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Another Civil Service "examination."

Another Civil Service "examination." image
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The Washington correspondent of the New York Sun, wriliug under dato of July 14, saya : " Much of wull-nierited suspicion has for souie time bung a mui ui the oivil aervioo exumiiiatioua in the Interior Dep.irtiuciit. Juut beforo starting oif on ono of his numerous trips Secretary Schurz asuertained that the questions in tn approttchiug exaniintttiou had unacoouutably leakud out. Ue was torced to makt) a ehauge in the Board of Examiners to insure a fair exauiination. In any case uuder tbe present systeni mip.1i examination is hodged about by many singular ïnfluencos. A siglo illustration luis latoly coine to light. Mr. Blank, recently a teacher of uiatheniatics in a Western college, and earlier an officer in the United ÍStatos service durïng and at'tur the war, tried to gain adiniusion to au uxainiuution. He. was told that ho oould do so only as an applicaut, and he went, accordiugly, in that oapacity. The examination, he tound, was oonductod in a large rnom in the basement ot' the Interior Depart ment, whore some forty men were writ ing, five or six at a table - uo examin ers, no proctors, no watchmen. A col ored messeuger brought in a list of fifty printed questions, tlrawn to test genera kuowledge, and willi a request append ed that the auswers be soaled in an en velope by eauh individual with his ap plic.ation and papers. The group in which this gentleman was sitting de termined to pool tueir iuformatiou, an he wrote the answers which the other paraphrased. Wben it was over six sets of substantially the same answers were written and sealod. The result was uu rious. Mr. Blank went without a lint of political influence. He bas hearc nothing of his answers. Another appli cant - Blakewüll, of New York, a cler gyman's son, himself frosh from a cías sical school, witb no political backing - luis beon told that be did not pass. i third, Arthur, of Philadelphia, who hm streng endorsomeuts froni politicians in tbe city King at Philadelphia, was also plucked. Ho went to Philadelphia gathbred up a little more influence, anc is now in the Indian Bureau. John T. Clemente, formerly a pension agent at Maoon City, Missouri, was another man at the table, and will be ro membered as figuring in the testimo ny at the Belkuap trial, where it wa shown that be paid Mrs. Boggs, wife o one of Grant's old partners, eleven hun dred dollars for a place, which scanda lous disclosure torced bim to resign Ho caine to this examination backed by Hendersou and two dozen promiuon Missouri politicians. Hu p'tssud and i now in the Pension OfHoe at $1,200 a your The last one was Christiancy, a son of the Senator. He pussed aud was ap pointed to a clerkship in the Land Of fice a inonth ago, at a salary of $1,200 Since then he has committed a pena offenoe by drawing it in person anc writing an order for it, which be sol to a broker, wbo now threatens him with prosöcution uuless his father makes good the loss. The son was jus recovering from a spree when laat hean trom at Providence Hospital. It woulc be interesting to know bow tho other tables fared.


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