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A Record Of Educational Progress

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The President of tho State Teachor's Association, Prof. C. F. R. Bollows, oi Ypsilanti, has addressed tbis circular to its members throughout tho State : "The noxt animal meeting of the State Teachers' Association marks the close of the tirst quarter century of the history of that organization. The same i about the period of the history of tho graded school system of our State. It is accordiugly appropriate that somothing bo done at this timo suitably to observe the above facfc. I would, therofore, suggost that the toachersoormected with the graded schools throughout the State prepare a brief history of their school from its organization to the present time, naming the superintentondents, principáis and other teachers, as far as niay bo dosirable, who have been engaged in the school, the presidents of tho Sohool Board, oto. With this shoukl appear also a synopsis of the present course of study, a statement of ;he number of students prepared for ;he Univorsity, or who have onter ed ;he othor colleges or institutions of tho ■itati;; and especially is it desired that an oxhibit bo propared of the present work of tho school in its diffurent demrtimmt, in the form of written examination papors and questions. You will get an idea of what is projosed - a sort of taking account of our iresent educational position - so far as he samo rnay bo indicatod by the work now being done by our graded schools. Cho design is to have theso papera on exhibition at the meeting of tho association, in a room apart which shall be levoted to tho pnrpose, and that a timo o specified, parhaps in tho programmo. br their examination," There is no reason why tho great nass of tho business of the governmont hould not be couducted on precisely he samo principies as the business ot ndividuals. There is nothing political n most of it. A man's views on State ights orthe constitutional amendments o not make his judgmeut on tho valuo f 8ugar, or caro as a weighor, or his lili as a bookkoopor, any groator or ess.-


Old News
Michigan Argus