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This Is The Way The Burlington (iowa)

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Hatcleye puts it : " Stanley Matthews is an allegod statesmau. And if that is libol we are prepared for tho worst." A horo in disguise, sure as you're born. The Lansing Republican says " Michgan will havo to import winter apples to supply the home trado." And now teil us something new, that is where they oan be imported f rom. That oontested Congressional election in California doos n't appear to be yet defiinitoly settlod. At the latest advices threo more votes had boen disoovered for Wigginton which will give him two majority over Pacheco, - if allowed. Where havo these throo all-important votes been hiding these many months ? A WRITER in the September number of Harper's Magttzine discussing " Largo vs. Small Schools " reaches this conclusión : " Aftor all, the main question is uot tho size but the excellence of tho school. But between a good school which is large, and an equally good one which is email, the advantage to the pupil is in every way indisputably on the side of the laïge ono." Ha vino provod himself au oxoeedingly small pattern of a law-maker, tho Hon. E. J. Welker, of Branch County, has sought and obtainod the position of koepsr in the new State House of Correction at Ionia. It might be well for the authorities having charge of the IIouso of Correction to read section 18 of article iv. of the Constitution. But porhaps the position of " keeper " is an un-" civil appointment." HAVING finished up his campaign in Now England the President will leave Washington for Ohio next week. Aftor visiting Mariotta, Fremont, and Dayton he will go to Louisville, Ky., and "swing around the circla" home via Chattanooga, Knoxville, Eichmond, etc, BOunding tho Key(uote) of his Administration and loaving his policy fnot tho Constitution and the flag) at all convenient points. The Detroit Post evideutly don't take much stock in tho inflated speeches of distinguished Senators (Stanley Matthews probably iucluded), or auch is the insinuation of the following paragraph ; " Senator Morton was so low, a few days ago, that he could only wriggle his left thumb. But cvon that was better thon a four-column speech from anyone of several other Senators wo kuow of." There is nothing like thuuib worship. Qail HAMILTON usos many words to charge Cari Schurz with lying. Hoar her: "lam afraid Mr. Schurz, in his deliriously virtuous and suicidally swcoping donial, showed for once the disadvantage of his foreign birth, which prevented his early childhood from boing indoctrinated with the affecting tale of Gcorge Washington and his litsiraplicity and directness. It 13 now said that the Turkish geueral Osman Pasha, who was so succossful on the Russian right at tho severely contested battlo of Plevna, is none other than the celebrated French Marshal Bazaine, who, by tho aid of his wife, escaped froin his prison on the Isle of St. Marguörito on the 9th of August, 1874, where he was serving out a twenty years imprisonment for misconduct, if not treason, at the battle of Metz. On Monday last several Dakota officials arrived in Detroit and deposited twenty-fivo convicts - receivod from tho prison at Madison, Iowa. Assault with intont to kill, burglary, murder, manslaughter, robbery, rape, etc., ügure ainong the'list of crimes for which they aro being punishod. It is doubtful whether tho moróle of the House of Correction, to which they were consigned, will bo improved by the acoession of fcuch a miscellaneous gang of miscreants. M. M. Ham, of tho Dubuque llerald, formally an editorial attaché of the Dotroit Free Press, has positively declined to havo his name used in connection with tho nomination by the Democracy of Iowa of a candidato for Governor. In doing so Mr. Ham proposes to mako it his mission, and asserts that it is tho mission of tho Democratie party, to soe to it that tho crime which made a dofoatod candidate President " is kopt always before the poople, and that tho momory of it ehall not dio out of the land." A mission in which tho helpers will bo numerous. Fearful that the pooplo are likoly to remomber too well and too long the frauds which, porpetrated in Florida and Louisiana and confirmed by the Eloctoral Commission, made Hayes President, the Christian Union gets down on its knees and pathetically doclaros : " It is tho duty of all honest citizans to seo that tho public does not forget that quito as much fraud is chargeable to Domocrats as to Kepublicans." Which " stop thiof " cry won't exactly work. Any of the minor frauds perpotratod by or in the namo of the Democracy in this or that precinct or borough pale into insignificanco by tho sido of the one great fraud which, choating the people out of two states, cheatod tho nation itsolf out of a lawfully olocted Prosident. Iutimidation and bull-dozing and murder combined, charged by tho wholesale but proven only in exceptional and isolated cases, doprivod but a few scattered voters of the eleotive franchise, not enough of them to affect results. It was reserved for organizod crimo, committed by officials high in office, with the sanction, if not at the dictation, of still higher officers, and undor the forms of law, to bring victory to tho banner of a dofeated party and place a President in office who had been rejected by a large majority of tho people of tho country. The Chridian Union may rest assured that tho public will not forgot who are tho guilty partios, and that tho brand of Cain cannot bo effaced. The Chioago Inter-Occan has been soliciüng and getting the opiuions of Senators and Represontatives in Congress on tho silver question, that is on the propriety of repealing tho bill of 1873 deinonetizing silvor, and makiug silver coin eithor a purtial or full legtvl tonder. It received answers more or loss definito frora 31 Senators and 166 uiembers of the house. 18 Senators favor roinonetization, 5 oppose, and 8 are halting 'twixt two opinions. 113 Ropresantatitvos are for an unlimited coinago of tho " dollar of the daddies," inaking it a full logal tender ; 13 against a doublé standard ; 38 undecided or "mixed " in their views ; and 2 would n't put themselvea on record. Senator Christiancy, of this State, wrote at length. He ia " not in favor of tho simple repeal of the law of 1873, and tho restoration of the ' dollar of the fathers ' to its old place in the ooinage," boiug fully of the opinión that silver coin of the old standard, being inforior in valne, would flood the country and drive gold, the superior coin, out of ciroulation, thus disturbing the values of all property. He would raiso the standard of silver coin, to be made a full legal tonder, and make the present low grado dollar and subsidiary coins a logal tender in amounts not to exceed $5. Representative Brewer " can seo no reason why silver should not be ' legal teuder ' for a reasonable amount at least, say $50," but wants to examine the roport of the Congressicnal Committeo upon the Bubjeot and more carefully oonsidor the question himself. Representativo Willits is mado to say, " I am for remonetization in some shape, whether at the old standard and as a full legal tender I reservo the privilege of further consideration." Wisely cautious. Representative Küightley was " short and sweet " if this was the all of his response, " Sonthwestorn Michigan is practically a. unit in favor of the nieasure." Regardless of consequenoes, we are to presume. Hon. A. S. Williams desires the remonetization of silver, but " doubts if it can be done safely by us without the concurrent action of most of tho larger commercial nations - by an international treaty somothing like the ' Latín Union.' " These are two pertinent questions he asks, questions which open a wide field for thought : " If tho world's product of silver bullion is not chiefly absorbed for coiuage purposos, will it not becomo an article of ïnerchandise of very unsteady value? If other commercial nations oontinuo to repudíate silvor as a standard of value and we make it an uulimited legal tender, at a fixed value, what will be the financial and commercial consequences to us ? " Representativo Hubbell says pointedly : " I am opposed to the bil] known as the ' Bland bill,' in toto, nor do I take any stock in suoh catchwords as the ' Dollar of tho Fathors.' Tho act of 1873 was a serious blunder in legislation, and I am in favor of its repoal provided tho coinage of silvor dollars, provided for before the passage of that act, be placed under tho control of the government. In other words, while ] am in favor of the silvor dollar, I am ,i -n - - ■ ■ ■ ■■ " ver bullion the profits aiising from its ooinago." The views of Senator Ferry and the other Representativos have nol been given to the public. From time immemorial we have been told that the Democratio party was the party of roughs and rowdies and rummies, that there was nothiug good or cleau in it, and that to touoh it was to denle one's selt as with pitch ; also that the Republican party, the party of great moral ideas, was composed altogether of tho highly respeotable classes, tho crème de li crème, professors, ministers, Sunday school teachers, and goody poople generally. The good reader will imagine the shock caused by the following paragraph clipped from a New York letter of the 2öth ot' August to on exchange : Thomas Lloytl, who was shot in a Dar-room row that occurrod early yeBterday morning ini.iii ; a numbor of roughs who had attended a Republican primary meeting, died this monung. ïhero had been a bittor contest betweon the custoiu house aud anti-custota house Republicans, and a large number of bar-room roughs boing present somo senous troublo was apprehended. When the eleution was over the members of both factions adjourned to a liquor store kept by John McCormick, aud after several rounds of treating the dispute about candidatos was reopened, and a general row ousued. Several pistol shots were fired, but only one took efFect, Lloyd being the victim. McCormick adraits having tried to drive of the roughs, but Lloyd said before his death ho was shot before McCormick discharged his pistol. Are the traditions of our youth to be thus disturbed? Are the political landmarks to bo thus ruthlessly demolishod ? We feel like moaning and weeping over this casting down of our idols. It cannot, it must not be, and that correspondent is ovideutly a rockless libeller. We turn him over to our Ropublican friends, with permission to hang him without the interven tion of judge or jury, or tho bonefit of clergy. BHionAii Youno, president and prophet of all the Mormons, died at Salt Lake at 4 o'clock p. m. on tho 29th inst. His docease will more than likely bring on a contest for the succession that may sliako the Hormon Church to its foundations, but wo cannot say how sincerely it will be mourned by his numerous wife and children, by the Hormons generally, or by " all the world and the rest of mankind." Brigham Young was 8G years old. Iif ONE of his littlo depot or reception speeches made during tho Presidential progresa through Now Hampshiro, Vico-Frosident Wheeler gquarely and without reserve indorsod the Southern policy of the President. THE Iowa Deinocracy met in State Convention on Wednesday, nominated a ticket and constructed a platform, the financial planks of which are shaky. We met throo gentlemen in a group at a sea-ahore resort, the other day, one an ex-judge from Ohio, one a prominent business man from Kutland, Vermont, and tho other a business man well-known in Hartford, Connecticut. Each in turn expresad the warmest admiration for the Presidont's Southern policy. At last, thought we, we bave found some Republicans who can explain to us how they can swallow this sort of thing with real relish. But it proved, on further inquiry, that all


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