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NEW ADYERTISEMENTS 'VTOTICE OF DIVIDEND. The umlorsigneii will pay a second dividend of 10 per cent on, the iiidiiMetlness of J. Muehlig fc Uro., on and after Sopt. 17, 1877. Dated, Sent. 3, 1877. I(51w2 T. CRAMEH, Assignee. Mi A m tm Great chance to make inoney. If [[ ] I Ij yüu enn't get gold you can gel A JJareenbackH. Wo need a prrson in every town to take subscriptions for the lareat, oheapest and bent illuetratud family publication in the world, Any ono can bocome a succesaful agent. The most elegant workn of art given free to aubacribers. The price is bo low thnt almost everyb dy subscribes. One agent reporta making over $150 in a week. A lady agent reporta taking over 400 Bubbcribers in ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be awny from home over night. You can do it aa well aa others. Full p Articulara, direcriona aid term free. Elegant and exponsive outfit free. If you want protitable work tiend ub your nddress at once. It coate nothing U try the business. No one who engapres faila to make great pay. Address, The Peuple'a Journal," Portland, Maine. li.-i Wool Time and After Xïarvest ! AS Wool time and Ifarvest have both come and gone, I simply ask each and cvery onti who owes me any amount, great. or Biuall, to bear In iiiiml their long past promises, and walk up like a i:liirki'ii to tho dough, with the cash iu their breeches pocket, and pay me, or I will find out what virtuc there ia in a summons. If tliese collections cau't be made willingly they must bc inacU forcibly. I have come to ;i Ünu rosolutton to collect my outstauding debta. If you jrjve this matter your iinrutidiute attention you wiil gave yovirself coats. Now I want you to believe every word of thiu böcause it is true. This thing must bu done. Aun Arbor, Juiy 18, 1877. M. ROGERS. Two Talnal Honses FOU SALE, The property belonRinn to tlie WRLUCS ESTÁTE, Bltuated on DIVISIÓN STREET, at the head of ANN STKEET, :iud the property lately ownod and now Occupled by A. WIDEN.MÁNN, will be sold at a VEltY LOW PKICE, AND ON LONG TIME IF DUSIRED. Apiily to S. H. DOÜGLAS. "DINSEY & ÖEABOLT'S tv BAKERY, GUOCERY -ANDKM)UR & FKKD 8TORB. We keep conatantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR wnOÏ,E8ALK nd RKTAIL TRADE. Wo Bhall ulo keep u eupply of IJ3L.riI FLOUR, . M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WniTE WIIEAr FLOUR, RYE KLOUH, BUCKWWnEAT FL.OUK, CURN MEAL, FJSED, &C, &O. At Wholesale and rettiil. A general stock of ;u KRil'.s AJiD PROVISIONS msfaiii ]y on hand, whiirh will be aold on as reaonuble aa at any otber houHU in this city. ('asli paid for Butter, Etgs, and Country I'roace generally. VkW (joodw delivered to any part of the city with ut extra cluuvu. R I -VS E Y tí si: A icol i . Aun Arbor, Jan. 1. 1876. 15C4 , BSTliACTS OF T1TLES. The undersigned, Regisier of Deeds, will prompty and carofully make Abstracta oí' titlus, From the Original Records, y ?or Attcrncy, Agtmts, Ownora, or Purchasers. Jo paius will be apured to give a complete ohain of itle, and show ali eucuuibnincea. Ohargeu reastnable. CUAS. H. MANJ.Y. rbor, Junuary 10,1877. 1C17.


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Michigan Argus