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Tuk exportation of Áirteiican ingot coppei to Englaiid is gradually iucreasicg. TnE V)ig erop of strawberries and tho fint' yield of early vegetables, with good uiers, lias ï-rlieved the stringeiicy oL the times in Ncrcv Jersey. Om? steanisbip recently took out irom New York for Liverpool moro tlian 10,000 packages of butter, the largest shipment ever made from tho United States. The Burlington glass works, at Hainilton, Can., havo been closed on account of the competition from the United Stiltes, and there is now a freo field for American glasBware in Canada. The foreign arrivals of stcamers at Boston this year so far are eighty-eight, attainst sixty-seven last year, and the import are nearly $25,000,000, against $18,750,000 last year, an mcrease of onethird. Nonk of the twenty-one mutual iusurance eompauies in New Hampshire paid expenses last year. All the proflt oï the iiiBuraiíce business was carricd off by the sixty-eix outeide compiuiies, who reeeivcd S") il, 518 gross pr(.:iiums and paid $381,351 losses. The yearly review of trade issued by tho British Customs Cniuinifisiou(;rs shows that the United Stiltes lias resumed its position of being the -!ii. ' source of the cottou supply, much to tlie detijment of India, which sent 905,000 cwt. loss in 187G than in 1875. The Ban Francisco mint lias reópened and is engaged in coiniug trade dollars, a large amount of bullion having been deposited for that purpose. The supply of trade dollars has been exhaustcd h the export to China, and the demand foi them remains active. A c.uiEi'ui, statistician, Mr. W. E. S. Báker, declares in the Iron A;c, that the present production of iron is in excess o: the demand, md that the prices obtuiucc an; belowcost. The decrease in productiou that would remedy this state o: affaiw (■anuot be brought abont by any concert between tho manufacturers. The Iron Age thinks the Sherifï will be one apon whom the application of the remedy will Ml. The following statement shows the shipnieute frorn tho iron-produeing districts of Lake Superior tor the fjeason, tngethoï with those of a corresjjoudiug period last year: 1870. 1817. Fr.nn Escanaba 102,144 ■ I"'i.:: From Munjuette 122,062 1821386 l'rom L'Anse 1 Sfièi 24J880 Total .340,110 8J1 , ii''i" There is an inórense this year over last of 121,555 gross tong. Thus far in 1877, $5,585,075 worth of íresh meat has been exportad froni this country to Europe, including 5,000 head of live sheep and 0,210 head of cattle. ïkis V)ranoh of our export tradc, whicl yeár ngo eommencedas an experiment is rapidly growiug. The total f resh mea and eattle exports last year amounted to $1,855,191; this year they will probabl; reaoh 10,000,000. England and Soot land are the most liberal purchasers. In the three months jast passed th incresasé in thé aggregate liabilities ove those of the corresponding quarter o 1870 was $1,300,000. This is directly attributable tothccollapse inthemining stook market at San Francisco. Th l'ailures tliere in tlie last quarter wer 4,825,816, or 3,000,000 more than al the failures of the ürst hak of 1876 New England niakes a showiug that in dieates the beginuing for it of bette days. Taking the semi-annual periods its failures have decreased i'rom $24, 255,902 in 1876 to $12,657,680 in 1877 The South shows an equsil percentage o: gain, its failures having decreased irom $10,870,102 to $5,725,500. The Western and Northwestern States have reached stationary point, while the Pacilic State and Tcrritories have neariy qnadruplfic their losses, the fígures being 2,462,03( in 1870 and $8,380,724 in 1877. Raihvay Construction. Au interesting article on ipürwav con structiou in tlio fírst hali of 1877 ap pears in the Rdilway Age. In mos cases the length of the track actuall; laid to July 1 is given. Following is summary of the construction in twentj three States and onc Territory: .I . S - 2 Alabama 1 V, .... 1,4 OaUfornl 6 158 6 lfit ,10 '.' 80 39 Oonnectiuut 1 5 5 Florida 1 ' 1(! .... 16 Illinois 1 20 .... 20 Indiana 1 4 4 Iov;i .x 1 7 7 Keiitiu-ky -t 11 d 17 MaHicuusett8 1 3 8 MleMgan I 14 .... 14 MiBSoSi 1 18 .... if Nf,ï ïurfe 3 29 .. 2C retaos 60 Ohío 0 ci'A (& l'irni!-ylv;:iiia 2 8 8 Rhode iBlsmd 1 1 .... 1 South. Carolina 1 I') ... 19 Tennmseé 8 ïx 20 27 Tena 12 4ti sax 13S) .nt 2 311 ... 33 Virginia 1 10 10 Wiïcoueü) 2 12 3 15 V:i.-hiii;;ton Territory 1 15 15 Tol:l 54 422 283 70S Oonsidèring the öoancial comlition o tlie. country, and tl ie general distrust o raüway investments, the Raifoeay Aa regards this showing as somewliat re markable. especially as it ciijela the tota för thé ürst six niontlis oi' iiny year sint 187!!. A comparison upon this grounc stands about as follows: lï montliB of 1877 705 Mi-.-.; Bix i..or.tlisol 1876 J8 1 Krat ■■ 1 x t .". 1)6 Klnt Biz montba o( 1HT4 bso Fitst six mimthaof 187IÍ 1,400 In cvevy year QOted the ti.-aok lnyiu in tírst six mont'is has nmonnted t only froáh onc-Hiinl to etne-fllth of th new niileage fpr tk i ití j- ■ ■ y;-ar, and i tliis ruin contiinus to pri-v.iil llh '-Iwa building in 1877 may reaoh 3,000 mile 01 more. Accordiugtol'oor's "Manual, the nuinber of miles of new road opeuec wns : Hile. ik In 1873 4,185 In l7r 1,019 T11 71 1)811 In 1S7IÍ.T 2,856 Wool. The wool clip of tlie United States for 1870 was about 200,000,000 pounde ; of England, Irelumi ;ml SöOtfand, about 162,000,000, mostly conihin;; ; of the continent oi' Europe, abou; 408,000,000; of Aiistraliisiti, nbont :ï."(), 000,000 ; of Buenos Ayres and Biver La Plata, abont 207,000,01)0 pouiul. Tiles. nre tl,,. principal wool-growing conntrifs of thé world, and protluce 1,882,000,000 out of the estimatcd 1419.000,000 produoed on the ;;lob(;. The selling value of the total clip woukl probably nggregate ,000,000. Out of l,al9,QÖO,000 ]):niiu.-i of WJol (the esfanated clip), thero would bc fully ■ a, loss oi' 507, 000,000 poumis in goonring, making the net virld of c-.m wool ibout 8ri2,(K)0,000 pouuds.


Old News
Michigan Argus