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RAILROADS. MICHIGAN CENTRAL K.UUïOAD. JUME 24, 1877. UOIHU WEST. tlLpL&ElP a. m. a.m r. m. e. . r.u.77 Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 35 4 45 8 15' G 05 , : G. T. Junction, 7 15 9 50 5 00 3 30 6 iu i! Wayne Junction 7 48 10 17 5 32 :t ",." o 5Ypeilanti, ■ 8 17 10 35 C 00 I 15 7 26 I (iridia, 8 :" 6 18 1 Ann Arbor, 8 40 10 50 6 30 4 32 8 00 l?T bulhi, 8 46 6 43 . ! DaXtQT, ! V 03 6 53: 4 "3 8 22 Ohelsea, 9 2:1 7 12 5 1)7 g jj "" (ir.iKh l.ake, 9 52 7 37 5 27 g 02 p. k i 1 - 7r Jackson, 1 10 20112 ís! 8 00. B 10 9 30 ,, Albion, 1104 12 53 á 7 00 10 18 f Ï Marshall, 1150 1 35 7 :;o m 16 ■ p.m.: Ls " Battle Creek, 12 20 1 Ms 8 O0 11 6 Ualesburg, 12S5 , 8 38lljj 'a.m. a.m. Kiilamazoo, i 1 16 2 40 B 011 9 00 I" i{ 1. Lawton. 1 67 5 35 1 00 _ Decatur, 2 )á 5 64 II j Downgiuc, 2 11 6 17 2 1 IT Nile, 8 111 4 071 T 00 2 ss , Hucbanan, 3 23 . 7 11 ! 2 io Three Oaks 3 52 4 ÍS 7 S7 ' 3 20 ir. New Butfnlo, 4 U8 4 56 7 49 I 3 35 Michigan City, 4 40 5 20 8 10 4 05:,. L,ake, 5 23 6 02 6 50 4 J2 ,!' Kcuaington, 6 03 6 Su 3 I" 5 40 i UhiciMro, arriTe, 6 56' 7 40 lu &,, 6 JO j QOIKÚ EA8T. lílkli A.H. P. X. I'. M. p., . , Chicago, loave, ! 7 00 9 00 3 45 5 14 , li-uuiiiguu, 7 50 9 50 4 35 6 (15 j j l.ake, S 37 10 28 6 23 6 411 Michigan City, , 'J 23 U 10 2ó 7 íf)[t N'cw Blltfaln, 9 45 11 26 ü 51 lu Throe Uuks, .0 00 1136 7 09 8 121ij Buchanan, 10 32 7 46 Nilua, 110 46 12 16 8 20 9 0tlt Duwagiivc, Il 15 8 48 1 Deoatur, 11 S9i 1 9 15 ! Lawhm, 11 57 I 9 85 a. M.1 1 Kalaiuazoo, 12 S5' 1 38 10 lu (i 30 10 26 ![ Ualeitburg, 12 65 ' . I 6 53 ■ Buttle Crtwk, 1 32 i 17 M ; 7 35 11 lí MurshaU, 2 17 3 00 f 8 1211 T i a.m. Albion, 2 46 1 3 21 a.M. 8 43 12 OS Jncknou, 3 35 4 05 5 20. a 45 12 5(1 ú Oraba Lako, 3 57 5 48 10 06 ._. Chelsea, 4 lu , 6 13 10 24 .-_ Dexler, , 4 3í 6 30 10 35, , Delhi, 4 4n i! 4: Aun Arbor, . 4 M' 5 10 7 00 10 50 ! II Qsddea, 5 03 7 05 . Ypeilasti, 5 12 6 24 7 15 11 05 2 27 if Wayne June, 5 S6 5 45 7 40 11 : 2 4S B U.'L'. June, : G 10 6 15 8 25 1150 3 SO tL Detroit, Ar., I 6 25; 6 30, 8 40 12 05 SKI Sundaya exceptad. ISaturday and buudaj y. ceptod. tDaily. H. B. LKDYARD, Gen'l Supt., DeMt H. C. Wkntwobth, (ien. l'aas. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INI . ANA HA1UIÜAD. To take effect June 24, 1S76. GOINO WEST. UOIH0 E1ÏT. ■TATIONB. Mail. Exp. STATIONS. Kip. JL Ypsilanti.... 8:2o' 7:25' X. M Haline 9:15 7:67 Bankers 5:00 M Bridgtíwater.. 9:42 8:15 HUladale .. 5:3 ti Mauchealer. 10:12 8:37 Manchester.. 8:20 p. M. 1 Bridgewater 8:V: . Hillsdale 12:45 10:33 Saline 9:3S ( Bankere. ... 1:00 10:45 Ypsüanti.... 10:20 i. Traína run by Chicago time. W. P. PAKKEE, Sup't, YpsilíaÜ STlLlLl A THOROUGII GYMNASTIC SYSTEM FOR 1. adíes and gentlemen, in n:. mini:tks ünue a hay. The Health L,ilt 13 a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. Forthe nttninment and preservution of Health. It ís the beat mcaus of PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DE VELOPMENT. IT IS THE S1MPLEST, SAFEST AND Ml Kl-'KH.'IENT MODE OF TAK1NU ALL NEEDED EXEOISE. In the brief spacd of ten minutes all thema ck-s are gradually, thorousjhly, and BynimetricM lirouglit into action. Coucentratüd exereüe di tlie lm y and Bedentary. A.N' ARDOK OFFICE AN'D PAULOBS, 1 1 Kust lCumii S Bouth of Court House A DOLLAR SAVED IS A Dl) LLAR KARNED ! NEW GOODS! And pricea LOWER THAN KVEE. I havo purchased in New York, for casb, I am uow daily receivins one of the largert most Helect stocks of OrocoricB in WaahlÈüi' Cuunty , 1 of a íull and well selectod LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - iucluding Ciiiiipawdors, Iiuprinls Vaiinfrllr toni, lij sous, Japans, O o Ion or' U1OSU8, (oiiïoih, s Imii;, 111' 'l'lViinka } s, Together wilh a full line of COFFEKS, consW; iuk of the following branda: MOCIIA, Üt GOV'T JAVA.MAKACA1ÜO, LAGUAYKB,3A TOS and RIO, both nmsted and grouud ; 'aB and well selected niock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Toftether with everythinff in the line ff ?üti ■ípict's.Cunued fruits, and Vegetables. Web"1 ! full and cüiuplett: line of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVBS And Hosiory. AIko, n choice assortruent of E ñiidOeuilemen's Uuderwenr. Culi and exunnii loods and l'ricea and w will insure satiafacitott' KDWAIID DUFFI. " Sluyniiid't lllock,-' cor.ïiuin nnd Ann '"" Ann Arbor, Mwl' BarniEhest cmh price paid for all "ria )rüducu."ítB Two YalnaWe Houses FOR SALE, lil i.ropcrtv lwlonglllB to the WEI.LFS ESTA'1 itiiiin-.! od DIVISIÓN STREET, at Ue hf „j V N N STREET, and the property latcly owned owoccupledby A. W1DHNMANN, will 1' "' t ■ VERY LOW PKICE, AM ()X I.nNii TIME U' DE8IBBPAjiply to S. H. OODGiiAg ALL AND SKK TUE JA( 'KSON TKÜSS UOD.WAfiOS lao, New Itia:lil-H:iid BM"" li uu ('ui il Muilii, M. IIOOEBS'.


Old News
Michigan Argus