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- The railroad aid subscription now exceeds $23,000. - (i. W. Bunting, architect of the new Court House, was in the city yesterday. - lf you want stoves or general hardware read tlie advertisement of "A Bankrupt Stock.' - Those visitors seen on our streets on Saturday last wore frota Concord, Jackson county. - Justice Eugene K. Fruoauff, of thia city, deserted the bachelor fratornity on Monday evening last. - A. L. Noble Iets the Argus readers kuow this week that he has iu a seasonable stock, - to be sold cheap. - Phil. Bach has gone to New York : which means that Bach & Abel will soon have new joods for their customers. - Dr. Angelí and faraily arrived home yesterday, and the Dr. is ready for the opening ffork of the college year. - S. Sondheim invites the trade of the public iu a showy ad. in another column. Sondheim can suit the most exacting to a JU-ting suit. - Dr. Herdman is back from Nashville. Caroe by way of Marietta, where he witnessed the soldiers' re-union and the reception of the President. _ The Literary Department of the Uuiver,ty will opeu on Wednesday, September 26. The professional departments opon Monday, yctober 1, - Prof. Tyler is back from his summer vaeation- spent at work in the Astor Library and will be ready for college duty wheu the term opens. - H. J. Beakes, Eaq., of this city, but whose business is now mostly in Detroit, has been apfomted one of the commiaaiouera in the Urush estáte. - The Dexter Leader says that Backus Bros., of Webster, threshed 000 bushels of Clawson wheat from fifteen acres, which (feighed 69 1-2 lbs. per measured bushel. - On Friday last Fred. W. Hawkins, of Vjisilanti, had his horse run away with him, Jraggiiig him Bome distance, and inflicting sundry bruise's, A broken sulky was the use. - The farmers are active ly engaged in seeding, and iu some sections of the couuty we hear of wheat being put iu the last week in August. A little too early considering the ilanger trom insects. - Eight able-bodied men spent mueh wind und a great deal of lime in our street8 on Tuesctay, interspersing their musical performances with the takiug up of nickel or penny collectious. Heavy business. - i'or want of cement,:work was suspended oo the Court House foundatiou on Fnday last, tut was resumed again on Wednesday, - to the irreat gratificatiou of the large and efïicient corps of assistant superintendente. - Keport says that J. W. Hangsterfer has purchased a lot on Stato street (on the Mundy property) of A. Duim, and will immediately erect a dwelling and store thereou. ConfectioDery, ïce-cream, etc, we suppose. - The farmers of Bridgewater held thoir animal festival on the ñrst iust., on the farm of Juuius Short, and had a good time. Anotber is to be held at the same place af ter the larvest of 1878 shall be gatherd in. - MeBSi's. Lawreuce & Fntz have marketed about 4,500 baskets of peaches. The Judge ays tbat the baskets will hold very near a peck, and " gets on his aar " when flve or six baskets to the bushei are suggested. - Prof, W. W. Beaman, of the Uuiveraity, has taken to himself a wife: Miss Nellie Burton, of Kalamazoo, daughter of the Eev. Mr. Burtou, iormerly pastor of the Baptist Church of this city. September 4 was the date. - K. A. Beal has coramenced suit against Mayor Cramer, Nel. Bootli, and a uumber of other citizens. A printing bül ior that horse show some years ago. If we remember rightly neighbor Beal was President of the A3sociatioa, - At a meeting of the lleliof Park Association, a few days siuce, the following oflicera were elected ior the enauing year : Presidont, Fred. Schmid, Jr.; Secrutary, Oonrad Krapf ; ïreasQrer, S. Sondhenu ; Trustees, U. EberCach and J. G. Lutz. - The Hall Bros., of this city, propose to mke a Iarge etiow of swiue at the State Fair oextweek, - Berkshires, Essexs, Polaud Chinas, ml Suiïolks. It will well pay fiirmers and treedere throughout the State to take a loug look into their pens. - The school board and Prof. Wilsey have come to au uiiderstaudiug about the work to ie done aud the salary paid (500), and the professor will have charge of the musical inatrucnon in the schools another year. He is an excellent teacher and tho children - big or little -are sure to make good progress. - Geo. Suttou, aasignee of the Aun Arbor Trading Aaaociatiou, has comraenced a suit in Detroit againat Qeorge W. Hays,' the superintendent at the time of the failure, aud his sureto, E. A. Beal and J. A. Polhemus. Mr. Hajs' bond was in the sum of $25,000. To reover it wil! be necessary to prove neglect of -iuty or fraud. -Onenight last week a gang of fruit ttaeves entered the peach orchard of J. J. Pariball east of this city and cleaned off eighteen trees. Mr. Parshall had iuvitcd some iriends hom a distatice to tarry over the last Sunday ffith him and " eat peaches " but had to buy tkem to fül the bill of fare. Large dosea of Nek salt would be a good thing for auch acumps. - "Cement good for nothíng," "too muc 'tód in it," " mortar re-tempered and spoilod," "brick too soft," " brick not properly wet when laid," aud walls " ou the zig-zag : " these are few of the complaints heard from the froquenters of court house square. In the classic taguage of the high-toned editor of the Reg"!■, the superintendeni sliould " unroll the %8 of his ears " aud make a " froe use of up aud water," so that lie can hear " the "ce oi the people." The State papers are having a good time Jast now in contradicting the statement - origimting Wlth the Register ot this city- that Hales Young, bou of Brigham, late head of tó Hormon Church, had hung out his law Í8 at the little borough of Pinckney. Will faJiewYork World, Sun, Tribune and other jonrnals make the correctiou, or will the cur'e[cy they have given it make Alfales be"" that he is the man he is n't, and has lo"W where he has n't ? - The Ypailanti Sentinel is moved to say of toe Court House : " We are bottling our aj'mPuhy now for tho use of the AÉous, when taat concrete, mixed, adobe, or whatever foundation it may be, mashes out under the y walls and Iets them all into the cellar Hw did they stand the last raiu ? " Neither así ram nor the former rain had any vis'Ws effect, neighbor, and besides there is nary bl'of cellar for those heavy walls to fall into. Come up and take a look at them and give ïur hcmeU impressions rather than baseless lurs. "-At the recent animal meeting of the "wchestor Union School district (No. 2), uara. J. D. Corey and U. ü. Van De Grift e elected trustees for. tho f uil term, and .8. Stowell to lili a vacaney. The sum of '-i'JiO was ordored raised by tax to meet expenses of the coming year, which is in addi'n to ths estimated recoipts from two-mill tt primary school fund, and tuition ($930), Lig an aggregate estimated expenditure of ','JOü. The principal, J. It. Miller, gets a Mar; ot $1,000, and a motion to reduce it to fOwaslaidon the table. C.F. Field, as - 'Want, gets $400 ; Miss Morris, $460 ; and Miases Colwell, Ilichinond, Sheckle, and n, $320 each. The district census numtors 393. - A number of our cïtizens are just now on the anxious soat. That decisión Judge Huntiugton is expected to soon anuounco ia the cause of their anxiety, and it is hard to teil whether their hopea or their iears are uppermo8t. Both blesaings and curses are being stored up for future use, as the occasion may require. - Frank Bogardus, of Ypsilauti, had tlie misfortune to get the wheel of his carriage set on our streets on Sunday last (not in the mud but on the axletree), and failing to loosen it had to borrow a carriage to drive home lu. His sympathing friends looked on and gave him lots of good advice : to buy his carriages in Ann Arbor, etc. - We have but a single objection to " unrollmg the flaps," of our eara and that ia the danger of being mistaken for a near relative of the braying inember or members of the Register's " star combination troupe." We couldn't endure that " uo how." To be " kicked off of the school board " would be a blessing in comparison. - They had a several-cornered fight and a lively time at the recent annual school meeting at Ypsilanti. There were three or four tickets in the field and the following trustees were elected : Judge Ninde and William B. Martin lor regular term (two years), and Charles E. King to fill a vacancy. Messrs. Whitman and Laible, both old members, were pitted agaiust each other and both defeated. The business meeting was stormy, but all the appropriations asked by the board were made and more too ; the iucrease benig for experimenting in heatiug apparatus and cutting up the chapel or hall into school rooms. The Sentinel thinks both measures ill-advised. Tho new board his organizad by electing Charles Woodrufï, President ; Chas. E. Kiug, Secretary ; and Thomas Ninde, Treasurer. - Somebody down at Duudee has worms,- and " thom worois " are very active and irritating whenever the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railróad is mantioued. Does the uuknowu somebody really speak the sentiments of tho Dundue peoplo, - when he writea to the Detroit papers,- or is he simply one of tho makers of those old notes, puyable when the road is oompluted, and don't want it to mature, or is ho au employé of the Canada Southern road ? It he really speaks for Dundee, and that burgU doesn't want a railroad connection with Aun Arbor aad Toledo, perhaps öov. Ashley can fiud a line that won't disturb the slumbers of that quiet town ! He may easily do so by narrow-gauging hls road, flanking Dundee, and strikmg hands with the Toledo and Petersburg Narrow üauge road. - Charles J. üuiteau, an eminent Chicago lawyer and thoologian, who was to make it clear to au An Arbor audieuce one evening last week that the " Second Coming of Christ " had taken place eighteen oenturies ago, more or less, failed to get an audience, and so " skipped the town " without paying his hotel bill. Depaty Sheriff Fleming went to Detroit after him, made an arrest, and starled homo with his man on the night of the 6th. Just this side of Ypsilanti the apostle heard a voice calling him, and answering jumped from the fast moviug train. Fleming did u't follow in pursuit and other towns will not be deprived of his revellations. P. S,- On Saturday aiternoou last Fleming was telegraphed to look for his man on the 6:30 train west. He went, he looked, he did n't flud him, and then ' smeit amice," whose name it was - BurleigU.


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Michigan Argus