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I I.I-xII 1 of tlte condition of the First National Bank of Ann Arbor At An Arbor, in ilin Siatr of Michigan, at t he t:lo. of business, Out. i, ]S77. BKSOUBCKS. Loan and DUeouuts, - - S26l,KI7.1 OvürdratÍK, - - - 1,' V 8. Bond to secure clrculutiou, - 105,1100.1 Other ticks, bonds aml inortgagea, - 15,600.1 Due trom approved Jï&sarve Agent, - 41,006.1 Due from otuer National Banlu, - i.:ij:i.'j Due froin Statr BanlCs and BanKers, - 13,903.: Real listilt'!, l'i iriil un1 ;tn fixtures, - l'i.ouo.i Current expenses and taxea paid, - lr829.f Checks and other cash Ítems, - - 64S.I Bills of other National Uunks, - :i,x94. Fractlonal currenoy (includlug nickels), 280.' Specie (Includlug gold Treaaury 'miUü), 741.5 Legal tender notes, - 89J61&A Kedcmption Pnnd with O. &. Treasnrer, (5 per cent, of ciruulatfón), - - 4,725.) Premiums pald, - - 1.2 Total, SlÖ,&8.l í.;ai-ij, rn 1 ;-■,, ('apilal st"i-k ]HÍ'i in, ... 1.10,000.00 Surplus fund, - no.ouo.oc ülher uudiviilil protus, - _ -_'S,:i;".r).r National bank ntrs otit.-t;iinlin:.r, - 94,500.1 Indivic nal deposite subject toehock, - 140,026.' Dcnuand cprtiftcatesof deposít, - - 47,504,4 Total, $10,886.; SrArKiiK.MiciH'i.vx, ('oimtyof Waahtenaw, ss. 1, .1. V. Knight, í'ahicr it' (luí aliovo namoi Bank, do oleiniily swear tliat the above statcmci ib truc, to the best of mr knowlcdRe and belief. J. W. KNIQHT, Cashiai. Rubscribed and sworn to beforo rae thls lOth da of Octobor, 1S77. W. A. Tou ItARn, Notary Public. Oorroct- Attest, !■;. WELLS, 1 1'IIILIP BACn. Directora. ■TOHN HENLEY, GREAT AUCTIOH SALE The mate animala in our berd iming greatly In ex cess, we offer 40 OF TBiS BIST BID PIGS In exfetence: BERKSHIRE, ESSEX, SUFFOLK and POTAND CHINA, from sil to ten month old. Alu a few uu, nat akln, i wantod. A friend offer 2 SUPERIOR HORSES, 3 Cows aud A KIN f; Y1ÍARLING BULL. Sale on TUESDAY. OCTOBEIt 23, 1877 At ten o'clock a. m. } who have been here aay our hord is the best tbey ever saw. A man from Penusylvania said we haA 20 aowg botter than th 12 Cooper sold Norton for 12,000. Come and sec u At Woodside Farm Wx MILES FROM THE R. R. STATION. TERMS. - $5 in hand; romainder in approve notes at 3 months, with interest. Purchasing parties may selfsct ANY animal - male or femalts - from our superb herd of more thaii 200 pure bred anü pedigreed animal, by Btartipj it with a bid Oí halfits value. HA1X HK0THERS. Ano Arbor, Mich., 8ept. 24, 1S77. Sewing Machines The best stook of M:ic!iiuoi in the State, an I willsell you a UKTTEli MACHINK for th money thn you can buy iiuywherc eist!. I hav theMOdT BEAUTIFUL MACHI NK8 that you ever aaw, and scll them for thw nw. charRod gen e rail y for cheap comraon jatichines. Remember '. have buujht and sold more machines than niiy oth er ten men in the coimtv. and can do better by yoi than aiiy little one-hurüe conern. Slacliincs Dellvercd Frcc of' Charge TO ANY TLACE WITHIN TWXETY MILES No more winlinsc bobbias for S1NGER MACHINES YOU CAN BUY YOUR THRE.U) KEADY FOR T SHLTTLE At the Singer Otti . PLAITER3 POS DEESS-MAKIN& Three kinds lor frora $1.60 to 12.00. Necdles and Parts for Nearljf all Machines. I. L. CRINNELL. lïrcg-ory Block, Socend door east of Post Office, Ann Arbor, Mich. (155G) Thi is probabïy the strongest, purest and best preparation of Iron Icnown. One trial "will convince. Price, $1.00 per bottle. JOHNSTON, H0LLÖWAY & 00. Special gcn(9, l'kilatirl hia. fcwJLB Ik. B D iÊ Pfflw k Pff JW This is the finest Liniment in the vmrld, tnd will positivdy cure ín almos, every case. Priee $1. 00 per lottle. J0HHS01T, H0LL0WAY & CO , 8MCIAT, AOESTS, SViiladelpAta PRICE, 35 CENTS. Jonnston, Holloway & Co., Spocial Agenta, Philad'. TOE RENT. Two Stores Law Offloos, nnd uppar Huil in tb e leMnlion Block. For terina apply to Boot b Wilcoison, ottiee in the tume building. 16W JEKC'SHA P. XOBLE A BANKRUPT STOOK OF HARDWARE! WILL BK Without Regard to Cost At the old tand of Zi. C.EZSDO1T, '. 81 Sou III .iliiin St., Ann Arlior. NOW IS THE TIME FOR CASH BUYERS To lay n their Winter supply of STOVES And Hardware of every I)escription. ALL THOSE INTENDING TO BUILÜ AN0THE11 YKAR, CAN NOW BUY THKIR DOOU TRIMMINOS AND OTHER HARDWARE OHEAP ! I6L2m8 kutgsfoud's Oswego Starch ! lathe BEST and MOST ËCOXOnical in the World. Is perfectly I'ÏJRE- free from acida an other foreign substancca that injure Linea. Is STRONGER than y other- requiring much less quantlty in tuíng. Ia stitfens and finisheu woik alwaya the Butne. Kingsförd's Oswego Corn Starch Is the most delicióos of all preparations for PUDDINGS, BLANK-MA'GE, UAKE&c 1646 TM0K FOR SALE." Orders for BRICK left at the shop oi the undersiimed will bo promptly tilleil. J' VOLLAND. Ann Arbor, June 28, 1877. 1641tf vfËW TEA STORE. Japan T a at 30c, 4Oc, 5Oc and (iOr per lli , t I the vcry best imported at 70c per 1b. GunpowderTea at 60e and 80c perlb., and thevcry best imported at $1,00 a pouod. Yming Hjson at 40c, 50c aud 60c, and the bost imported at 80c per 1b. Oolong Tea at :i5c, 50c, 60, and 70c per lb. Imperial Tea at ttite, 40c, and 30c per lb. Twaukey Tea at '20c, 2öc, and 30c per lb. COFFEES AND SPICES, of our own roastiug and grinding, at greatly rcduced prices. Give lis a Cali and be Convinced. .1. W. HASGSTERFER & OO., 30 & 32 Soutu TI tin st ., Ann Arbor. 1639 m6 INSURANCE CÜMPANY. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Lo8se8 Paid in 55 Yoars, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, inclu'ling Re-In8urance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus ovor Lial ilities, including Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. M ACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. To the Uorkhur Class.- We are now prepared to furnish all cïasnes with constant employment at home the whole of their time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to tho business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notiee muy send their addresM, and test the business we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of wrfting. Full particulara, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the best illustrated publications, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address, Gko. Stinson St Co., Portlaud, Me. pEORGE W. CEOrSEY, Late of the flrm of Clark A Cropsiíy, and A. Ki u;mv, late of Texas, under the nrm name Oi KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have established thcin.iclvcs at No. 33 Nouili natu St., Ann Arbor, and propose to do general Grocerv Business They will also keep CROCKERY, GLASS and VOODEN WAUK, and a full line of DOMESTIC ud FORE1GN FKU1XS. They have nttod and urnished A First-class Eating Department, Vhere ïeala can be had at all hours, or board by tho week. usli puiii (or Hutter, Kit, and all Country produce. Goods promptly delivrri in any part of the city. Remeuiber the place. 33 South Iliiln Street. KEARSEï & CROPSEY Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 1580 THE JII JL-WAl-K EFT MEDICAL & SÜRGICAL INSTITÜTE. EtUbiithd 1867 and Chtrtored by the Sttte I2iilture 5r the improYfd treatraent of al) Private and Chronio Hioasea meutiuucd in thii card. Juit publUhed, mYS+m. "THE SILENT FRIEND!" ##JBL A ronlidcntialAdvisprfor the yuunpanA P mÊÊr ■"''''"" S11 o' both sfzeiion alt IhicaiHr vu of a Prívate Nature, ariting from " Early Abuses or Inreetion, .Seminal Vcaknes, and Lom ol Manhood, and the bcit meam tcurei with valuable advice to the Mftrried and thoie ontvmplating; Marriaee ; Including a trcatiie on Femalo Diseasos, and Chronic Attectioni of the Throat, l.unga nd Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer, Rupture, Pilet,Fiitula,the OpiMi I Inbi t cc. It containi 260 large pagei and numeioua earavines, tnailod undcr ieal on receipt ot'AO rli. A CLINICAL LECTUEE on the above dineoiei, au4 ie principie of medical practico In their treatmeut Frice lOctt. AUilreni. Atteoditiir Thvaician, M.&S. ISTITUTE, No 435 Water tt.. mil.wauke2. wi. ■pf j I I I you can't get Rold you can g-et 0 y lUkw ■ (írct'iilüu'krt. W11 need a prson in every town to tnke aubscripionB for the largetit, cheapest and best Illnstroted itmily publioation in the world. Any one can beme a successful tigent. The most elegant works ' in given free to subacribers, The price ia no w that t'veryb dy eubscriboa. One agent porta making over $l;")0 in a week, A lady agent ports taking over 400 subscribers in ten dayu. 1 who engage mtike money íast. You can devote 1 your timo to tho huainess, or only your pare me. You need not be away from home over mght. n: ciin do it as wel) as otherB. Full particular, irections aud terms free. Elegant and expensive outüt free. If you want profltable work send us your addreas at once. It costa nothing to try the business. No one who engages faits to make great prty. Addreas, " The People's Journal," Portland, Maine. H4,s AND SER IKK JACKSON TRUSS 1100 WAQOJf Abo, IVew II mil Hun d II ur rul I I ron í'orn Mieller, at X. ROttERS'.


Old News
Michigan Argus