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A correspondent of tho Cincinnati Ewning Times, who intorviewcd President Hayos while en route from Msrietta to Fremont, Oliio, askwl Prcaidcnt how ho camo to construct nis lolicy, which was secmiugly so at variance with his recent views wliilo on the stump in bi Inst cHbernatorial campaign. Did it grow upon him gradually as circumstancos scemed to rcquirc? Tlio President replied au follows : " Wcll, thüBC views bogan to taUo forni in tlio words of niy lotttr of acccptanco. I confidered the ituation of thing in the South ; saw how iniiospible it seonied to restore order, and ixjace, and harmony ; saw tho violence and bloodBhed at their elections ; how white Itopublicans as well as black wero hot down during their p)litical contcatii, and I asked myself, Why is it, and how long this continue? Those men down South, the wliito, educated iutizi-iis. are fts good rnen as you or I. They are Ohristians, not thiovee. nor ent-throata, nor baudits ; vet they seo thbso things and approve theru, if they do not tako part in thom. Why is it, and how Ion;; will they continue V While thinking these questions over, my mind reverted to (bc wvjno of tbo war, and tho incident at the battle of Cedar Montitaiu came to my nrind. It was a hard-fought engagement, and for a time wc coiüd not teil how it would end. Wo who were in oommaod had dotorniined that if a cortain movement resulted in one way wo would givo certaiu orders, bnt, if it resultod otherwiw, different orders would be givon. With our lield-glasres wo were watching the couro of things. All at onco I saw a conunotiou in the llii.-kcstof the fray. loe artillery liad KOtifo work, and were throwing shells fast and witli unerring aim into tho Holid rankH of the enemy. Krads were beiiiR blown from their bodii's, amis and legs torn from tlioir aockets, and juls sent to onc world or tho other unpropared, and yet I rejoiced and congratulatt 1 mv fellow-oflicer that we ero victorious How could thi be? Why was it? It was booauBC wo were at war. That one word solved in mv miud tho problem of the South. Tbu péópJe there wcro at war. There was a conflict coinir cu. 'liic social and political relatious of tho people were not natural, not harmonious. There were disturbing elementa among them, and whilo they existed or wore nnduly activo there wonld le conlliot Let the canses of tho coniot bo removed aud there will be peaco and ultimately harmony and prpffpprity." BnV aid tho reporter, " ívc do not seo miich aíspoffltiqn in the South to manifest a loving tempor tnward ús in tho North." The President mildly retorted : "Howdovon knowV Yon form your opinjons, no doübt, rom reading the papers, but editors of newspapera do not alwaysrcpresont tho popular genoral feeling of tho pooplo, eithor North or South. I think mostof the people in the South, as I know they are in the North, are moro disposed to oncourago fraternal, harmonious, social aud business relations than the oxu-omistx, who nnfortunatüly too often got control of nowspapers, but oven thcBe. or most of them, will come around all right in timo." THE KAST. A DESTÍtDOTlVE conflagration visitod tho city of New York on the M insfc Tlio oxtent of tho ro, the iinmediate danger in which it involved many people, and the foverish excitcment that provailed, gave riso to many wild report of a terrible loss of lifo, which wcro not corrected for many hours. Only two persons were killed, aad some ljalf a scoro injured. The fire began in J. 1'. Halo's piano factory, an oíd framo strncturo, and, owmg to the scarcity of tho water Rupply, spread so rapidly that in a very short timo eighty buildings were destroyed. Tho burned stractures were mostly faetones and tenement-houses, and the occupants barcly had time to escapo with their lives. The total losa of propertyis estimated at $400,000. Fbank Lesue, tho well-known New York pnblishcr of newspapers, periodicals, misccllaneous pamplüets, etc., has made an assignment of his property for the benefit of lus creditors. Isaac W. England, publisher of tho New York Sun, is the assignee, and will conduct tho business of Mr. Loslie.'s establishment. The liabilities are put at $320,000. Thomas F. Curley was hanged last week at Norristown, Ta., for tho murder of Harv Ann Whitley. TUK AVEST. A national reunión and cneampment of volunteer soldierg and sai'.ors of tho lato war- people who fought on both sides- was held last week at Marietta, O., undor the anspicos of the nreprossible Private DalzelT. Thero was a goud attondance. aud a good time gcnerallv Concihatory sixxjchcs were mado by eX-Fedcrai and ex-Confederate officers. Tok Mormorw havo chosen John Taylor to sneceed Brigham Young as President of the Twolvo Apostles. He will bc assisted in his labors by John W. Young, George Q. Canuon and Daniel H. Wells. THK SOVTH. Robekt James, Samuel Goodrich and James Simmons wore taken from the jail and hung by a mob at New Castle, Ky., a few nights ago. They woro charged willi murdering a nmnbcr of persons in Owen and Henry conntios August, Ga., through its City Council, lias'invited President Hayos to extend his Southern trip that far, promiring him a cordial welcome. Tue Texas cotton erop prospectg aro not so good as last year. Tho woather has not been so favorable, and the ravages of tho army .-orm have bom considerable, only eitrht counties sccapiDg the visitatiou of tuis destruetive pest. WASHINGTON. It is stated from Washington that two points have bcon agreed upon in regard to tho courso to 1; purstied by the Sitting Buil Commisskm. An effort will firat bc made to induco him to come over the line and surrendpr his arras and horses to tho United States authoiities with ili. understendiuft that ho is to go on the rcseryation and receivo support thcre. Failiog in tlus. there will bc an attempt to completo rrangements f ot his femaining in tlio Brilixh OKseirions, and passing fornially under the ontrol of the authorities thero . Kcnneth l nor, Sohcitorof the Treasiny, paid Í20 in t Washington Polios Conrt for assaulting tho ol i of the liejnihikan. At a Cabinet meeting, the other day, it was di.'tcrimued to make a chango in the Commislionojship of Indian AiTaiis. OKNBKAL. L. B. Wickuitk, of Mount Washington. Ky., writos to the Loiiisvillc Courie--Jonnd that ho kiunvts all about Osmau Fasha, tho hero of the late Turkish at Plcvna. According to UiiK authonty (whom, by the way. the Cuiirur-.hmrmd has eyory roason to credit), Osman Pasha is not Marshal Bazainc, but i a nativo leuncsseeau; his real name is It Clav Crawford, an ox-Foderal C.lonel ho_ sorvcd in Mexico nnder Juárez, anu subsequently went to Egypt and cnhsted m tho Korvico of tho Khodive, whence hc was transferrcd to that of the Sol' tan.. Bngliam Yonng, by hi will, divides lus estáte, valued at $2,01X1,00(1, between his Beventcen wives, sixtecn sons and twentv-cifiht daughter....The Illinois veterans f the Mexican war have been having a reunión in Chicago.... M. Thicrs died of apoplexy lhe prtisont sumrner has been tho hoaltbiest Chicago has experienced for many ycars. Tüo deaths m Augnst were nearly 400 less than for the corresponding ïnonth last vcar. . . J ho Chicago Conimon Coimcil has voted to begin at onco the eroction of the now City iIall....Gold in New York hus reached tho lowost figure it has touchod since May 24, 1862 viz 103k; . Business failuros : The Perry Cotton Mili, Ncwport, R. l. ■ the SandÍT xvi Savmes Bak. Boston, Mass. : Edward Í9flSfn' meíaI hruker' New Yürk' ÏÏWUÜM oil merchant, St, Louia, liahilities heavy: H. A. buuUman & Co., straw goods, New York, liabilUic 'heavy; Collu, & Lyon, paper-dealers, Now York liabwticsJlOO.OOO; Now port Manufactur000; James G. Kennedv & Co olothiiit' Mï treal, liabilities .$75,000. ' olütl"ui' MonTiie animal meeting of tho Socioty of the Army of the Tcnnessee has just beoñ held at St. Paul, Stinn. The attendance numbered alx?ut seventy-iivo, mostly from IUinois, Indiana, lowa, Wisconsin, and afiasoori. Gen. Sherman was electcd Prosidentfor theensning year. . . .. Among the features of Private DalSelFsFederal and Confedérate reunión at Marietta, Ohio, was a sham battle, in wliieh some 700 or 800 soldiers engaged, and which was won by gentlemou represonting the Union side. Fkidat, Sopt. 7, was a big day for Marietta, Ohio, and a big day for Piivato Dalzell. President Hayes, Postmaster General Key and Attorney General Dovens arrived in the morning and took part in tho grand reunión of exsoldiera and ex-sailorB. An immense concourse, estimated at 20,000. wclcomed the party at the train and escortod them thronph the treets of the city to tho residonce of Oen. r. C. U. Smitli, wheru the President remamea a Kuest. i„ the afternoon there was i-peeelwnnking and a general love-feast, The íiím6 f ,ïï , Peed', avoided any discusPion of pohhcal topics, his whole cffort being mdcfensoofhm Southern policy. As usuaL he ntroduccd Judge Key, who spoke of the North and South tc-day, contrasting it with the poBition bofore the war. Gen. Devens followod m a speecli of half an hour Tho Presidential party leftm the evcning for Freiuout wnerc they were accorded a cordial reception. The Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Chicago press concur in the general report that business is very perceptibly improving in thoee citie , . , , It is now estimated by f hos? wh9 keep postod that this year's whcat erop of the United States will aggregato 325,000,000 bushcls, beiug a surplus of abont 111,000 biishcls for export. It is belieyed that this surplus will find a roady market iii Europe. Tnu Turkish Minister to Washington han authorized the statement that Osman l'asha is neither Marshal Bazaine nor B. Clay Crawford, but ia a genuino Turk, nativo and to the manor born. IMITAN NEWS. Ciiiek Josepb's band aio still roaming about Montana, confiscating stock and occasionally capluriug a scalp. At last accounts tbey were in tho vicinity of the ïcllowstone, having burned tho bridge over that stream. Gen. How&rd'H conimand was far in tho rear, with every prospect of the relativo poaitions bcing maintained ...Advices froni Camp Kobinson roiort thnt öhedding Btïar's band, who have been robbing and murderingin the Black Hills, have Biirrondercd and promised to bc good lndians hereafter. Advii:b froni Camp Bobinson, Neb., report that tho chief Crazy Horse, who somo uiouth ago left the war path with his band and rtrrendercd cverytbinp, grow rostless and attumptod to encapo. Ho was pmtiiied and captured. Wliile boiiig disarmea in tho guardhouso ho drew a kiiifc nul iittempted to make his escape, cutting Littlo Iig Man in tlu; iirni overely. Orazy llorso liinintilf wa.s síablu'fl in the sido and dangeronsly wonnded. Thfire was great excitemont among tho Iudians, and an outbrcak wan foarod. A Disi'ATCH from Camp Eobinson announces tlio doath of Crazy Horso, who was sUbbod by Big Little Man while resisting an'ost. FOIJTIOAI Tnii rcimsylvania Kepnblicans met in State Couveution at Harrisburg, on the 5th inst., and ïKimin.itod J. I. Stcrritt for Supremo Judgo, William B. Hart for Stato TroBsnnr, and J. A. M. Pansmoro for Auditor Ooncral. The following reaoliitions were reported by a committoe and adoptcd : Rrxolvi'd, 1. Tbat whilo we rocognizc and renpoet thn iliñcrcncc uí opinión cxi.stillK ainou uk au t.i tbc courscinirsiKMl by l'reaidont Hayfl townrdtlu1 omn, wo aro ücaruiy m accoru in üonormg tlie patriotic motivos which have guidcd hint and in hoping that the reaults of this policy will be peace, good-will, and complete recognition of tin1 equa] ri;;li!s of all men in pvery Boction of the country. and to rfforts of bis administra! ion to curry into effect the principies of tho platform opon whicfa Ik1 was clectcd "'C plcdgc our hearty and cordial nuplK,rt. 2. The electoral commission having been created by the urgent eolicitalion of the Democratie party and after the oft-ropcated doelaratiollK of ita leader in both housen of Generas ihat no nfctton oould cavilatitK deriBion, wo witnew with profound astonishment tho aasaults of that party upou th auKUHt Iribunal of its own reation IXK-ause itn deci8iona diBappointcd thcir expcctatimiH of oineial patronage, whtch assault. si far as tti.y nei-k to ilnpair thr confidener of the pcoplc lu the jllBt titlc of the President to hls high ofliee, are etiunlly ehildiöh and ï' "hhh. bnt may bccomc cxtrcmely niiHchievous in agsistiiig to diunni&h popular respect for the dcciskuis of lawt'ul trihunals. Tho third rcsolution cali upon tlic members of tho State and national Legislaturas to assist in the return of prosperity to the country by adopting such measures as will conduce to 'that end. The fourth and fifth reeolntions oppose any grant of more than KiO acres of land to any one person, and also opposo tho reissue of patenta by act of Congross. 6. The the long and BVtoo&estiú oxisfeilOQ onder the laws of Congrcsa of the doublc-coin standard warrants ub in demanding an early rcpcal of the legisjatiou wbich denionetizcd silvcr and estaulished an almost exóhwtre gold standard, and we therefore favor a return to the frec upe and unrcfttricted ruinare of the dollar of 17S8, and its restoration tb 'Au positiou it held au a legal tender during eighty yoars of our. natioual oxi&tence, thun preserving the u'quulity of the. coimuerciat value of the Kilvtir dollar witli the gold dollar, feeeping both in circulatiou. Tho seveuth resolution iudorses the administration of Gov. Hartranft. 8. Ye are in favor of law and against lawlessncsB and anarchy, with all their attendant horrors and crimes. Equal nghts in making laws impose equal dutics in obeying theni when made, and we tender our hearty Uianks to Gov. Hartranft and the offleers and 8ïldier8 of his commaud ior tho prompt, aud wc hope effectual, suppressiou of the lawlesa disturbauces which recently oceurred in this State. 9. That wc hold In equal respect the righta of capital to control iU investmenta and of labor to determine the valuc of its BfirvfcM ; that we deprecato any asuertion by violcnce of the rinhts of eituer.aiid we aaBert it as the duty of all citizens to hold their respective rights in the just limitatiou of law, aud that any attempt to coerce the other by unlawf ui uieauB Bhoula be promptly reprce&ed by such lawful authorities as she exigency demands. The remaining resolutions, excopt tho olevonth, which favors a protectiqo tariiT, relato entiroly to State affaire. The Maseachusetts Independent Greenback party met in convention at Boston, on Sept, 5, and nominatod AVendell Philhps for Govemor. Tho platform is loud in its denuuciations of class lcgislation, land grants and subsidies ; protest againut the furthor issue of gold Ijonds for sale in foreign markets ; calis for retrenchment, and for tho abolition of tho taxation of mortgaged property, aud demandu the reniouetizatlon of ilver. Arrrn a long discussiou in the Cabinct, just on the eve of the Presideut's doparturo for the Wost, it was decidod not to remove Cornoll at present His resignatiou from the National Coramittee has not boen received, but it was thought best to lot bis cano go with thoso of Collector Arthur and Survcyor Sbarpe, and remove all of them soon after Congress meet, on the gronnd that au cutire chango in the New York custom-house is noedcd in order to insuro the enforcciuent of the President's civilservice system A IíOng Branch telegram to tho Cinciunati Entjuirer says " it is now dcfinitely and positivcly known that Boscoo Conkling will pronounce against the administratiou at tho New York State Convention at Rochcster." Jnstico Joseph Bradloy, in a letter to tho Newark Advn-liser, denies the Now York Sun's ehugee throughont He saya he did not road or rat press au opinión ; that there was no diBOOBj Hion, and that the electoral voto was decidod hon.-stly and freo from political or other uxtraneous consideration. California held an olection for membors ol tho Lcgislature on the 5th inst, which resutted in the Democrats secm-ing about thirty-fivo majority on joiut ballot. 'ïhU insurc;s tlio olection of a Democratie öenator to micceed Mr. Sargent. Connor, Kepublican, lias been rc-elected Governor of Mainc by a majority of fi,000 to 7,000. The Legislatura is largely Kenublican. A State convention of the Workingmcii's party of Pennsylvaiiia was held at Harrisburg last week. Tlie following noniiuation wero made -. Judgo of the Supremo Court, William Ij. KUyoII ; Auditor General, John M. Davis ; State Treasnrer, James í. Wright. THE Tl'HKO-Iil'.SSIAK WAK. Tiuj Grand Duke Nioholas' long-oxi)ected attack u]K)n the forcos undor Osman Pasha, by wbich ho expected to rctricve tho Ple.vna disasttr. began at 10 o'olook on the mol liiii;; of SCuoadny, Sept. 4. Tho assault was inade BJorjg the wholo lineRiid was irresistible. The lichting tliat eiiswd as soon as the erjtiró moTOment had been falrlytnimaskod by the iíuKsians was of the most terrific character, both on the part of Cüe 'J'urks and their atiBailants. AJmost overy strategie poiut aiong tho wholo line of oporation was tho bcouo of dosjierate charges by tho Russians. In nearly every instanco w the Itussians reached tho Turkish Iiositions they suceceded in carrying them, despito all tho inegularity of tho ground. Tho defenso of the Turks was determined aud desperato, but they were unable to withstand the onslauglit of thcir opponent, and were compellod to retiro sullenly from position after position. Tde Turks have entireiy evacuated SookoomKale, a ltussian port on the eastorn shoro of the Black soa, which thoy captured iscvoral months ago and held as a baso of supplics for tho insurrectionary Oircaspians. Tho xeat tcred Turkish forces in that región, as wen as all that could lio spared from Iiatouni, Ticbizóna, and MuUbtar's department, have beon huiried forward to reiuforce the Bulgaiiun armies. The battle at Loftscha, says a Bucharest dispatch, was commenccd by tho Turks, who, disquieted by the great increase of liusnians before tho town, attacked them nercely. The Hussiaus ropulsed nino succcHsive attacks, and finally drove tho Turks back into the town, which they entercd with them. The struggle coutinued in tlie streote, until tho Turks were driven out from tho other side of the towu in gret diorder. They roti-cated, followed by (un. Skobsloff's cxvalry brigade, which had by it largely contributed to the üussinii success. The slaughter was great, especialiv among tho Turks. Accordikö to Turkish accounts, Eyoub Pasha's army corps attacked the Twelfth lUissian corps on the 6th inst., defeating and drivini? them in disorder across the rivcr Lom. Bussian loss, 3,000 ; Turkish loss, 900. Bepobts from Hobart Pasha to the Porte represent tho new fortifications of Sebastopol strong cnough, without the additiou of torpedoen, to destroy the üuet floot afloat Turkey will nnke a further issuo of 0,000,000 piaster of paper money Tho carnago in tho Schipka battlcs was absolutoly horrible. A cable dispatch eays : " Three thousand wounded from ÍMilciman Pasha's army havo reaehed Adrianoplo ; 4,000 are at Kazanlik, and at Schipka the wounded and dead lie all over the hillsidcs." ÜKOARiiiKo the war in Asia Minor, a telegram from Erzeroum says tho Kussians are confining thomselves to a defensivo attitude. The liussian center i bringing np iirtilkry from Alexandropol to defend their camp at Baldirval in the event of an attack by Mukhtar Püsha, while on tho loft Gen, Terrakaasoff ia (prtifying bis powtions near f9 eommaod ( the roads leading t the plain of Erivan Tho Montonogrius have capturad Nicsics. A Disi'ATcit from Sistova, dated Sunday night, Sept. 9, eays : "This morning the attack on all sides of Plovna was commencod and was continued thronghont tho day. I5y 6 o'elock in tho evening tho town of I'lcvna was in tho hands of the Rosai&na, and tho Turks were in full rotreat in great disorder. The Ioshch are enormous, but details are not yet rocoivod." The Germán and lïench Ambassadors at Constantinoplc have presented remonstranceB to the Porto against tbc release of persons condemned to fivo ycars' ponal ervitude for tho niurder of the Gierman and French Consuls at Salónica, in May last, GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. A cable dispatch says no ovent short of a coup-Vi'tnt or Communist rising could havo created so profound au impropsion throughout France as tUo dcath of ox-ProRidont Thiers. tn cflct on tho present political crisis cannot yet be properly weighed. Gambotta i" now without a rival in tho Itopublican party, but liis advanced views are so alarming to tho Left Center that tho ltcpublican party, as a wnole, will probably siiok to counteract the evil effectn of Thiers' rcmoval bj putting forward M. Cirevv, thu ex-President of tho Chambcr of Deputios, as a. candidato for tho Huceossion to the Presidency, in tho ovent of President MacMahou'x retirèmout A Berlín dispatch tates that Austria and Germany have declarod that they do not deom the present statoof affairs ono to iiuluce them to offer their mediatioii to eitlier belügeront, yet they would support vigorously an offer of mcdiation from any (jthor powor. A reiobt cornos from the City of Mexico that ex-President Lordo is to be triod for high crimen nguiiist tho constitution. committod iluring hin administration, and Gen. Escobtdo will BOOD bo tricd for treason To fill up the thinned ranke of the Spanish oldiors in Cuba, 1.500 fresh trM)ps havo boen landcd at Havana and 1,100 at Santiago do Culm ... Tlic indictment against Gamlictta, tho French Republican leader, contains three connts U1K will i;.-l ." .lillll.TL LIJU JL II MUI UI, III KI UU" 1 C public, mul six inculta to Ministerg. Tho trial will not be reported, nor any pnblication conccrning ts prognes allowed. . .'.The Earl of Derby, J'.ritish Foreioo Miniotor, gpeakiBg at Liverpool a few cvcningH ago, Raid he tlid not think t)io present moment (ayorablo for any intorposition by thinl partios in favor of pêace, lint tbc timé mighl come, and t miglit not bo far distant, when England'n good oIBcch would bü ïicccptallc. TnE funeral of Louis Adolph Thierf, exrresident of France, took placo in a pouring rain. Notnitlistanding the inclcmeut weathcr, tho romains o7 the lamoñted deceased were fol Lowed to the gravo by an inimenae concourae, and hundreds of tlionsands of raouruing Frenoh pcople of all sexes and ages linod the roadways. Thero was no politicaj demonstration, and tho liody of tho dead utatesman was laid away dcceutly and in order, without provoking any of thu disturbances that tnight bo expected of Paris in such troublona timen. . Dispatolies from Minister i'óèter represent our relations with Jtexico as in aTerynnsatisfaotory condition. Of the eight inaraiidcrg whoso efe tradition is askcd for by the Uuited States, only two who aro American citizons will bo given up in any ovent.


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