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EXTRA NEWS Clothing Buyers, Attention ! Our now stock of CLOTHING, Finishing (Ms, Walking Sticks, Etc. ís dow complot o, and if you desire to SAVE MONEY A 11,1 iiUo ;;it woll-made, Faabionublo and GÖ0D HONEST &OODS You cun liiiJ. tbem at OUR STORE. Our Stook of MENS', YOUTHS', & BOYS' CLOTHING! la vory largo and well solected. IN OUR M ercüant Tailoring DEPARTMENT Our tables are loadod down with the finest Woolens the country affords, of both Foreign and Domestic makes. All work in first-class style. We allow no othcr establishment to succesafully compete with us. Good Goods, Bottom Prices, and Fair Dcaling is our motto. S. SOUDHEIM, No. 9 South Maiu Stroet, 1052 Ann Arbor Micli. Scwing Machines The best stock of Machines in the State, anl I willBell you a BKTTEIi MACHINK for the inicie y thtin you can bur auywhere elso. I have the MOST JJEAUTIFUL MACHINES that you ever saw, nnd sell them for the pnce charged geuerally for cheap commou machinug. Kemember I have bought and eold moremachines than anyother ten men in the county, and eau do butter by you than auy little ono-horse conern. Machines Dclivercd F ree of Charge TO ASY PLACE WITHIN TWNEf Y MILES. more wiuding bobbins for S1NGER MACHÍES YOU CAN BUY YOUR THKi: AI) UEAÜY FOR T SHUTTLE At the 8inger Olü . PLAITERS FOR DRESS-MAXING Tluee kinds for from $1.60 to $2.00. Sectiles and París for Nearly 11 Macliines. I. L. CRINNELL. Rrcg-ory Rloi li, Sccond door cast of Pont Office, Aun Arhor. IHicli. (1656) "D INSE Y & SEABOLT'S 1JAKERY, UROCERY - ANDPLOUK' & FE El) STORE. We keep conslantly on nund, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., FOR WHOLESALE and EKTAIL TRADE. We ahail ulno keep a supply o( DELHI PLOUR, J. M. 8WIFT & UO'S BEST WHITE WHEAf FLOUR, RYE FLOUK, 13UCK W'WHEAT FLOUK, CORN MEAL, FEED, &cM &o. At Wholesale ana retail. A general stock of GKOCEKIKS AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, whith will be sold on as roaonuble torm? as at my otber house in thie city. Cauh paid for Butter, Ëgga, and Country Vrolace genorally, B7 O(Khïh dellvered to any part of the city with out extra charge. KINSBY A: mahoit, Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1876. 1564 f4 AY Grentctmnco to muke money. If l Tl J I I) you Cíint 8et Bld you can preL Vrf W MBT greenbacks. Wo need u p rion in cvery town to take aubHcriptions for the largeat, and bont illustrated family pubHcatïon in thu world. Any one can be come a tmccetuful agent. The moat elegant worka of art given free to subscríbela. Tho price, ia o low thtit almost everyb uly subsoribua. One aent repurta ninking over $150 in a week. A lady agent reportB taking over 400 subscribcr in ten dayu. All who eiigajfu ninke moncy iaat. You can devote all your time to the biibines, or only your upare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it aa well as others. Full particularH, direciions and terma free. Elegant and ttxpeuaive out ti t free. If you want proütable work send uu your address at onco. It costd notbing Ui try the buaineiM. No ont; who eugageñ faila to muke great pay. Address, " ïho I'eoplo's Journal," Portland, Maine. iu8 V7ool Tizne and Aftor Harvest ! AS Wool time and Harvest have bntli come and gone, I siiuply aak 6ACh aud every one who .wen me iiny aiuount. great or biiiaII, to bear in iiiind Uu; ir long past promiscs, and walk up like a ebicken to the dough, with the cash in theur breechea pocket, and pay me, or I will iind out wUat virtue there is in a sttmmoiis. If these OOllecttOM :-tii't be madt! vrilUogljj tbey must te made forvlIy. I have come to u flrni resolution to collect my ntVstamling debts. If you give this matter your immcdiate attention you wiii save yourself costs. Now I want you to belieye every word of thia i ï&osQ it is true. This thing must be done Ann Arbor, July 18, 1877. M. ROGERS. F'Müíííííifi131110 d0IW atlhtí


Old News
Michigan Argus