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Thkre was a big and a patriotic gathering at Bennington, Vt., on the 15th and 16th inst,, to celébrate the centenuial anniversary of the battlefonght there 100 yrars ugo. as wrll as the lflOth annive sary of tlie birth of Vercnont a a Stute. Gunpowder, muaic, proceasions, bauquets, speiel.. s. and a general exubcrance of spirits, were the features of the occasion. The, crowd, estimated at 50,000, included President Haven and mauy other distinguished per-"O"nftefl. Foüb tramps at Oíd Orchard b ach, Me., the othor day, discussed the best city in the country to get " a square meal." Oharles MiUer adToeated New Orloans, and so incensed Albert Pattoi-Ron, who eorrended for Boston. thsl Patter-ou fatally -tabbed Maller. The gang was arrest-.d. Til F. WEST. Chao'cey Posk, ilie He-beft and most bonevolent man in Terre Haute, Ind., ia dead. He leavi's a fortune of $5,00j),000. He was a practical 1, and in the courso of In liie f?av om Y2,000,008 to charities and licni -fíiw ce. The Colorado Centril railroad ha been completed to Georgetown .... The National Granrl Iodge of Druida was in session at Slilwaukoe last weck. Elaiíokate preparations are being made af St. Paul for the meet ng of the Army of the Tennrssee. September 5-0 Denver telegram: " A rumor here is that a party of painters are en ronto for Colorado to piaster onr rook Bcenerv wffls iidvertirtnnf. and the peopU throughout the State are aroused pnd will noi allow it. The raseals wUl he rougMy bandlcr if they attmpt the vaudiilimi.". . . . Hiirvest expeitations in Minnesota havi been . more than realized in the vield as nscer tained since thrpshing began. Tho wheat erop of ibis wonderfnl grain-prodneing Stnte is now set down at the eiioriwus total of 35.000,000 bushels, 1 avinsra surplus for export of frot 2C,'100,000 to 28.0O0.0flO lmsl.els. THe avi-r,c yk-ld tnrongbout the State is now estimated i twenty Imshels to the acre The stenme City of Madison, bouud from Chicago to Lud ington. Michigan, canght lire whon off Kacine, TVis., on the night of Aug. 16, an was totally con.-ninv'd. Tlie ofücers and crew sixtenn in all, oseaped in ayawl, but lost every tliing, including their olotfiing. E. J. Henpf.bson, alias Stoveus, of New York Ely B. Weston, of Chicago; and Neli-on A. Gesner, an ex-member of the Minnesota Logisla ture, havo for yoai-H done a ílourishing busi lieoa in the forgerv liue both in the East anc West, and have bitherto evaded detection. The detectives; hOTrovcr, have at last succëcded ü running them down, and placing tliem in tht elutches of the law. Gesner and Weston wene arrested in Chicago, and Stevens near Grand Havon, Mieh. It is estima ted tbat these Uut rascáis have swindled the banks of the eonntry out of million of doUara. Two banlis in New York suffered at their hands to the tune of f40.000 and $26,000 respective'y. They liad a complete outfit' of implements, peBS. vanous inks, drafts on bauks, and acids for the eraeure of signaturen The town of Gayvillo, two muse from Deadwood city, Dak., has been almost tot? l!y deptioyed by flre, only one or two honses beiü'g !eft. A TEBUiiiLE tragedy was recently enacted at Oak Mills, not far from Leavenworth. Kansas. Tho wife of a young farmer named ltobert Scrugg8 Icft her husband on account of illtreatment and went back to her fnthea Jaspor Oliphant. Scrnggs followed her shortjy afttr. but was refused admission to the father-inlaw'a house. He then drow a revolver and shot Oliphant dcad. A constable named Groff attempted the arrest of the murderer and wan shot dead. A mob took charge of Scruggs the next morning. and hung him to the limb of a tree. ■WASHINGTON. The Cabinet, at a meeting held the other day, authorized Gen. Terry and a civilian in Govenmient senice to represent the United States in tieatii-.g with Canada for the return of Kitting Huil. The Cabinet also considered the Puo Grando troublos at some length. It was announced that the Govemor of Texa would demand of the Mexican authorities cnl]irit who croBxed frojii the Mexican side to Rio Grande City on tho 12th, broke open the jail and conmiittod other dupredation. The Cabïnet a.)iprovc.s the action of the Governor under the extradition treaty. Tnr. Trcasury Department has ordered an nvestigaiioo of tlie Norfolk Cmtom House. The State Department is reor;janizing the Consular Bureau with a view of inersaeing the efficiency of this branch of the service. The Commiasioner of Internal Revenne has sent a circular to all Collectors of internal Reveuui', direcling them not to allow, within their seveïal collection district, moré than one person related to iho Collector by blood or marriage to hold an internal-revet üe appointriicnt, or more than two persons related to each otbarto h'jld such appointmenfs Prof. Hall, in charge of the great tflescopeat the Wiishinjrton Oliservatory, has made an important and remrK ble "astrononiical discoToiy. Mis atteniion having been atlracted to 2l smaiJ star fullouiiig tbc rul planet Mars, he tnrni;(l liis atienUen to it, and, aftcr two i.r thtee nights of close observation and coreful calcnlation, he demónstrales the object to be a satcllite of tke war star. and, proseculing bib investigatíon still farther, opeued up ai other body wbicli lic thii.ks ín another martial moouL hut of the rating of which he is not vet fullv wttUlicd. GUNEKAL, Kiotous proceedings of the miners and othtr Jisaffeciol latiorersin Pei.nFylyania continue. There is alo scn.i: trimble ;n ('e coal regions of M.trylanl An Eugl h ateamer l-a tast siiled ir in New Haven witli a f uil cargo of aniniunition of American manufacture for tb Turks. The yniicate business is not Hom hing ju-t now. The ïarge home subscriptious for the 4 peront. loan setün to have glutted the martket, and bonds are olTered in New Yorh at a fraction beton co-t to lile syndicate. The surplus bonds wiil be absoi bed by permanent inventors beforn loflfr, and tbcn probably the work of the syndicato will be successfuilv rcsumed. The United States war steamor Plymouth has been ordered to cruse in the Gulf if Mexico, off the Mexican eoast. The labor strikes have calmed down remarkably within the last two or tlirco weeks At several of the Pennsylvania coal mines the companies havo reeeded from their recent 10 per cent. reductionp, but have discharged the surplus men whom they had been employing on " short time." It is fouiid to work botter to pay sexenty-üve men satisfactory wages thanto try and retain 100 men, giving ach but threequarter employment. A pooling arrangement has lxsen effectedj after a prolonged contest, between the two great telcgraph oorporations of the coun'ry. the We.-trn Union and Atlantic and Pacilic. The term.s of the newly-formod comliiiatioii are. that the Western Union sluül tako ovenf eightlis of the reoeipts, and the Atlantic and Pacific the remaining one-tighth. A material mercase in rato of transmisión is to take place forthwith. INDIA N NEWS. Advices from the sent of the Iudian war in Montana state that Gibbon, with bis force, had gone to Doer Lodge with the wonnded in the late battle, leaving one compauy of infitiitiy with Gen. Howard. The latter had started in pursalt of Chief Joseph'sband. Thebodioaof H doad Indiana had been found, 15 of whom wero burits, the balance squas and childreii Hilloing is a completo list of üe;.. (ibbon's Killed mid wouiideu: Killed -Stvn.iu lofantry, (;ompany A- Cniit. Iigau, l'nvate Siyith. Oompiült C- First I;..iit. Ja.,. H. Bracllcy. C'ompanv VConwri.1 VUliam H. Pajue, Corpoi-nr leaac hluriibort, MfleipUn Mlchad (il!ai{tior. Cbmwmi Lv IUcw Baltorly. (;ompany F-I'rivat.-s win. D. Pomeroy and JunH M:iiins Coninanv G-krat Bergt. Kobert E. K IkoS!, Sci! v„, II. Martin. Corporal lWert E. Ode, (Jorporal "ominii'k O'CoDnor. Private Gottolii Kwtle, JohDO Brien. Gianpaoy li - J'rivate Mackeuzie 1) Dako Oomp'iny I-Hcrgt. Mttcbael Hogan, CorporaiDaï McCaflcrty, Private Ilf rmau Drolitï. Companj K - I'.r-i Sfergb Vml Stmtli, MuBldan Tho. suímbeckor, Arliticrr John Klclss. SCCOUd (iavalry, (Jumpany h- St-rRt. Kl Hogen. Offlctm WounêUd-Gea. Gibbon, ligLtly ; Capt. WUBams, shghtly; First tjeut. Wm. L. EnBlwh, serioiwly; Bccond Linutcnaut C. A. WootfrulT, slightly. tttöen Èüléirri. C, Ellicott. Johu Armstroni?, navul Morrow, Alvin Lockwood. CampbeQ, 'J'hirty dilwtort men and citizinu were woumloil. rNroKMinoN l,as been recoived at military headquarters in Cl.irag,, that a portion of Gen. Miles' command iu tho Yellowstono country is in hot pursuit of a large party of Iuliain. and aro driving them in the directiou of Standing üock agency A dispatoh from Ottawa, Canada, Mts the commis-ion appoiirtnd by the United States u"vnimont to procecd to Fort Walsh will be Itorded every facility for making a treaty with aitting ïiuu f„r liH teaceabla return 'to the reservaron with his tribo....A tight recentlv oocurred in Mexico between the Kickapoo and J.ipan tabes i,f Iudian, in which sevontecn Lipans n-ere killed. .. .It is announced from Washington that the President contemplates . ehange m the Indian polier, and tbat somo of the features of the Canadian systom will probably be adopted. Gen. Tekrï, of the army, and Gen. John AlcNeill, of 8t, Louis, have been appointed a ooumii?(o!5 to yidit Canada and negotiato ivitb I ■Utting Buil for his return to Aniorican soil .... ; ted Cloud, Spotted Tail and Little Big Man are on their way to Washington to perfect arangements for further massacres of the vhitcs. . . .Gen. Gibbon tel'Rruplis Borne details f the pursuit of the Nez Perces. Ho was at }ecr Lodge. rapidly recovering, while troops veré hurrying from all direction.i to juin Gen. ioward. Incumbered by their wouuded, the savages were moving slowly, and Gen. Gibbon expressed the belief that the next fight would prove their Waterloo. Disfatches from the West, datcd Aug. 21, report that the Nez Perces Indiana were campod at Hole-in-the-Rock, a stage station in Idaho. They destroyed the telegrnph line in the viciiiliy, and stopped all travel over the road for saveral days. A largo party of teamsters were oamped mul fortifying tliemselves a short dist-mce ïiorth of the Snake river bridge. The Indinns were in possession of the stago barns, using the grain. rOLITICAL, Tïie Democratie State Convention of Maine met at Portland on the llth of August, and on tht' third ballot nominated Joseph H. Williams, of August, for Governor. Itci-ointions wore ndopted reaffirming the platform and principies of the st. Louis Convontion, oharaoterizing as monstrou the politioal fraud whioh reenlteö in reraal pf the election of Samuel J. TiWep as President, and jtsking au amendment to the ( Miistimtion which will mako a repetition impoxgible, and l'mally deolffring " thatiherestoration to the comm'on rights of citizeuship of the people of thiee Somhern States long kept subject to military ocenpation is a just aoknnwludgtnent Of the wisdnm of Democratie principies; that the Democratie party acts upon principie, makes no fuciioua opposition, and opposea only what is wrong in the adniinistration in possession of Uio Government." The Greenback party of New Joivoy held thcir State Convention at Treiiton, hist week. ind nominated (en. D. Hoxey for Onvornor. The rcsolutlona demand att immediate f epe&l of the Reriunu'tion act, attributing to it the contraction of the cui rency and the general distress ot' the country, and wam workingmén that it is part of the conspiracy of the money power to pauperize and then disfrnnchiM'. labor. All prut uk wh idesire relief from the present burdens ure invited to join. Tho resolulions alo denounced the demonetization of silver and demanded the repeal of the law. Caías have been issued for national anc State political conventions and conferences as follows : Wednesday, Aug. 29, Iowa Democratie, in Marshalltown ; Wednesday, Sept. 5, PoniiHylvania Republican, in Harriebnrg ; Tueaday, Sent. 11, Wisconsin Republican, iu Madison ; Wednesday, Sopt. 12, Massachusetts Prohibitionist, in Worcester, and Penueyivania Prohibitionist, in Harrisburg ; Tlmrsday. Sept. 13, Massachuaetts Democratie, in Worcester Wednesday, Sept. 19, Masüachnsetts Republican, in Worcester ; Thursday, Sept. 20, Maryland Republican, ii: Baltimore ; Wednesday, Sept. 26, National Convention of Representativo Colored Men, in Washington ; Nttional Conference of Prohibitionist at Perry Street M. E. Church, Nen York city The State Committee of the Independent party, of New ïoris, nas issued a cali for a State Convention. It asna for tbx immedifite consideration of tho platform anc re.-iohitions adopted in the National Convuntioi at IndianapoÜB, May 11, 1876, denonnces thi Resiimption act and'asks for its repeal, and denouncea the issue of 4JÍ per cent. bond aB a barcfoced robbery of tho people out of 618,000,000. Laws to sustein labor are called for, and to control railroad and other moneyec monopolies. The latcst returns from the recent specia election iu Wobt Virginia indícate that on tht question of a permanent location of the capital of that State, Charleston received a majority. The provisions of the law under which the eluetion was held, however, will keep the 8eat oj governnient at Wheeliug until tlie spring ol Ï885. Ji31ge West, Republican candidate for Governor, opened the Ohio campaign in a speech at Bellefontaiuc last week. He diucussed the relations between capital and labor, held tha' their interest were identieul if properly anc intelhgently considered, advocated a systom ol graded compensation and i-emi-co-operation anc the establishment of a National Bureau of Induatrj'. On tho qtfestion of finance, lic was in favor of the remonetization of uüver, aud opposed to the further issue of legal-tende: notes. He was in favor of a " contiimous and bteady progMM to specie payment," but a return to coii pajmentg throngh contraction he doclared to pe siinply snioidal. While refraini'ig from indorsing the Presidónt'a Southern polio;, lie believed in giring it a fair ivnd t ono.t trial. THE T17HKO-KUSS1AN IV Alt. Fuuther accounts conlirin the nports respecting the terrible outi'agea cammitted by the Turks at Eki-Saghra. After the Russiims evacuated the tov.n theterrified inhabitants en deavoied to follow tt'e ltussians. but the CircapslanH occupied the road to Kasanlik. and the Turku sent a guard round the town o tha none might escape, and i hen began the scène o: fiendish oruelty.' Nuiïher age nor sex wan spared. Notühles who had fled before the Russians and spent the interval in neighborinf villages with bandn of Baahi-BKZOuks now reap)fnrt'd and sought out and slew the dwelïers on thcir oviii furnia. The hospital nas burnt "ith ;)1 the Rusinn and Uu'garian wounded Only a few inhabitats esuaptd, and it is boli(:ved that in tbe tuwn aii'l hcighliring villages, one of the faire-taud richest spots in Europe, the number'Of peasanta and townfoll niussítcre'! iiTncuntod to as many as all tht. HiiKMün killed and wounded in tho late grea' battle. A siiAiir engagement was fonght at Kaloffr south of the Balkans, on the 13th inst., beiveen tlie Russians and a portion of Sulciuiai Piha's comuiand, resulting, according toTurkih accounts, in the ront of tlie Russüns anc the capture of Rosalia and Harem-B gaz paj-ses. Dnring the retreat of tho RuswaiiB the iw fire of the Tnrks exploded a powdeimagazinu, kil ing niany of thfcm and crea' ing a wild jtauic. Tho Iïus-ian loss in this battle ib placed at 500 killed and l,00u wounded The pagaage of the Danube by the maiu bodv Dl the Rounianian amiy has bein pOBtponed unti l;ir!' jïussian reinforcements arrive. The Russians have completed another bridgi across the Danube at Pyrgos . . . . The repor that the whole liussian army is about to be mobilized is denied The Rnasian center ii Asia Minor lias been heavily reinforced, aut has couuiieucüd a orïous offensive moveinent The Prince of Montenegro has been obhgec to raiae the sioge of Nicsics to march againat the Tui-kish tronos who are endeavoring to enter Montenegro The Iiunsiana havo raisec the siege of Kustchuk. Seves thousand four HONnitK Tmkisli prie oners altogether have passed throui;h Roumajiia. . . .The railways from St. Petersburg to Kicheneff are now carrying 12,000 men daily. A'o.NDKXT at Bucharet telegraphs that the main liope of the Russiamnow is tha' they inay sueceed in winning n decisivo victorj at Tirnova, and that in case snecess shouk crown their efforts the Cznr will be ready to agree upon ternis of peace at once. The Emperor of 11 the liussias is not eutirely hopefn of final succes in the campaign now going on bevond tlie Danubo. It is said he constantly upbraids his advipers, both military and civil, for haying led him to makewar againstTurkey It is estimated that the reinforcements iutendec for the RuBsian anny before Plevna number 180,000, and that the Guard and grenadier corps will be in Bulgaria by the 7th of Senteniber A London dispatch reports a battle in Asia between the linssians and a portiou of Muk litar Paslia'.-) command, in which the Turks wore vietorious The cimiuii-si m in ii'.qiuru into the frauds in Bupplvillg Ini'iige fnr the KusHiau army peporj : deficit of L180,000 Many Russmn and Iïnunanian officers, khówiog that, if taken prisoners, they would be sliown mi mcrev by the Tiu'ks, are carrying ; "isou about thcir persons to lid thuuisclvos of lift and save torture, in case they fal! into the hands of the enomy. CENKKAI. FOKEIGN HEWS. Sptöms of uneasincss are apparent in Russian Polaud. Many of tho inhabitants have anns. . . . Reporta uf the famine in India represent a aickening state of aftairs in tho empire It is Ktated that tho stricken area CQntalni 18,000,000 sufferers dependent for food upoi ihf notivity and exertions of thoso who trntisport graiu to the oountry ; that the Presidene.-s is powcrless to satisfy their wants, and tha all aid that can be secured is necessar; t'i the salvation of life. Over 500,0(10 people have ix;rishel, and moro have been found doad ona ringle mbming tlian dim during the wholo Bengal famine. Passenger traína have heen parlially chVcontinued on the roada to enable relief traine to gp throngh, anc a frantic topea] is sent to tho principal oitiis .i gngland, Hcotland, Ireland and India for as sislance in the hour of peril. .. .Tho erop reports from Great Britain are not véry oncour aging. The wheat is poor. and wet weathei hasfleriouslyinterfered with the harvesting. . . The British Parliament haa been prorogued to the 30th of Ootober. The Queen in lier speech, rcferring to tho Turco-Russian war says : -iI sluill not fail-to use my best effnrts wlien suitablo opportooity ocenr, for the restoration of pcace on ternis compatiblo with the honor of the belligerents, and with the general safety and welfare of tho other nations. If, in comvo of tlie conteat, tlie rights of my empire Bhonld be aasailed or endangered, I should conödently rely on your help to vindij cate and maintain tliem." The rebelliou in Hayli haa been suppressed, ...,In Spain, a Rcpublican conHpiraoy has ben dincovm-cd and frutratid, and iiitiuy uv resta mude in Madrid And in the provínoos, m Government circles. however, tbc movement is eoiwidercd unimportaxt A London diapatch Kiiys the PrivyCottncfl litis prohibited the landing in Great liritaiii of leaves or stalks of potatoc rom the United States, Canada, or Germany. The Colorado 'beetle, despite ènargèUe attempts to stamp it ont, has spread over twentyive acres at Laugenreicheuback, near Torgau, Gennany. Kossutu lias addressed a proclamatioii to the Sungfirian, urging Aistro-IInngary to come o an imderstanding with the Porte a to the extent of concessions to Christians whicb can Qe made without coniprom'Bing the mtofrrity f the Turkish empire. He aays on the basis of this arrangeaiént an allianco with tho Porte oiilit to be concluded. jinxsi Bhould then be called npon to termínate the war.. ..The Lopion Agricuitural (tazMeni Aug. 21, says: "It is plaiii that 1877 wil] prove no cxception to the SUCO8É8f0h of nnfurtnnate hrvests we have lately experienced. Tho wheat erop is certainly verv generally and very largely below the average. Oats and winter boans Heem the e 't of the grain crops of the voar.1'.... Tho Chinese Gnvernment has isvmea an imperial ediot against the use of opium, declamig that its ue is liringiug destruotiou upon the people of China.


Old News
Michigan Argus