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I alt jjaKO uor. tmiritfï" i iiim-h.j When Dr. Winslow's remains wero placed in the crematioii fumare Ülia alterno. m, at twenty minutes past 6 uViotrli, the body :eighed V20 ppuutts. Jír die : oh the 'yotli gf ,Tuly, and the body Jiail been embahued and the jieart and'bowels taken out. The erowd were permitted to view the face, as tíie body lay in a plain coííhi, with flowers atrewn on it. Nearly 1,000 persons pasw.d around Éne coffin rapidiy, immediately ai ter -whicli the door of the fufnace, whieh lia1 tilrendy reachecl a red heat, was opened, and the body rjuickly pnshod iu on au irón plate, the door closed, aliil the fireman commenced liis woii in eaniest. The i'uruaco was cpjostructèd .;ü: doublé íhu'S, so that the nanies (lircc.tly in contact rrith tin m. opo ' tbovf the body, a lsrge oniTont oi' air being admitted. The, iirst appearaiic , ás ncenthrouh ílie'míca aertnres, was tliat of roasting ; but in tv.-eity minutes nearly all the fiefih was 't suiüed, and the bones hád begun to erumlje. A half hour later very little .■ouul lie seen oí the forin of the body. At 7:t5 Dr. lEamilton oponed the door of the fnrnace, and bnt one or two piecesof boneB (-(juld be seen, and they cratnbled urider the wpiííbt of the nshes. At five minutes to 1) the jfrö'e'eSS WaS fttohtAlÖérl S completo and successful by Dvs. Hamilton and Smart. The lires were ürawft, and the ashes left to cool a short time before being removed. Before the body was placea in the retort short speeches were made by Dr. Hamilton and Gen. M. M, Bone and Dr. Smart, surgeon at Camp Donglas, Dr. Hamilton spoke only " of tlie good qttalitien of the cea'sed. Gen. Bone indulged iu descriptioii, eulogy and sentiment, and said Dr. Winslow had set an example that would bè extensively folio-wed. Dr. Smaït gave a history of the science of eremation, and ref erred to the system of bnrial as injnrions to public health, and salfl the piactiee of cremation would be apt to im-rease with civilization and growth of population. Mo praycr was said nor relfgious words uttered, which was in aecordance with the injtmctioDS of the deceased. The crowd present numbered over 1,000, and there was even struggling to get a view of the scène and body. The f rom thefumace were unpleasantly perceptible at a distauce from the locality. The nifair was successfttl, heit)g the ahortent time on record i ._twö hoüT'J Sfflá thiftfiflye minufe. The wèïght df the ashes; whifih coiïtained ! a few calcined ihtgments of feto, was four povmds eleven and a half orincèé. j tlhm r milicsi Are Broken lp. of ""tiie'iiu'iUK-.ial tvoubïe that eulminntes in banfauptcy come ironi extravagant living. Sometimes it is the man himVL Uiat f$Spe Lfe wa'ï for ttie bhenit, but quite olteu is is iüs faiüily. A se iupoiut as to the latter ppfflttred not very long ago. A New Yorkcr happ(md to meet, down town, an aequamtance fi-om a neiglil'oring city and droppeu into conversation with him. Atter i lew casual remarks the New Torker aske,! abpuïhis fiiend'a family, expressiug a hope that they were well. ,;,., rachel iüüiJlerently. " How is that?" askedtlie NpwJ(5. " I hope nothiijg lias happtue.i." ' W,vll yes. somethuig has iiappened," relied 3Ii. J. '!'1!"; M the matter is I havent .seenmy tamiH ffl six months. You Jsapj I was donig a pretty goud Ihikíiu s's in B , fud tlie folks at Lome got to living way up. Nothiug rvould sittis{y thtm but the best. As long :m I coilld ftffórrt it I let thenil1aveluoney right and left, Utpleutly timeö got Imnl, btíSÍMeSB fëli off and I fottnd that Í was gdiög iehind. T Hldiltwflnt tó W%& ml fililí, bnt 1 hintedthnta liifclo econoiliy was able. But thoy pid aHcution. Xüe demauds f or moucy went on j ust tl 1 6 r,iine. Thon I told them they naWst eeononuze, that I absolute)? ni:abíe to support them iu snel) extravagauc'.;. Tt was no use, tboai;h ; íf I di.hv'fc give them casi; they got crédit aud the. biÜB cometo i:íí-. I stood it as iong as I eould, toa I Otón said, ' He;-e, íf you won't Uve on what I can give vira out of myVWBínPs 't&ké the buBinèss itself,' so I just madii ojer the wholc place to them and left. rhby jan it. ïéw ulonÖiè, AM ïïn tJie Bhêriff bieppêd ili, alidlhir anjoi rny family since. I tried HlW to provide for them but tlu-y voul.ln't let me, and that ís t i lo )-íkLiH. ' I can hardly take tfjre oí myselí' nov,', and it is all on adóövW of the extr;ivagauce at Jiome."- Jlartjord 'tttnei tteti York Letír.r. Tl.c Htoms of the VyraiïiUl. 'i L iii.üiense r-foün; Bafed ■' flie orection of the Pyramids of Ëgypt wete obtained from the quarries m the Araluur, hills, ad were carried td the nver :uul over a Mife of beats. Th. y wei;è then brpüglit fohvurd by iíu-ai:; of ?. PatjSêvny,'wliich is said to íiaye lvn a fine worli, with it ijolislipd stoües :nut ftgiii'e.s oí animáis Migra'd npon tliom. One Jmlidtea thtrtlsand nu'li ere employcl at a tiiiic,nir.í tnpsè worc ivlicveit by t!ie a-nnc munber it end of thrco nloutliK. A long time w;u; BpniTlñ The levjlii)g oí the rook on -svhioh the óafflöé stands, and twenty yeais rol töè éréfeÖOT of the jiymmid itectf. 're üteneii were rnitied Bfecp;by. stop by meiiftfi of ft maobiHft made l Wioit pieoes of wood, aud, I:iw1-, dl iill, oominencing i'rom the top, the Stoatfs were cementad togeüxer ivith a layer of asman not thicker tlnin a piece of paper, the. strougth of which is proved by the age oí' these snormons mcmorinl. i oi i _ Kars. A correspnrient oí the London Standard fttJiaïs expres-es M astonishnunt (mcuttring the city aiter üv loaig aiul furious bombardment to iiul it not in miiiK, as ke had exprotedj biït pompuraüvely unharmed, and tlu-. inl.aiiitanta exhiljiiiuir none of the antioiputed signs ot stiirvation. Though the bomliirdm(;nt was indeed terrible - at least -iO.OO, :ahells, it is siiid, linving beon iirinUj Uu; Bussiaus at the towu and jorriücatiuus in tlu' cDuvsr of the twonty-tw ilays- -but few actually teil in the in iiabited parte of the towu itself. Kars i is so tlioroiigiily proteo W by fif ZLpm oi' i'oi'f.s fluit lt v;:s only thosc shclls wnioli wem flred with an ■■ !■ - tion wliicli feil in thé place itseït. inilj two (ir tliree I.oiiwk Wf-v bnnir.i afef tliiTiMvcmcn, l'ovir (-.Mivi. :,i,l Iw. olcl men Wêjre killed. A dbaíumc novelty m ïfwr -Hax'en is n pluy in whicli pegroes, phalk up to tak vhit.ö partB; . . . -'-


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