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- Hou. A. L. Millard, of Adrián, was in our city on Saturday last. - Nelson H. Wiüg, a foruier resident of Dexter, died at Greemvich, near Saratoga, N. Y., on Friday last, July 14. - The sovoral showers of tbo last few days have been good for coru, potatoes, &c„ aud have uot hurt wheat or seriously delayed harTest. - Order your Note Heads, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, etc, at the Arotjs Office. Paper, work, aud pricea guaranteed to suit. - Wm. Deubel, of the Ypsilanti milis, but who Iive3 in our city, bought his first lot of new wheat last Friday. He reporta the berry prime. - Mrs. Senator Christiaucy spent part of last week in our city, with her husband, who was watchiug the developrneuts iu the laboratory suit. - The late report of the First National Bank of Ypsilanti states the loans and counta at $167,568.61, and the deposita at Í167.S76.UO. - The late Fourth of July celebration at Yjisilanti was a "huge foilure " aud a "partisan affair " : just because the printing wasn't done at the Commercial oflice. - Dr. E. S. Dunster, of this city, was thrown íroin his carriage on Saturday afternoon last, about seven miles beyond Saline, but fortumitely was uot senously injuredjk - K. E. Frazer, Esq., of this y, is to address the Ypsilanti Beforin Cluron Sunday afternoon uext,' and the Saline Reiorm Club on Sunday evening, July 30. - Gov. Ashley says that he will have the iron bought for the Toledo, Aun Arbor aud Northern liailroad within ten days aiter the requisito subscriptiou ia comuletod. He means business. - The stoue bridge across the creek on Huron street has been completed, and a little grading up wili put the street m that vioiuity in good order. A new sidowalk across the flaf is the next desirable improvement. - Justice Clark, of this city, reports planting flax seed in his potatoes, and thoso pesky bugs work right along just as if they had no fearof flax. Eisewheie the flax has been creditod with driving the bugs away. - The Detroit Tribune gave a very handjonie notice of the address of K. E. Frazer, Esq., of this city, before the Detroit Reform Club on Sunday evening last. Robert is throwing his heart into the good work. - John Burk, Johu Gribney, Alartiu Ryau, and John Gleasou, all of Northfield, essayed to fight out their personal differences on day last, the last two getting the worst of it. Justice McMahon is to try his hand at it on Monday next. - Duriiig vacation soveral recitation rooms in the central school building will he enlarged to meet a (Iemand which cannot loiiger be resisted, - nnless some way eau be devised to make tho classes smaller. The laboratory room is also to be made largèr. - The many friends of the Kev. J. M. (iregory, of the Illinois Iuiiustrial Uuiversity, formerly of thiscity, will regret to learn that lie has been receiitly bereaved by the death of his estimable wife, which oceurred at Buff ilo, N. YM wher'e sho was receiving medical treatment. - The'programme for the annual session of the Wisconsin State Teachers' Association, which opened at Gtreen Bay ou Tuesday and closed yesterday, put down Prof Olney, of this city, for au address ou " The Euemies of Scientitic Vrogress." - Mr3, Daniel Hiscoci and sister - Mrs. Soule, oï New York - were tipped over into a Main street glitter on Suuday last, while driviug homo from chtírth. Both ladios were thrown from the oatriage umi Mrs. Hiscook was bruised about the tacé and shoulders but Dotinjured seriously. - Note Heads, Letter Heaiis, Bill Heads, Statements, etc, priuted on good paper, ia the best style, and bound m patent blotting pad covers. No othor office in the city has the right to put work up in this way. Our customers who have tried the books aro liighly pleased with them. Ciill and see paper and get priceü. - Agood example: that set by a lady a few days ago, at the üouth end of State street, iu employiug har early moruing hours iu clearing the walk and road-side in front of lier preinises of that rapidly spreading. plant commou'y called " butter and eggs." Not beüigascieutifio fellow vo cau't give its proper or " book " name. - A story has gained currency that gentlemen aoting in the interest of the Michigan Central Company are discouraging eaatern capitalista from aidiug in the construction of tlie Toledo, Anu Arborand Northern Railroad. They say its construction will so reduce ireighta as to destroy the business of the Central Itailroad at Ann Arbor. Which is a good reasoii why our citizens should secure the early compktion of the road. - We Buggest to the city authorities, and especially to the chief engineer of the flre department, tha the bell iu the tower of firemen's hall sounds altogether too mauy false alarma. A departmeut or company meeting ought to be got together without startling the people by ringing an alarm. In a little while, uoless there is a changa in this respect, citizens will come to thtnk that there is no necessity for "stirring their stumps " when the fire bell rings. - The Yp8Üanti Commercial dont think it sny sin to steal the Circuit Court reporte and al estáte sales from the Arous. Is n't it as much labor to get them up as ordinary locáis lor which it claims to have " religiously given credit ?" Besides, is it any excuse that Detroit and other papers forage on the Commerti'ofs columns without credit ? We again suggest that ïf the Commercial must steal it have nterprise enough to change a date so as not to make a false court record. - A new dog tax law was enacted at the last session of the Legislatura, and uext year the town and ward assessors (supervisors) will Wa to take a census. The tax on male dogs will be ïl, and on female dogs $3, the net Ptoceeds, after paying for sheep killed, to be turneu iuto the school fund of the city or town il which it shall be collected. A fine of not te than f 60 nor more than 1100 is imposed pon any official neglecting to perform any of the duties imposed by the law. - If there is no city ordinance requiring lot ovraers to cut noxious weeds on or in front f their premises there ought to be one en'cted at the flrst sesBion of the Common ouucil, and if there is such an ordinance it ought to be enforced. One thing is certain, if the (Jommon Council lacks either the power or the back-bone to require property holdersto cut the weeds of every kind and name, &nd thus prevent their spread, it should immediately put mou to work, at the expense of the %, cutting the doek and thistles and other ■weeds growiug iu the stieets and on pubJ'c gronnds . - Mr. C. L. Tuomy, living on the middle Ypsilauti road (tha old Spaulding place), just Ca8tof tliis city, was assaulted, knocked down, ui his head and face soverely pummeled and hruised, by Wm. Henry Hobson an employé I the harvest field, with whose binding he had found iault. When Tuomy was knocked dowa ije feil upon the reapor and his leg cught m the oaachinery and he could not re'ease it uutil he had been struck several blows, whea he succeeded in freeing himself, kicking 'na assnilant off, and getting up. Hobson was srrested and lodged iu jail. His examination was set down for yesterday torenoon, before Justiee McMahon, but the Prosecuting Attor"ey failing to appoar it was deferred. - Eeport aays that tliore was considerable " promisous " and freo üghting at Whitmore Lake on Sunday lost. Is the State law against keeping saloons aud bars open and in operation on Sunday enforced iu that locality 't (Jetting outside of a mixed lot of beer and whisky is more thau likely to make men embrace uach other,- but not in the most affectionate manner. - " The biggest erop oi wheat is being cut that was ever grown in Washtenaw County." That was what Supervisor Burch, of Manchester, said to us yesterday. Otlier supervisors indorsed his statement, while all agreed that the berry was bright and plump, in fact never better, and that the erop was being secured in the best oondition. The larger portion of it is already harvested. - The Layoratory suit is still in progress, with a large attendauce of interested listeners. The cross-examination of Dr. Rose was concluded on Friday forenoon, July 13, after whieh he was subjected to a re-direct and recross-examinatiou. Regent Climie was then sworn and after both sides liad exhausted his stock of kuowledge, the attorney of Dr. Rosa " restad,' when the Court took a recess until Tuesday morning. This week, in bahalf of Dr. Douglas, the following witnesses have been called: H. B. Holt and Henry F. Meyer, of Detroit, ink manufacturers ; Samuel T Douglas, son of Dr. Douglaa : ex-Begeuts Gilbert and McGowan, Prof. Watson, Prof. A. B Prescott, Chas. M. Jones, book-keeper at the First National Bank, Presidnt Angelí, and Kegent E. C. Walker. Dr. S. H. Douglas was sworn yesterday afternoon, and his examination will bti coutinued to-day. - His name it was James MoDerby, he hailed from Canada, near Moutreal, and was on a " tramp." Last Saturday afternoon he was struck in the stomach by some balance destroying and equilibrium disturbing beverage, and staggering along the walk in frout of the store of Patrick Donovan, in the Fifth ward, was heailert tor the wiudow. Mr. Donovan laid a gentle hand upon his snoulder and sought to turu his course by words of caution, at whioh the " tramp's " anger nz, and he grabbed, and struck, and scratched. Besult : a bad scar on Donovau's chin, a lodgmeut iu jail over Sunday, an invitation to appear befora Justice Olark on Auday morniug, and a ticket to Sheriff Case's boarrling house for ten days. It ought to have been 60 days at bottoming chairs iu the House of Correction. A chaiii gang and stone hainmeriug would be a good medicine tor such chaps. - James S. Reynolds, of Manchester, was arreste d on Friday afteruoon last, on complaiut made by Sheriff Case uuder the directiou of the Prosecuting Attorney, the charge being arson, and the arson churged cousisting in setting flre to his milis, which were burned on the night of August 3, 1874. The irreguiarities in making applications and getting policies of iusurance led the companies interested to coutest payment, aud also to suspect inoendiarisni aud offer a reward of 11,000 for the arrest and conviotion of the guilty party or parties. As the exummiUion is to take place ou the 2öth inst., Mr. Beynolds beiug now at liberty on ÍIO.OUO bail, we will wait lts coming oiï beíore giving our readers a statement of the evidence relied upon for convictiou. It may be proper to say, however, that Unterkirchor, a furmer partner of Keynolds, has " squealed," aud that Manchester irieuds of Reynolds say that if he goes to Jackson he will not go alone. Uf the $28,000 iusurance Mr. Iteyuulds has recovered but $7,000.


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Michigan Argus