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Pomology At The Michigan Slate Fair

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God Almighty flrst plantod a garden, and indeed it is the purest of all human pleasures. It is tho greatost rofroshinent tO the spirit of man, without which buildings and palacos are but gross handiworks, and a man shall ever see that whon ages grew to civility and elegance, mon carne to build stately sooner than to garden fiuoly, as if gardemng was tho greater perfoction. - lxrd Bacon. One of tho best works that has engaged the attention and funds of the State Agricultural Society is its liberal support of, and appropriationB to, the State Pomologieal Society. This year the sum of $1,000 is pledgod for premiums for fruits and flowers to bo paid by the State Agricultural Socioty. In a communication by Mr. Charles Garfield, to the Michigan Farmer, respeoting tho Pomologioal Exhibitlon at tho noxt State Pair, in relation to orchards and garduña ho calis attontion to división A, and says : The object of this división is to bring boforo the poople of Michigan an aocount of the bost orchards, vinoyards, and ornamental grounds in the State, with nicthods of management practiced by thoso who are most successful. The Diploma of tho Society is given as an award, because tho Executive Committee considered it - togother with tho published accounts of the plaoos receiving promiuuis - would be more valuable to tho recipiënt than a premium. The premiums are to be divided into soven classes, as follows : Class 1 - Best apple orohard of not less than 100 trees, diploma. Class 2 - Best pear orchard of not less than 30 trees, diploma. Class 3 - Best peach orohard of not less than 100 trees, diploma. Glass 4 - Best plum orchard of not less than 30 troes, diploma. Class 5 - Best cherry orchard of not less than 30 trees, diploma. Class G - Best vineyard of not less than one-half acre, diploma. Class 7 - Best ornamental grounds of not less than one-fourth acre, diploma. Tho Mxocutive Coniuiittee havo this year, for the first time, limitod the collections of apples in oounty and township divisions to twenty sorts, becauso tho varietios profitable for general market purposes do not exceed this number, as follows : CLAsa. lst prem. 2d. 31. 1. Bust collection of 20 variaties general market apples, $20 00 $15 00 $10 00 2. Best colluution of peaches, 15 00 10 00 5 00 3. Best collection of peurs, 1 00 10 00 5 00 4. Best collection of grapes, 12 00 7 00 5 00 ■. Bust collection of pluins, 10 00 5 00 3 00 The sum of $231 is ofterod for county and township collections of fruits. To bring out a knowledge of a large number of varieties that are desirable for homo use, and that aro not available as market apples, the following ampie premiums will be offered : Bost colloction of fruit grown by exhibitor, lst premium, $20 ; 2d premium, $15; 3d premium, $10; 4th premium, $6. Best colloction of apples grown by exhibitor, nomomclature, quality, and succossion to bo the main considerations: lst premium, $20 ; 2d premium, $lö ; 3d premium, $10; 4th premium, $5. Like liboral premiums aro offerod for pears, peaches, plums, and grapes. A large lot of premiums are also offered for plants, flowera, etc. Mr. Vick offers sroial promiums to the amount „f fciifc 's- wmild seem to be the principal changos trom last year, ana persons intending to compete for premiums would do well to send to tho Secrotary for a list. It ia gratifyiug, says the Prairie Farmer, of Chicago, to see tho State Societies of Michigan taking so strong an intorost in these annual exhibitions, und we hope to see somo other State Societies following their example. The railroad difiicultios having been adj usted, the comniittee of the Legislature which wera appointed to arrange tor the excursión to Lake Superior have fixed upon Tuesday, August 21, 1877, as the time for loaving Chicago. The excursión train will leave the Milwaukee División depot of the Chicago and Northwestern Kailway at 10 a. m. of the above date, for Marquette, where they will arrive on Wednesday evoning. From thenco tho party will pass over the Marquette, Houghton & üntonagon Itailroad to L'Anse, where a steamer will convoy theiu acrosa the bay and through l'ortage Ship Canal and back to Houghton and Hancock ; thence over tho Mineral Eango Kailroad to Calumet and a visit to the Hoela and Toroh Lako copper mines and smelting works. On the return visita will be made to the prominent iron mines along the M., H. and O. Kailroad and arrive at Marquetto to spend Sunday, from which point the excursionists will return home at their leisure. The trip will probably occupy about 10 days.


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Michigan Argus