREET, and the pruperty owned now OOCupled by A. WIDEN.MÁNN, 'will b S"M at a VERY L0W riUCE, AND ON LONG TIME IF DliSIKE"Apply to 8. H. D0P6U.AS. SSIQNEE'S SALE. . Notice is hereby iriven thut 1 nhull sell nt VW auction at the south door of the Court House. '" Ann Arbor, on Baturday, July sevexth, l o'clock p. m., the uncollccted book accounts aai 5' sets of th Ann Arbor Truding AssocialiuD. Ten' cauh. Dated, June to, 1877. 640 OEORGE 8UTTON, A98ign'


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