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The regular meeting of the Council was held on Mondny evening, Aldrmen Cate and Page being absent, and the following business was transacted : TKTITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. üf (Jhaa E. Hiacock and others, tor plank sidewalk on west eide oï Main street trom Catheriue to Chubb atleet. To Sidewalk Committee. Of M. J. O'Eeilly and others, tor plank sidewalk on south sule of Kiver street, between State street and Kemick lot. Laid on table. Of E. E Latson and others, for plank sidewalk on east Bide of Maynard street, between Liberty and William atreets. To Sidewalk Jommittee. Of Wm. Humphrey aud others, for street lamp on corner ot Fountaiuand Cherry sheets, Third ward. Laid on table. Froin E. K. Frueauff, attoruey for John Fnuik, rolative to damages sustained by the latter by reason of a detective plank in the sidewalk near Henry Binder's, corner of Main aud Hurou streets, and asking to be paid the sum of $1,000. To special committee consisting ot Mayor Criunar, Aid. Gott and Woodruff. From City Marshal, nominating Geo. W. Browu as deputy marshal to serve as special policeman at University grouuds without expeuse to the city. Coutirmed. BEPOBTS OF 8TANDINQ COMMITTEE3. Finance- Submitting list of bilis audited on the several funds, which were allowed aud warrants ordered drawn for the same, in the following amounts: General fund, f8105. General Street fund, 127.17 ; Contingent, $'.08.34; First ward, Ïti9 00 ; Second ward, f115.12 ; Third ward, f 6.74 ; Filth ward, 15.00. Also, without recommendation, bill of A. W. Mclntyre, ior f 10, for suit of clothes damaged at burning of W. Exinger's residence. Disallowed. Also, without recomineudation, bill of Dr. VV. B. Smith, for {25, for medical services rendered to poot families' Disallowed. Sulewiilks - In favor of granting petition ot John Clancy aud others, for plank sidewalk on aast Huron Btreot Accepted, and walk ordered built. Same, subinitting assessment rolla for building sitlewalk along west side of Fourth street, north from Aun street, and on the east side oi West Fourth street, between Liberty anti Madison streets. Approved. Same, in tavor of rebuilding sidewalk in front of city property, corner of Huron andFifth streets. Adopted. General Fund-Reporting completion of cistem on corner of Main end Liberty streets aud on corner oï Washteuaw avenue and Cemetery street. Adopted. Special- 'io whom was referred the matter of leasing for auother year of the grounds used as a hay aud wood market, reported that they had effected a lease with VV. M. White for the lots in rear of Opera House for the sum of $7ó a year. Approved. FROM CITY OFFICKBS. The monthly statement of the ïreasurer shows the following condition of the treasury : Fuuis on hand at date of last report, $4,077.78 Keceipts fiom Sept. 4 to Oct. 1, ÓÖ3.0Ü Ï4.640.78 Expeuditures from Sept. 4, 209.20 Balance iu treasury at date, 4,381.58 Recorders statement of warranti drawn on several funds: General street iund, 11,967.07; First ward, $205.94 ; Second ward, $490.91 ; Third ward, $823,29 ; Fourth ward, $782.25 ; I'ifth ward, Í2Ü6.27 ; Sixth ward, $341.81 ; City Cemetery. $8.88 ; Firemen, 1485.00 ; Contiugeut, $2,991.56. The Marshal reportad tliat tour arresta had been made duriug the month of September, of which two were for violation of Sunday ordinance, ono for assault aed battery, and one for being druuk and disorderly. He also reported that $65'85 had been distributed among the city poor, divided among the several wards asfolloivs: First ward $10.42; Second, $5.99 Third, $5.00; Fourth, $24.81 ; Fifth, $13.21; Sixtn, MISCELLANKOU3. By Aid. Besimer, au ordiuauce repcaling the ordiuauce whioh imposes a city tax of $100 upon eacli saloon. Aid. Sprague moved a postpouement of the questiou until next meeting, claiming that it would be au unfair proceedmg to take advantage of the absence ot two membera by sickness, and urged that no snap judgmeut be taken of the situation. The motion to postpone was lost by the followiugvote: Teas - Aid Gott, Bower, Kyer, Rogers, Sprague, and Woodruff. Nays- Aid. Besimer, Schmid, McDonald, Ortman, Mayor and Kecorder, The ordinance was then ailopted by the following vote: Yeas - Aid. Besimer, Schmid, McDonald, Bogers, Urtinan, Mayor, and Becordor. Nays- Aid. Gott, Bower, Kyer, Sprague, and Woodruff. The following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the following sums for the following purposes respectively be levied and collected by tax the current year upon the city at large according to law : For interest on Court House bonds, $928.00 Gent-ral tuud, 6,000.00 General Street fuud, 2,000.00 Pay of tiremen as per vote, 485 00 S9.413.00 and that the Mayor and Kecorder be, aud they are hereby directed to oertify the same to the proper Supervisors, to the end that the same may be iucludad ïu the proper tax rolla. Resolved, By the Common Counoil that the following siuiiH be lovied and collected by tax iii the folluwing wards respectively the curreut year, viz.: First ward, $400 Second " 1,000 Tbird " 1,000 Fourth " 1,000 Fifth " 500 Sixth " 500 By Aid. Woodruff, resolutiou declaring the pig pen on premises of latrick Boner, near corner of State and Monroe streets a nuisauce and ordering ita abatement forthwith. Lost. Leave bemg grauted, E. W. Morgau addressed the (Jouncil relativo to purchase of gravel pit on North State stroet. Kaferred to special committee consisting of Besimer, McDonald and Hogers. By Aid. Besimer, that City Attorne y be requested to reviae and Bimplify the ordiuances relativo to rebuilding sidewalks, Adopted. Atijourned to next Monday evening. State Taxes. - County Clerk Tuite has received from the Auditor General notification of the fullowing apportiontueut of State taxes to be raised in Washtenaw County, uuder the various acts of Legislatura, for the coming year : New State capital, $6,309.52 Univeraity, aid, 1,500.00 " general purposes, 1,285.71 Normal School, current expenses, 823.81 " " building, 1,428.57 Agricultural College, 1,764 18 State Public School, 2,400.00 " Reform Sahool, 1,261.90 " House of Correction, 3,393.24 " Prisou, 1,500.00 Asylum for Insane, Kalamazoo, 611.05 " " " Pontiac, 3,190.48 Institution for deaf, dumb and bliud, 2,266.67 Military fund, 1,514.03 Fish (Jommission, 333.33 (Jeneral purposes, 21,428.67 Couuty indebteduess to State, 1,683.59 Total tax and indebtedness, 152,684.60 The Markets.- The following were the prices paid for produce by our local dealers yesterduy afternoon : For Wheat, $1.25 ; ior Coru, 25c ; for Oats, 30c ; for Hay, $8alO ; for Potatoes, 35c; for Butter, 20e; for Lard, Ha; for Eggs, 14c; for Honey, 17c; for Gabbage, per dozeu, 5üc ; for Peaches, 70c per basket. Flour retails at $3 50 per hun3 red.


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