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RAILROADS. MICHHMN CENTRAL RAILroajT JUNE 24, 1877. OOI HO Vin! ======r TATION. = '.Sg. ;S. d i Li_ii?iii i. H. A. M r. M. 1'. II. f „ 7 Detroit, leare, i 7 00 9 35 4 45 3 15 o , O.T. Junction, 7 15 9 50 5 00 3 30 6 0 i Wayne Juuclion 7 46 10 1) 5 32 3 55 ( Ypiliinti, 8 17 10 34 6 00 ■ 1S 7 26 ii ■ öeddes, 8 30; ; 6 15 _L2 " AnnArbor, 8 4010 516 30 4 32 8 00 ÏTT belhi, 8 45 1 6 43 I " !' IJexter, 9 03 ' 6 58 4 53 8 2! Chelaea, 9 23 7 12 5 07 ! 8 j. "- OmaBLake, 9 52 j 7 37 5 27; oj ■ F. BI I i Jackaon, 10 20 12 15: 8 00 6 10 9 30 ■.{. Albion, 1104 12 3; 7 00 10 h , Maishull, USO ISS'-S 7 30 m lc V. M. L 3 ' ■ Buttle Creek, 12 20: 1 5f . ■ 8 00 n i „„ Oalesburg, 12 15! 1 8 38 u jj " ' !a. v. v Kalamnzoo, I 15 1 2 40 5 00 9 00'12 10 ■ Lawtou, ' 1 67 '■ 5 35! 1 00 Deciitur, 2 15 j 4 52 1 2 " Dowagiuc, 2 41 6 17 tw ' S'1". 3 'I 4 07 7 U0 1 jjTT llucliiinaii, 3 03 7 u j M '' Thrte Oaka 1H.Í4LIS S 20 Tu New Buïnlo, ; 4 08 4 ót ' 49 3 J5, Micbigun City, 4 40 S 2u 8 10' 4 os '"nÍ Lako, 5 23 6 02 S SOI 4 52 t Kensington, ,6 03 6W 9 I StO-j! ühicago, ajriïe, I 6 56 7 40 10 VI 6 3o OOINO IA8T. I J t . o 7 Í.IÍMMJL' A.M. P. 31. P. M. 1-.. P CbleaRO, leave, 7 00 9 00' 3 4Sl 5 14 iï Kensington, ! 7 50 9 50! 4 351 6 05 1 l.nk, ï ï! Hl M i il t4tiDv Hicbienn City, 9 23 11 10' t; -;, ! 7 3, ,":. New Buffalo, 9 45 11 2 6 51 - 1! Tbree OalM, .0 00:1136 7 09; I 8 UlllJ Ducbauan, 10 32, 7 46 ,1 Niles, 10 4S'l2 16 8 5ol 9 Min Dowagiac, 31 15 1 8 48 Z Decatur, 11 39r ' s ls ï Lawton, 11 57 1 ; 9 5;a. h. _ Kalamazoo, 12 35 1 SS 10 10 6 30 10 So ! ■ Oalenbury, 12 55 ; . 6 53 jil Battle Creek, ! 1 32 2 17 m 7 35 11 le j Marshall, 2 17 3 OOf 8 12 11 40 Te Albion, 2 45; 3 21.A.M. 8 43 12 W la Jackson, 3 35 i s 5 20 u .ir 12 sa 4 ;. Oras Iake, ' 8 57 5 4 10 06 übeles, 4 19 ! 6 15 10 24 , Dexter, 4 35 6 30 10 35 Delhi, ! 4 43' 6 43 Ano Arbor, 4 54 5 10 7 00 10 50 2 10 is (ieddes, 5 03 7 05 Ypailanti. 5 12 5 24 7 15 11 If. 2 2; (;■ Wujne Jliuc, 5 36 6 45 7 40 11 22 2 48 i O.T. June., 6 lo: 6 15 8 25 11 50 3 40 ; 11 Detroit, Ar., . 6 íi 6 Ml 8 40 12 1)5 3 S3 it: 'Sundara oxcepteil. Saturday and Suudaj ti. oopted. tDaily. H. B. LKDYARD, Gen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wentwobth, Uen. Paaa. Ast., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & lXlu. ANA RAILROAD. To tuke effect Juue24, 187B. ooiNo west. oomo uit. ÍTATION8. MhÜ. Elp. STAT1OH8. Exp, J,; A. M. P. M. Ypsilanti.... 8:20 7:26 ! H. M Haline 9:15 7:67 Banken 5:00 t Bridgewatcr.. 9:42 8:15 Hilladale .. 5:20 Ml Manchester. 10:12 S:37 Mancheter.. 8:20 U p. m. ■ Bridgewater 8:55 l:; Uillsdale 12:45 10:33 rialine 9::;5 U Bankers 1:00 10:45 i VpsiUnti.. . . Kh20 : Traius run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypdlnli THElEALTH LlFl A THOnOUüII (iYMNASTIC SYSTK.M FOÏ LAOIES AND GKNTLEMKN, IN Tli.N MINUTES ONX-K A OAV. The Hualth I.ilt ia a Scientiflc System OF EXERCISE. Foi'the utt'iiiiiiiriit ttud proservation of Health, lt is the best mcana of PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT IS THE S1MPLE8T, SAKEST AND MOST KFFIUIËNT MODE OF TAKINU ALL NEKDEI) EXEC1SE. In the briof pace of ten minute nll the muicles are grttdually, thoroughly, and symmetricollf brought into action. Conceutrated exerciae for tho busy and sedentary. ANN A1U1OK OFFICE AND PAKI.ORS, 11 Eat Huron 3 South of Court House OÖLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EAltNED 5 NEW GOODS ! And prices LOWKIt THAN KVEB. I have pnrchaaed in New York. for cush, ri I m now duily rt-cviviiur one of the lnrgest mJ most aelct stocks of Groceries in WushUu County, consiating of a futí and well selected LINE OF TEAS, AH of the new erop- ncludfng (; u ii po mier, Imperial. Vou ue HT ons, 11 j miiih, Japans, Oolonir, Fr ■iiobUK, onoiis, SaucUonxi, ""' Tvankagn, Together with a full line of COFFEK8, cousisling of the following brands: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAGUAYKE.8AHTOH nnd KIU, both roasted and ground ; 1"" and well Huléete] stock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Topether with everythinjr in the line cf f1"19 Spicft,( 'luiiuul fruita, mul Vegetable. We liavc ft full Hiid complete line ui BOOTS & SHOES, HAÏS, CAPS, GLOVES And üoaicry. Also, ■ clioice assortment of Lsdie' mul (ii'iiHi'iiii'ii'H Underwear. ('.UI nnd examiui Goods and l'riceu and we will immresatisfuctiOD. EDWAUD DUFFY. " Maynard's Block,' cur. Mitin and Ann Ireeti Ann Arbor. Micb■arHighest cash price paid for all ("m prulucti."Ë9 J) nnncan'tbc made bjr every RCDt ever; I IJiiionth in the businets we ranlafci '"'l II I H T'l'Oüe wlllingto wurkcan earn dt' Vi U lUilulhtrsaday in there own localiii' Mavu ii roiiiu to explain bere. Business plefli11 umi bonorable. Women, and boys and girls duas well ■■ men. We will furuish you a complete oulfit free. The business pays better tban auythiug elsWe will bear exiMïnse of Sítarting you. Particular1 free. Write and see. Farmers and niechsni113their sons and daughters, and all classes in need il! myiug work at bome, ahould write to us :tiut learo II about the work at once. Now is the tin"' Don't delay. Address, Tbue & Co., August, Maine. 16 A BSTRACTS OF T1TLES. x The undersigned, Rcgisler ofDeeds, will prompt y and caretully uake Ab9tracta of titles, From the Original Records, ?or Attnrney-, Ac-fiits, Owuers, or Purchasera'o painB will be tipiirtid to vive a complete chani oí tle, nd ahow all enoumbranceu. Charges reiutuable. CHAS. H. MANLY. Anu Arlr, J%nuary 10, 1877. "


Old News
Michigan Argus