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The Boston letter-carriers are to join in a walking tournament. Susast E. Dickinbon, a sister of Anna, has started on a lecture tour. An International Congress for the advanceinent of good moráis is to meet in A San Francisco clergyman says that only one-tenth of the men in that city ever go to churoh. Dom Pedbo, Emperor of Brazil, is back liome in Rio de Janeiro, aíter an absence of a year and a half. Fish have been successfully introduced into the waters of thirty-two States and six Territories. Iron wire conducta elctricity 400,000,000 timos bitter thau water, and 4,000,000 beitel tban sea water. Maes nnd his baby moons will not be again se en, alter their present star engagement, until September, 1802. Tokio, the capital of Japan, with 1,200,000 or so inhabitants, has 737 private schools, with 38,904 pupils in them. Bbight yollow, red, and oraugc, The leavee come down in hosts ; The trees are Indian princes - But soon they'll turn to gtiostB. T&ere are 559 Presbyteriau eongregations in Ireland, having 107,262 communciants. The average salary of their pastors is $870. A ooNVicT was pnt into the stocks in Willis, Texas. His cries íor mercy, " Take me down," " I am dying," were not heeded, and he died under the torture. The Japanese Government has constructed a war balloon, which has been successfully tried at Tokio. It is of thick silk, and was inflated with pure hydrogen. Mohammed Ali, iu 1829, made a canal in Egypt in two months of forty-eight miles long and ninety feet wide, on which lie employed at one time 250,000 workmen. A Moscow newspaper says that out of the wealthy morchant families of that city not a single member bas gone to fiprlit the Turks. They get medical certiücates of unfitness for military service, and often have to pay wcll for them. Wbalthy Ohinameu of San Fraucisco are suspeoted of crippling the feet of their littlc girls, after Ihó fashiou in their own country. Ah Moon is under árrüst for haviug removed the bones from his dauglitcr's feet, so that they could be compressed. A Fbsxcii miller living near Bidimond, Va., stafcrs that he used the new procoÊs oL milling ilour in his mili in New York State in 1848, This willnullify the claims of a patent proccss now uscd throughout tho country on which royalty is claimed. Dit. AwiEitT Lower, of Hot Spriugs, Ark , and Ed. B. McLellnu, of New Orlcau.s, met as strangers on the New Orlcans, St. Louis and Chicago railroad, bui withïn balf an liour they had liad a trifling disputo aúd wore iighting a duel. McLellan was severely, but not fataJly, shot. Tiib National Grnnd Lodgel. O. O. F, has selected Anstiu, Tex., for its next anuual meeting. Initiation this year diiuinished 10,000, compared with the prúvious year. Eeveuue about $25,000. Tlie number dropped for nou-payment of ilues increased about 5,000. The Hottentots alvvaj's rejoice in the arrival of a swarm of locuste, oat them in great jiumbers, und make soup of tlieir eggs. They are broughtin wagon loads to 'icz in África, and are preserved by salting or smoking. The Moors prefer them to pigeons, and a person may eat 200 or 300 without feelingany ill eff'ects. Thsy are usually boiled in water half an hour, after throwing away the Jiead, legs aDd wings, and then fried with a littlc vinegar. When tho 0ommnnÍ8ts in Paris mobbed the residence of Thiers they carried away Iiík bronzes and curiosities, whicli were sold to dealei-s. The pólice subsequently seized wherever they found them articles bearing tlie private mark of Thiers, which he caused to be engravecí or stamped upon his articles of virtu. Judge of his surprise to find many ornamenta brought to him bpariiig tliis mark which he had never owned. The dealers had counterfeited tbc mark, and preferred to be robbed rather tlian confess the trick. Tin; celebrated nickel mines at Gap, Lancv.ster countj', Pa,, worked for several years past exclnsively by the United States Government, will soon be abandoned, and operations will not be resumed for some time. The cause of tuis is reported to be tho discovery, in New OaJedonia, of very rich deposits of nickel ore, whero it is said to erop out above the surface of tlie ground, so that it can be mined with very little trouble or expeuso. At the Gap, it is well known, it is brought up from great depths in the earth, and at considerable cost. A STILL DAY IX AUTDMN. I love to wander through the woortkmcl hoary, In the soft light of an aiituniiial day, When slimmer gathprH ap lier roltes of Rlory, And like a dream of branty rIMch away. II. nv tlirouJi eMb U'Vcil, fantiliar iath 8he liugers, Serenely siuiliu türoujíli tin1 ohlen mist, Tiiilin;; thr wilü grapê with hor drwy Üngers, TiU the fiool fnieraM tnrns toamethywt. Warm Hghts are on tho sloepy uplanila waning, Beneath soit clouds along tho horizon rolled, TiU tbc f ilent euntxama through tUelr fringee raiaJtiiii!' M the USi iu HR'lani'lioiy ftoli), ",V,)rat lldm HVi.Vrrtfft.


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