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- Jack lrostkhas made soine threats thi week, hut witho ut biting very severely. - Tha full term of tho State Normal Schoo at Ypsilanti opened on Tuesday laat. - The Arous boys return thanks to Win. T De Buau for a basket of choioe grapes. - The farmers havo been improving seedin" time, and considerable wheat is already up. - John A. Nichols, of tho Third ward, had about 350 Ibs of grapes stolen on Friday ight last. - Suits have been cominenced against Androw Pfeiflo for selling liquor to George Kellet on Sunday. - Kevenaugh photographed the Court Houso gnng on Wednesday noou, aud again on yesterday noon, - The ladiea of St. Luke's Church, Ypsilanti, are to feed the hungry on the fair grounds next week. - E. E. (Jriunell has come over from Manchester and taken lodgings with Sheriff Case. Oharged with larceuy. - The examination of ReynoMs on that charge of arsou is to proceed again to-morrow, 8t Fpsilanti, the defendant having the case. - Examinations for acimisskm to the Unirersity commenced yesterday, aud up to noon the nunibcr of applicants exceeded by 35 the applications at the corresponding date of last ycar. - The Manchester Enterprise says that AIbert Case, of that Tillage, has threshed 287 bushels of white oats from 3 1-3 acres of land, mul aids : " If there is anyone who can beat 82 bushels of oats to the acre we want to hear of it." - eignui semi-anuual meetiug of tha Homeopathie Medical Society of this State is to be held at Gook'a Hotel, in this city, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Out. 2 aud 3, The progratnme ot papers and reporta is one of much interest. - An excursión party is to leave Ypsilanti -on the 26th inst., for Chicago and the Exposiition, via. Detroit, Hillsdale and Southwestern, Fort Wayne and Saginaw, aud Baltimore and Oliio Kailroads. Round trip tickets only ü, and good for six days. - On the 12th inst., Mr. L. C. Noble, maste mechanic of the H. & T. C. Kailroad, was married at Houston, Texas, to Miss M. E. Campbell. Mr. Noble was born and brought up in this city and has a large circle of friends here who unite with the Asava in extendiug a ■complimentary " shake." - Samuel Ruthruff, an old resident of this city, died at his residence in the Fifth ward, 29 Wall street, on Friday lasf, of paralysis, aged 75 years. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, the remains being taken to Dixboro for burial. - Thebaruof Geoige Pfeifle, in Northïeld.was burned on Saturday mormng last, together with most of the contenta, including 300 bushels of barley, 2U bushels of wheat, a quautity of hay, one hoise, a buggy, and two harnessos. Another horse was cousiderably iniured. - The frieuds of Dr. P. B. Rosa and familypractically testified to thuir sympathy on Friday afternoon and eveniug laat, the fruits ■oí which were as follows : Cash, $C17 ; in ■clothing and provisions, f 120; and 160 acres of land (in Mississippi, we believe), valued at ■f3 au acre. - If that was a real, genuine facsimile ■of the Inter-Ocean which Bro. Pattison, of the Ypsilauti Commercial, has received, the afore■said Inter-Ocean is a picayune affair. We had supposed from its windy boasts thet the great Chicago journal had pages larger than 4 1-2 by ■6 1-2 inchos. Pat has evidently been hum.bugged. - Ev. M. A. Daagherty, of Denuison, ïeias, an old resident of tbis State, and for maay years financia! agent of Albiou College speat last Suuday in this city. Mr. Daugherty say that Texas is rapidly filling ud with Northern people, and that the loaven oí Unionisin begins to leaven the whole mass. - Audreur De Forest made his appearance on our streeta last Saturday, having just returned from California where he has resided about three years. It is uuderstood that he will agaiu inuke his home here,- uot liking theclimate of San Francisco. Andrew has lost "a heap of fun" by benig away the' last year and a half. -Duano Doty, late superintendent of the Detroit schools, and for the last two years assistint Superiutendent of the Chicago schools, has been promoted to the position of Superiutendeut. Mr. Doty has many friends in this city who will rejoice with him in his good fortune. - C. H. Jewell, late of Racine, Wis., has taken a two yeara' 'eaae of Oook's Hotel, and has entered into possession and coramenced the work of thorough renovation. It is said that Mr. Jewell ia an experiencud laudlord and"knowshow to keep tavern." We welorae him to our city and wisli him sacce33. - Without any design to question tho correctnes3 of the following item which is making a general run through the papers of this and other States, we appeal to the origiuator to name the doctress : " Gone to my husband's funeral; back in thirty minutes,' was a sign copied the other day from an Ann Arbor doctoss' slate." - The 20th Michigan Iufantry holil their ÏVelfth aunual re-uniou at G-rass Lake, on Wednesday, üctober 10. Gen. B. M. Cutchon, of Manistee, ia the orator of the occasion. Members will get half fare on the several railtoads on presenting the ticket of invitatiou to tation agents. Families and widows of deeued soldiera will be made welcome. - The fair going people will remember that this year the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society " passes " its fair, or nolda it in connection with the Eastern Mich'?an Agricultural and Mechanical As3ociation a' Ypsilanti, commencing on Tuesday next aud wntinuing during Wednesday, Thursday, and friday. It ought to be a large show. - "Speeding" horses is to be one great feature ia the fair at Ypsilanti next week. Among the races announced is one for 2:35 'ones, with a purse of $350, divided into four Pfemiums-$175, S80, S55, and $35 ; another Porae of $360 for 2:24 horse3, divided in the ame way; and two of f 150 each- with a '"'ge number of entries. A rare treat is in store for our play-going C1'izens on Monday evening next, on which ocwion will be brought ont, at the Opera'IIouse. onder the direction of Mesrrs. Jarrett & Pal■r, of Booth's Theater, New York, Byron's romantic play of Sardanapalua. This comPany has been performing in Detroit for the last week, winning the hearty indorsement of 'he public and the preas. - Miss Ada Botsford, of this city (daughter ' Mrs. E. Botsford, for twenty or more yeara teacher in the Fourth ward school), left for California on Saturday last,- in search of health and recreation. Eeport says that in aildition to a change of climate she will also changa lier name soon after her arriyal at her destination. Miss Ada is a gradúate of our High School, and for the last three or four years has been a succcsslul teacher in the i'on'iac High Lchool. On Saturday evening laat, pursuant to "Ui a moeting of citizens was held at tho "urt House, to consider the propriety of hav"g an approprifcte celebration at the time of aying the coruor stoue of the new Couit use. Judge Lawrenca occupied the chair anl Col. Burleigh officiatod as Secretary. Afersome discussion a committee was appointed take the matter In charge, consisting of "ara. R. e. Frazor, D. Cramer, J. L. Burle'gh, E. B. Pond, Uonrad Krapf, Peter Tuite, a"d Israel Hall. - George Kellett, aged 29 years, residing in the Fifth ward, took in a stock of driuk on Saturday night last whinh sent him on a general tear ou Sunday. He marclied his five year oíd son through the atreets until citizens interfercd ; threateuod to kill ayoungor child, striking a blow so near with an ax as to shave lts head ; assaulted au l tlireatened the life of Wm. T. DoBaun for protecting the child ; knocked down Sheldou Ide who was aiding Wm. Porter in securing him ; and was finally airested by oilicer Maroney and lodged in jail. On Monday he was brought before Justice McMahon, charged : lst. With threateung to kill DeBaun, pluad gnilty, held to bail n the sum of $500 to keep the peace for ono year, or in default go to the House of Correction. Frank Howard and fili W, Moore, for whom he had worked, went on his bonds. 2d. For assault and battery upon holdon Ide ; and 3d, for assault and battory, ommitted the Sunday before upon Mrs. rouch, which charge we understand also inolves a more serious offouse. On thase two omplaints the examinations are set down for ext Monday. It is understood that Kellett's ife has since oommenced proceeding3 for diorce.


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