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The minera 111 the mlkcsbarro district of ( tho Ponnsvlvania coal iieUls Lave agreod tu ■ accept tho recontly-rejoctcd advanco of 10 per 1 ;enL on Iheir wages, which puts ;l 1 1 end to tlio jtriko The Oambridgeport (Haas.) National lïank has been robbed of $50,000 worth of se.surities. Gen. Peakson, who commamlcd the militia iu the Pittsburgh riots. bas been arrestod and held to bail on a cliarge of mui der John T. Morton and utherf, implicated in tho Phila.delphia railway swindle, have beon held to bail on a chargo of conspiracy to defrnud The city of Providenca, lt. I., has been visited by a destractive eonllugration. Sonic of the most valnablo buildings in tho business heart of tbc towo were burned, involviug a loss of over 60O,O00 Tho Barnstablo (Mass.) Savings Bank lias failed....L. Prang Jk Co. 's ehromo establishment, Boston, has been burued : loss, 100, 000. The discover}' of tho over-issue of abont $1,000,000 worth of stock of the West Philadelphia Passenger Itailway Company is the Quaker City's latest criminal sensation. John S. Morton; l'nsident of the company (and who, by tho way, is also President of the 1 hiladclphia Permanent Exhibition), makes a clean breast of it, and saya tho fraud has been going Ou for sevcn ycars. A packaoe containing Government and railroad bouds, certificates of stook, mortgages, and promissory notes, estimated at f200.000, has been stolen from the First National Bank of Cortlaud, N. Y. Putnaji, a thriving villago in Connccticut, has been swept over by a fire wliich burued about $200,000 worth of property, and left nothing of tlio business portion of tlie place oxcept tho National Bank and the new hotel. THE WKST. A FKH'.HTFri. tragedy was rocontly enacted at Pavidson's Camp, in Wyonüng Tcrritory Tim Kyan, foreman for Dawson, was shot and mortally woundcd by ono Charlcy Cowan. A third party named Knodgrass tJion stniok Cowan on the head with a poker, MHing liim. Byan then arose, took Cowon's pistoL and beat bis head to a jeliy, aftor wliich he feil to the iloor and expired. The financial storm with which Chicago has been bcsot secms to have about blown over, and monotnry affairs aro assuniing then" wonted sorenitp. Tho reccivers of tho various defunct naving banks aio workiug out the problem tliat is ijothering tho heads of deporftora, namely, tho ascertainment of tho aniount eaeh victim is likely to receive out of the asset of the rotten concerns. Tlio State Savings asseta, it is thought, will pan out about 35 or 40 cents on the dollar. The Fidolity will do a good deal better than tliis, the estimatcs rauging from 70 to 90 cents on the dollar. The deposito in Sydney Myers' bank aro probably the worst yictimized lot of mon that ever put their trust in a savings bank ; they will beextremely fmtunate if thcy reoeivo 10 cents on the dollar. Another bank is to bc mnnbered aniong the things that wero, tlio Prairie State Lnan and Trust Company having decided to go Into voluutary liijnidation ; tho depositors will all be paid in full before the bank close.s np. The Hibcmian, and tho Illinois Trust and Baviogs banks have deeided to reduco the rato of interest to 4 per cent. af ter tho Int of January. . . . L. P. Hilli;ird, President : A. W. Edwárdg, Sccretary : John Beid, Treasurer ; Martin Kyan, Actuary, and Sawyer, Assistent Sceretary of the lately eollapsed Protection Lifo Insuranco Company, of Chicago, have heen indictod for embezzlemont. The President of tho late Herchants', Farmers' and Mechanica' Bank, Sydney Mycra, has also been indicted for tho same crime. The Sheriff of Ellis county, Kansas, with a pouse of soldier, pursued_ and overtook two of the Union Paeitie train robbers. The latter turned upon their pnrsnera and were shot down. They had $20,000 in gold coin in their posRCSsion. A Disi'Aix h from Cheyennc says "the weekly freasure-coach from Deadwood was stopped by two masked men near Chcyenne river. üosistance wm made, and Scott Davis, one of tho messengtírs, was wounded in the leg, disabling him, when the robbers got posseaaicn of the arms in the coach, but were unablo lo f orce tho iron safo.,] The snit of the Govenimcnt against William JleKee, of tho Kt. Louis whisky ring, to recover iöoiuwx). has broken down, the eonrt holding that il; President pardon eimeeled all claims of that charaoter Advices at 'military headquartors in Cuicago, lead to tlio belief tlmt Chief Joseph and his gang have mado a break for Sitting Buli's retreat in the British Possessions. A crrninM of 1xvca- ox Umv Knusaa Pylllial Narrow-Oauge railway cuhninated in a collision with tho authorities, at Circlevillu, Kansas, in which soveral shots wero fired. and the leider of the str.kers, one TVilliam' üartmaii, was killed - Ctoaringsof the Chicago banks last week, f22,000,000; increase overcorrc8pon(lin' weck last yoar, $3,500,000. The eattle-raisers iu the región of Cleveland, Ohio, iu convonliou assembled, have miaiiimously agreed that the plague which is killing ofT their stock is nothing less than the Texas cattle fever. The diseaee is Baid to be on tho wane. THE SOUTH. Andebson Shiffi,ett has been executed at Harrbjonburg, Va., for tho murder of David G. Lawson. Tlie condemned man protested his innocenco to the last. TiiKGrand Jury of Kemper county, Miss., has found six indictments for murder, and twentj'-fivo indiclmcnt for being accessory to iniuder, agaiust the paftloipants in the Chisliolm niasnacro A Stato forco of Texaus, 1,000 in nuniber, U organizing at 8an Antonio for active servico on the Bio Grande. Tin: yellow fever has broken out at Port Boyal, S. C... A Deputy United States Marshal's posse recently madea raidonthecrooled distillers of Sharp county, Ark., had a íight with the crookp, killed one, woundod scveral. arrestcd femr, and deatroyed two etills and a large amouut of whisky and mash Cassius M. Clay latoly shot and killed a negro at his farm houso in Kentncky. No one witnesaed the deed, which Clay olaims was done in elfdefensc. GK.NKKAL. As Indian woman while bathing at Victoria, British Cohiinbia, a few days ago, was Beized by an octopus, or devil-liü, and drowned. The body was disoovered by Indiana the next day, lying at tlie botton] of the hay in the grasp of the octopus. They ent tho tentados and recovered the body. Accobdino to Information received iu Washington, from Brownsville, Texas, there ig a Mexican forco coming to the Rio Grande to compel tho authorities to execute the extradition treaty. Local opinión in Mexico is against wirrendering the raidors. The local authoritios of Tamaulipas wil) refuse to surrender another Mexican to the American. At the World' Congress of the International Society, held this summer in the city of Ghent. tho city of New York was iixed upon as the headquarters of the social revolutionist.s Commodore Frailey, of the United States navv, is dead. Tkouble with México is brewing, and gravo apprehcnsijiis are folt at Washington that it will not be long delaycd. Some days ago I.ieut. Bullís, with two companies, crosscd the Kio Grando from Fort Clarko in pnrsuit of a band of Mexican cattle-thieves. A dispatch of t li 2d mst. announces that Col. Shafter had aleo crossed the river "with 600 men and tno Gathiig gunsto extricato Lieut. Balite from his poatlOB News received from the Sitting JJull commission from a point uoar Helena, Mont., coullrms the report that Josoph is endervorjng to rcach Canadian territory bv tho Bhortest route, and as soon au possiblo. WASirlNUTON. President Havks and party arrived in Washington from their Southorn tour onthcevening of Sept. 25. At Lynohbnrg, I'iehmond and ii'.Iht Virginia towns the reception was of the ame eurdial eharacter that had marked tlie Jouraoy tbrangh Kentucky, Tetanessee and (leoruia Tho aetual loss'to the Govermneut l'y the l'atont Office lire is cstimatcd at T .H il), 000. AssiaTAjrr 8e;ketakï M'Coiimick bas concluded to comply with the earnest request of tho President and Secretary Sherman, and reniain in the Trcamiy Departnjent thnitigD tlie extra session of Congress, but to retire before tho regular Bession beging.. ..The Poetmmtcr General don't think lic will ak Congross lor any drliciency at the end of tho extra foftMODi.-.-.Ths President and Sccrctary of the interior have decided to dismiss the charges Rgalnst OOv. Axtcll. „f New Mexico, as vague UHBUpported by proof. J ï lus boen decided that tho President will confino bis message, at tbc beginning of the Hpccial tensión, to thejrabjeet of the appröpriations neodcd for the public service The Xdtiotuil Ji(jublic(in bas been purchased by Clapp, late Public Printer, and will in fntme opposo the national adniinistration Fredcrick A. Sawyer, formeriy Assistant Secretaiy of t hu Troasiïry, ox-Commissioner Haines and Frauk W. Biooks havo .en tried iu the District Court, on a charge of couaniracy to defraud tlie OoYfinraout, in passiDg tjirough Uifl IVeasury Dopartmcnt a bogue claim of $58,000. Etc jury rondemi ;v verdict of giiilty. i Clebk Adams, of tho House, snyw that ho ] tia received tho credcntials of all i Livo8 oxcept frora the Fourth California and j dUsouri Dlstriots, Without deddiDg as to these two, Adam will place on bisroll twelve Demooratia majority.. . .ïho ooinage at tho i mintrt of tlio United' Staten for the month of September, 1H77, was: Doublé eaglen, $4,492,200: trado dollars, $1,677,000 ; half-dollar, 408,400 ; quarter-dollnrt;.3JJ,G00 ; dimes, 129,000. rotal, L7,056,200. TnE final conferonco with the Indian delogation took place at the Executivo Mansión on Moudav. Spotted Tail remaikcd that he would like a BUpply of short-horned cattlo, Catholic prieeta, over'coAts, wtw and grist milla, agricultura i Impíamente, soeds, and five or hík atoros, BO hls people OOUld "buyeheaper at ono than atanother." Mr. liaycu ruferred theni to the Interior Department for such thinga aa the appropriations would warrant. Ho also informed them that it was considered too late in the season to remove the agencies, and advised the chiefs to gather their people a near to the present nupply pointa as possible. In tbe spring, ho aid, the agencies would be removed to the mouth of White river. The public debt statement for September is au foUowa : Six per cent. bonde ? 790,303,000 Fivc per cent. bonds 7()3t'i64ï,650 Four and a half per cent. bonds 200,000,000 Fourpqr cent. boud 10,000,000 Total coin debt $l(7r2,5fi(),2.'i0 Lawf ui moncy debt $ 14,000,00" Maturcd dobt 19834,320 Legal tender 356,978, 54 Oertificatea of flopoeit 4:ï, Frnctional currencv 1H,7H6 642 Coiu cortiücates 37,997,500 Total without interest ._$_ 466,872,796 Total .teht $2,202,7(17 ,;jr7 Total Imerest 27,m,81fi Cash in trcaiiury- coin $ 119,162 043 Cash in treiiBury - curreney 14,20(1,417 (Jurreucy held for redeinption of frao tion:il currcucy 8,835,468 BpOfflid ugMMffti held for redouuption of certificates of deiHit 43,110,000 Total in treasury $ 185,303,928 IjCss estiinated auioiint duo military c Establishment b for whieh no appropriations bavc been wadu 7,000,000 Total .$ 178,303,928 Debt lees cash in treasury $2,051,587,254 Decreaseof debt d uring September... 3,882,524 Deen ase sime June 30, 1877 8,570,968 Bonaë temed to Pacific Kailroad Conipai)iGö,iutercHt payable in lawf ui money; principa] outstjuiílíiifí Git(t2ti,ri'ï Interest acemed anl not yct paid 989,362 Jutereüt paid by the United Statee 35,957,429 Interest repaid by tranwportatiou of ■aails, otc 8,750,652 Balance of interest paid by United States 27,206,977 FOLIT1CAX. Tiíe Republicano of New Jersey held their State Coïivention at Trenton last week. Oen. Kilpatrick prosided, and ex-Secretary of tbc Ka!yy Kobeson was Chairman of the Comuiittoe on Resolutionri. William A. Newell was ïmminated for Governor. The resolutions adopted reaftïrm the National Kepublican platform of 1876, and declare : That the President of the United Staten, holding hifl ntgn office by a majority of the electoral votes cast at the last rltction, and bv virtue of the decisión of the most augtwt tribunal ever created by Congres, is eutitled to the support and reepect in his office of every law-abidin clUzon, and the pucrilc efforte of some portions of the Democratie pnrty to tlunw difceredit npon the tribunal, lartfely their OWn errntion, is an exbibitiün of folly and bad faith whlcb aesérvea fhe roprobation and oontempt of all right-iuiuded citizens. That we corriially reeopnizc thr earn estuosa and ainoerity w iih which Prcsifleni Hayos ík fáboring to prccooto ïTiïoucüiatioii in all scctitpis of the coiidtry, and to eocuro tho efficiënt and conomicw alminitration of tbr business vt the GoVemmcnt, We are united in desiring Ihc accompli-shiuent of thcue great objects, and júfydge Ohï lu-arty support to (very wise nieasure Cfuoulatod to Reeurc the laating nnlty and prösperity of the wholo country tu ;i basis f impartial jubtico and euai right for aU cítizens of :ill so-tirms. That we pQngfanilaVe the country nptm the progrcNH made towjtrd rcsuinptiön of Kjiecic payiuent, and aemarxtl tli1 adoption of all measurcu nocessary to iusure the restoration of a standard uniform throuphout the worM at a date not later than th;it nuw fixexl by law. That the rcduction of the rate of interent to fi per cent. ík odvuhb dcniand of a sound public ppUcy, and shonlil be acoomplished by explicit ïcLiislation at the rarlieft pon?ible moment. That we poiut with pridc to the evidencc which the hiñtory of the Kepublican pártV affordsof ita devotiou to the intrrests oi Iftbúf. It bas secured to 4.000,000 oppressed people a proper reward for their toil, and through the ageucy of a reasonab}' tari ff bas sougbt lo protect American worknien against tin huruni compeUUon of the ill-paid labor of foroifi laiHln; that tho paat record of tlie p.ivty ifi a gnarantce that tho future policy will lc one of jui.i-.t.! woriiingmen aewdl na to othor clasawof pt-opic, anil which, by thr adoptioo of wtee Qziaheia] lueasures and encouragf-ment of tho indosirlal intorest, will, so far au it can bc accomplished bj i. Kif.ioiii.ii, nuil ut tipon new avenneB lor tüc use of cupital and euiplo.vment of labor. The Wisconuiu Democratie State Convontion niet at Fond du Ikc, Sept. 2G. and was prowided over by Jiunes G. Jeiikin, of Milwankee. The fullowing ticket waH nominated : For Governor, James A. Mallory, of Milwaukec ; Iiicufunant Governor, R. E. Davis, of Danc; Secretary of State, Jamert B. Hayn, of Dodge : State Treafuircr, John llingle, of Marathon Attorney General, Jopeph RÍ. Morrison, of MonroS ; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Kdward Searitig. pro sent incnnibcnt. The followiug iotiolutiuns were adopted : 1. The Democratie and Reform party of WisconBÜi, in State Convention asscmbled, renr -vs if-i plodgea of devotion to the Union aud the eonstitution, with all the amendmentfl. 2. DeclarcB ííb finn belief that the will of the people wa defeated in the late Presidential election by fraud and eliicanc undor the protectíon of tlie Federal military, and through the ballot-box will expresa íta condemuation of the act and the actora. y. It declares for tbc freedom of tlie ballot, nnawed by the bayunet, and ineiHts that military intorfercuce in regulaüng and controlling an elcction is nubvcreive of the firtst principies of a freo (Jovernment. 4. It declares its npposition to subeitÜCK, and in favor of the pre.(-rvatiou of the public lumls for the use of actual Rettlers. 5. It declares its hostility to the flnancial policy of the Kepublican party, withdrawing capital from taxation, increatiiug Ólö bunlen of tho public debt bj decJaring curreucy bonds payable in gold, tlemonctlzinc süvcr ín the interent of the creditor and at the expende of the debtor, and attomptiug to force resuinption when it wil] bríng ruin upon the general 1u:iick interet of the countryt and clettüuids inetead that the property protected by the Government jiay iU jiiBt proportiou of the expenses of the Governtuflnt, that eilver be remonetized, and the precent líeííuniption act lo ropcaled, aml réeumption be postponed ontil the flnancial conditiou of thr country will pennit it. fi. It declares its oppouition to a loïiger continuaace of the nation al-bank cutronoy, and deinauda that 1ho Government furninh iU owu noica in tlie place thereof. 7. It declares Hu unyiclding opoaition to a high protcetive tari ff aH vicious in principie, advanciiii; the interefits of a few at the expense f tin' ïnany. h. Itdeolares its dppV)flition to thr ostering of ninnopollff, and favorn Biirh legiñlative rcgtüalion of iutcr-State eommeree. añ will prevont tin pooling combjnationa of ráilway, expres, teleffraph imi freight conipantcs from eztorttng exorbitant ratctito niake wa te red stock yield pfodücÜvelnteïeat, 0. It declarea in favor oj sucli legtfilatlon as U cqualize the pay of the soUIktk in the late war, and its hostility to tlie aystcin of tcchnicaliticB nsedl by CTOvernment oflicialn to provent the payment to them of their honeBt ducK. 10. Jt declarc for a reduction of national and Stilte expenses, and to that end dttnands Che nfonnation and honent administration of the Itevenuelawe, the abolition of sinecure offices, the reduction of large and unearncd salaries to ofllcerR, and the discharge of all Bupernomerary effioeholdcre. 11. It declarcB its opposition to high and exorbitant raten of interest, and demand the reduction of legal ratos to 7 per cent., and no more. lií. It declares for the repeal of all laws exeniptïng railroad land and corpnratc stock other thim that held for religious and school purpoHCB from taxation. 1. It declare for the maintenanoo of our f reeschool Byiiteu, free to all without taint of Bcctarianiani, 14. It declares iUs opixwitinn to extraordinary and uuuaual Humptiiary law, hnt íiihíhíh that the minority must acquieiicc in the lawf ully-expresped will of t)ic majority. 15, Jl dexoandjB Ihat duc regard be paid by our (lovfrnment to tlie labor qOMiion, nwd to all )Hflt claims oí tli-1 wm-kintíiiH'n. It oemuidfl ín fnactiueiit of Ktriugcnt Ihws for tho pvoteotioil Of labor and ihe collection of Wlgea due workinRmf1!!. Tt demandH the proper regulation of prison-labor li'.ws, and for the protpetion of the hcalth and Uves OÍ the operativea in uiamil'act uring establishment. Ex-PriKHiDKNT Gkant, iiï a recent interview with a correspondent of the New York JlcraUI, expressed hlmself as töïïowe: 'If I was at homo I would exert my iuflucncc, as far I could exertit,in favor of Hayes'plftnof reconciliatlon. The object aimed at ia a nohlo one, and I hope it will succeed." Tin: Maryland Democratie Stato Coïivention was held at Baltimore lat week. Thomas J. Keating was noniinatod for Comptroller. TÜe resolntions approvo the courso of Prebident Hayos, 'who80 litio to ottioo is not derivad from an election aecording to eo!in(itutional methode but exists by tlie adjudieation of a tribunal unknown totheconstitution, but whOM jiward ]i;ii-' luun ac(ui-í-ccd in by a peaco-loving people :" demando M Ihe revielon of our present tarifl luwsto tlicend thatnomore rcveuiicshall bertdsedthan in iMoevawy todofray thv expenses of the Government frugally administrred, and the gradual but certain extinctionof the public debt M opjWRes subsidies of ;ill kinds, and declares that 'Hbo wcalth of the country is nminly derived from the product of its labor, and every just ïncRHiire to improve the conditkm and promoto tho advancement of the Iaboring claBBOd &hould roceive fijnipathy, and wili command our cordial support." The liepublicaus of Minnesota met in convi-n'iim atSt. Pau!, Sopt 27, and nominal, il I 1 ', PillHbury and neailv alj the State officera for ïC'OUction. The platfovin favors tho oarly Hmi)ptiou of éixoÍO paynintK anc the remon-. táization of BÜverj and contaiua tho íollo-wicg 1 aneqnivooal indoraemunt of thc national i ininistYation : i Wo beüeve that with thc nupprc&Kion of armeil a.atjinco to national anthoríty thc objeot of our late ■ war vu robetantiaUy achieved, anl thut, jmrmiant '. t thí trno tluory of rep rosen tíMi ve fjovrrniuentf wliich tolérate no Bllbjfcqt imi')i); its peoplSj íhcí overal Htatfs Bhotüil iuw hv loft frr.ft to niítii:if,fo tluir local aiT.iirs ia their own way, Kiíb.ieot only npon n:ttíoual issue to the nniptüutinnnl mul ■ mouut authority of th United StatOfl ; and wfl UÍ1 witli grattfloatypp the efTtivts of the and patriqtio President to pyomoto sentiment of praee and fratrriKtl oonoora ainong tin1 peoplo of all the States of thc Union in recognition of thc broad principias of national unity, local aclf-overunifnt, and eqnal rihts of allcitizcnHOf onc cominon country. Tho sincere and perniHteut effortn of Presiinit Hayos to rodecm the proiuiBes made in hifi letter of acceptance and bwnjpual mfiABUEOi llf woU ÍIH Mpwed plAdgCfl of tho ltepublicau party in behalf of civil-serviee roforni, dewrvo ttxfl cordial npport of the Republioon ímríy and comiiiond theiUBelvcH to thc best sentiment of the country at largo. The Ilepnblican State Convention of New York was held at Rochoster Sept. 2G-7. The Chairman of Iho Convention, Thomas C. Platt, bitterly attackod tho national administration in his opening Bpeech. Senator Conkling alno made a Hpcech, in which he attaclied the civil service and Southern xolicy of the President. A resolntion introduced by Ocorgo William Curtís indorsing the adminiatratiOD wan volad down by 100 yeas to 295 nays. Tho following ticket was nominatcd : John C. Chui'chül for Secrotary of State ; Francia Sylventor fOr Comptroller ; WilliamL. ltoatwiek íorbtatoTrcasurcT Greu.villo Tromaiiie for Attornoy General ; Howurd Soulc for stat: Eogineer. The platform adopted ia an followH : 7,V-TLe Uepubltcans of New York, truc to the ach ie vemen t of an unoqualed history, aira faithful to Uc iU'iiïniiiïs of unemnplrtcd minimi, iti;tk t hfollowiuti declaratione : Tho oftlce of the Government is to coimerve order, peaco, and safoty, aml to protöot every citixon in the enjoymeiit of ovary rfght bnplletl by the oonstltutlon and Laws, Unity and fraterna] relations in all Stalee aóTl Beolïóns, iiii't bítwfcii :i)I Stiitew and BecUone,iBOf tho ftnrt and highrst tmporkhcè, :md tho Rcpnblican party nf New York wiü heartily support ewry QieaHurc authorizcd by law adaptcd to cgtabüahiug and tnaiittiuiiinji couinicrcial and industrial piídttperit? and tranquillity, jiiBtice and obcdicncc to lswful auiiwriy . Si'ffiul- The conBÜtutiun ordaüis that tho United Stut .'s ehall guaran tf e to evcry State in thi Union u republicau form of Government. The only repubUjcoh Ooversanent known to the conetitution of au y American State ïr n Govornment rhoncu by tho people. Tbc queatíon whether a case has arlsen requlrinp the President to employ thc military forces to proteot St:it ii authority u#alust dometiUc violencc íh by tho conetftntion comniittcd to bis decisión and tolüs resppnaibüity. Takiug no íbsuc witli any flecision of tbie hiud which ban bcmi made by the Natioual Executive in resicct to tlie rmployiuent of troops, and expir.ssing no opuiiou in EVgard to the motfiodfl and attendant proceedings employed in any instance, wr cheriHh thc hoiie that the action taken in relation to the Southern Stiltes will roault in peaoe, tnnaolUlty, iiud Jnsttoe. and no art of the Republicana of New York couducivo to it good effect sh!!l Iks witbheld. Tkird - Wo vteÁ%t on purity, friifjality and efficiency in every braiu-U of thc pnWictorvijSc, national and State. To that end wc hold therfe reqiitrementB iiractical and juet : 1. No needless office, officcr or public agcntehonld CXÍtít. 2. Oompenntion for official service ebould bc fair and just, but in no case exceweivp. 3. Fit men, and no otlicrs, sbould hold public trunts. 4. Every official, high or low, phmild bc reqnfrcd at all timet faithfully to pei'form bis duty, and thc whole of it. 5. No official or ofüeoholtler nhould be Hubject to politica! or parUsan sscsKuicutB, or to iuterfert m-.,n any way with bis political rights vr actiun, and tiain laws shoirtd forotfl and puntrfl all atUinpts to nuke or enforoo such aesCHuientsf or to control or abridge in any respect absolute frocdom in political ftötion. vliich in Uüb country brlougs to all volcra alike. In eonnection with tbis nnbjcct we rocur with satisf;u-tion to that portion of thc letter of BOCeptancc of Mr. Havvw whrivin tlfl dci-livres thut fuundea of our Qovemment meant that the ortlcer should be secure iu hia tcuure is long ws hi porboual character renialnod tmtarnished and perfo'rmanoo of liis (latios eatlefaotory. In furtheranee of this vioW we couimcnd as worthy of coüfcideratLon legislatlon inaking offircr 6C('uro in a limited, fixed temire, and nubjcet to remOTal only a oftcors undrr Siatf I&wb aro remova!le in Ibis BtBle, on t:h;ir'e.j, to bo regularly ind openly preferred and adjurtged. Voutth - We hoid houctit service or Ialmr thr beet and UJgbest exertion for Aniericjm citi.ena. and ilu'sc who „labor for others, wheibcr for pje Goverinnent or fir private niiployers, are ;is t ull entitlfi ;ik any cttizön can bo to ftbsolutc freedom In all poli' 'wv., civil and rülJgioMfl aftairn. They owo thu full service tbcy agree to rendnr, and to their employers tbey owo nothiuR nun-e. Tho constitution of the United States and of the State of New York and the lawB establÍBli equal rilitH for all citizens and uil voters, and we deprécate afl onwarrantable aml hurtful attempts by eniployors, wbether reprrwcntiiifi cupital or political power, to encroiich upon or coerce otUcrH iu the enjoymont of any of tlie rights pr the exercise of any dutics of citizenahip. Iu tbi1 of riew York tho whole niunbcr of national ofine-Bolabrs) iinludin olerkfl and Biibordiiutefl of every degree, is 7,4(i5. Tbifl is onn national offloiaJ or subordinatc to 152 voten. Of state, county and (oh ofiicials tberc are iu tliis Stalf 138219. TIiík is otie Stiate, ootinty or town ofnctal to evcry eiglit md a halt voti'rs. When Uio potential functiona of leca] otViccrs are takou int o account, tlieir nearnsrt to Ihe ilizen, anti their power ovéi ins property, taxes and iutcrest their relativo, influence Itccoines even . H reator than nunibcra irulii-atr. Tlifi ejccliwii"] ni pnonc servants froni political action would diefrancIiíbc a Kreat body of onr fellow-citizons. Tho hrwi inr-an no such exclusión, and we deny as an ituputation upon the people of New York tnattheyareor hiye been domlnated by the uatinn'H Hubordinate omcialB, and we eau conceive of no coudition ot affalrs Bhort of tlic cxÜnctlonof nianhoodand paIriotieno in which a Poatmaster orclerk could Bubdue txi hia partiwan will 150 otber eïectore, or exeri anyoJLioC influence beyoml Buch as bis cliaractei miííht give liini. jrifln - Pablic falta, houewt industry, and genera brioBpcrlty demand (i nound onrrenoy of coin anti paper conver.iblo into coin, and thc a'ready ueai froproach lo specie paymenva euforceB the wisdon and duty of faithfully pnrsning the necessary stei)H to full rcöuniption within tlie time uow iixed b law. èjtjfth - We opposr any further land-granisor BUbBidiCa to coriorationH or monopolista, and ïiold that the public aomaiii ahould bo resorvcd. for tbc Iree hömeaox induaMous sextlers. tieventh - Tbat we regard, with alarm and dinap provc the demanda coming trom the proniotera 01 variouB Bcbemes that profime approprïations mul erante lutíl bes made' tnd tlie nnliuiial credit u.f. to carry on works of varions kinds, local an Bectional in cbariKiter, and utt of irrgent natinna importance. Wc cali upon the burdoned taxpayci-H of this State to watch and defcat all attcinpttf, however specioue, to increase the publio adbt, or to obtain tbcir money for remóte or qupBtionnble purposes, wbicb, if feawible, appca to State action and private enterprwe. Such attempts are more indefendible when HiiHtained bj the votes of Bectimal minorities, adding to the burdons of the more heavily-taxeU portion of our country. JCiffith - We recoguiBC equally tbe rigbts of property, and manJineBB and dignity of labor, deprêpatíng any rcsort to vioiencc ín the name of either Wc lnslstat all tipies nppn the supremiioy of ihe law amt maintenánco of public order, 'ihe advonceincnt of Americau ludustry and enterpris depend s npon the hiirmonioUR co-operation o1 eajpital and labor, and tbe adjustment of their material relations, whether h-ft to the reason of partios or efTectodby legtelatfon, should 1m governed by a odDsiderate regard for (lic rights of the onc and for Cha juut claims of thc other. Tho remalDÍDg resolutlon' arraign the Pemcratic party for falso pretensos ; for perpettutttiig Qiiatiiig abados; and for slavish subHcrvicnoe to iuott corrupt and dangerous influencen, and plcdge thc lic publican party of tho btiito to rciiowud and unyielding offoitü fox thc coiTcction of municipal abuso, and foi eoonomy and roform iu every branoh of iu admiiiistration. Col. David H. AnaiHTRONo, of St. LonU, h;is bcon appoiuted by tlie Govornor of Missouri to fill ihe nnexpired term of the Jate Lonifl V. Bopy in tho United Suites Scnatc Thc Chic;'t) Times says William II. Morriflon will reet ivo the support of the entire Democratie dclegation from Illinois in the House for thc Sixiakership. Tuk Workingmêirö party of ÜMassachusotts have placed in iioiniuatiuu a full Wtato ticket, hoaded by Wondell Phillips (alrcady nominntcd by tho Grecnbackers) for Governor The municipal elecíion in Hartford ï'osulted in tho eleotion of tho Democratie ticket by majorities ranging from 25U to 500. THK TUKKO-RUSSIAN WAK. Thuke diviions of tho llnssian Imperial Guord aro now in Bulgaria. Twoof them have moved forwar.d to Plevna, while tho thii'd rcmains at Biela Tho Turks have süccoeded in reviotualing riuvna. . . . A Turkish forcé has invaded Iïulgarian torritory.. ..It ia stated that tlie liussian and Itoumanian losjes bof oro Ptovua cxeced 25,000 killed and ivoundcd Tho BuSÉdana have ent largo reinf orce men ts tO Ars ia. 5Thb Suuth'American coast h&a again boen visit'Cd by a ouccosbíou of cartliquakeií. Thc damage inllicted is not re]ortcd. Cablk diaatohea of tho UKth eav tho ponifcion of the Rusatane south of tho Danobe luis oot buen improved by tho receipt of tho reinforcement from St. Petersburg, and tho camjaign, for this BeftflOn it least, in considored to havo como to an end. The Ruseiaus repreeontod HsretreftÜDg toward the Dannbe, teaviog tliehcx-ocB in tho Schipka patjs to their fat e. Altothei report reprewents the army of Mehemet All as fauing backto HuoldpoHitionon tholiiverLom. Another unsueoessftü attempt h;wl been made by tlie Ronmaïüflitt bo oaptnre the second Grivitza rcdoubt. lï;m di.-.patehes confirm tho report, of tho reinforcement of l'lttvna by tho Turks. Tbcrc is much ditcontent and demoralization in the Jtussiun army, on account of a genoraj belief in the Lncompetoncy qT te Epipcnr' s nous. A lattle botween the aniñes in Asia Minor is represented as imminent. Tho Montenegrins ntill carry èyBrythü6g bef ore them; they havo li occupied Piva, capiuredFort CJakvica, burned lliick and the AnxTonndiog villagiis, and mw hold tho ivholo territory as far as Fatsclia.'' Fevek and dysentery aro decimating tho ranks of tho Czarowitz's army. . .Tho IUirjBians aro Haid to be busily preparing for a winter campaigu. ToucffTNO to campaign in Bulgaria, a London correspondent telographs on tho Ut iust. : 1 It i'i generally bciievct] the oampaign is sub1 1 :illy at au end, i - ■ w - v gr, are tnlking abont ntratogic movementa and imminent öronts of grent miportance. The faot romains that Mehemet Ali lian rctreatcd. und the Rnesians aio willing to do the amo, and wait for spring. Probably the most they will do will bo to intronch themselvos in thoir riuiped poiltion. witb the odgo atKehipkapass, and the baso from Sistova to Nikopolix, and liold Uiat poeition for now lovies and anothcr oampnign. The wonnded from Plcvna overcrowd the Itniwiaii hospitals, and the wounded snlTer mucb in the transit to Kussia. The Kushiaii Imperial (uurd, 50,000 Btroigf is taking np its ponition iu front of I'levna." GENKKAIi FOKKIGN NEWS. The review of the Britiah breadstuffn market by tho Mark Lane Express gives an unfavorable CHtimatc of tbo nituation at home. I5nglish wheat Í8 unifonnly in a bad condition, and the prospect for the next erop is far from eneoiu'aging. Tmi Turkixh losees at Plevna seem tp have jcen au lieavy as the EuBBians. . . .TniBtworthy nformation íh received that 14,000 wounded are still in Plevna whom the TnrkB aro unablo :o remove The JloutenegriiiB havo caj-tured Goransko. Fuon tho villago of St. Gregoire, in the Provinoe of Queboc, cornos intelligonce of a shocking accident. The dwclling of a man lamed (Jonzie was destroyed by fire, aud bis leven childrcii and a servaut woman perished in the llames. The yellow fovcr raging at Vera Cruz, Mexico, is of a mout deadly type. SAT8UKA, the well-known Japanese statcsmad, and Saigo, tho great Japancso soldier, lio Mime timo híuco organized a rebellion against the yonng Mikado becinse he had ntrodiiced Gqvernmontal reforma in xynipathy with Western civilization, have been dofeatod, and, in accordanco with tbo cliecrful practico of that country, have committed "hari-kari." The fawiae repoits from India aro still bighly favorable. It is eetimatcd that 750,000 pooule luivt died from utarvation sinco tho bepmiiinti of the famine Gon. Todleben, tho lefender of Sebastopol, has been appointed Cbief-of-StalT of tbo irmy imder the Prince of ltoumania, now investing Plevna.


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