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About The Ohio Election

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It is a victory of a inuch uiore conclusivo and ovorwhelming character thun any the Dtmiocrats havo before wou in,, the State. It equals any tlio Republicana evor gained. Former JUüin ocratio suocesses - but two in nuiuher wure muager, accidental and fraginentary. This one is massivo, uniform and tremendous. It indicates a political revolution iu the imnds of the Toters. It ia & change of front of the wholo State for a long futuro. Ohio has pernianently retired the Repubhcan party froni her affairs, her coutidenou, or her toleration.- Broolclyn Eajle. The State which has boen regarded as tho very citadel of Republicanism, the State whose superior claims were roeognized by tho action of a Iiepublicau national convention, has abandonad its allegiance and gone over to the Democraey. Ohio declares in favor of the conservativo policy, in favor of tho results which that polioy has accouiplished, in favor of the party whioh championed it, and against the party which fought it - Si. Louis RepuUUan. If any State could have beou held stoadiast, under oxiating ciroumstances, that State was Ohio. The doteat is irretrievable- tho blow is incurable. Another of the groat Northern States has wheelttd into the Democratie column, and the eurnest and decisivo mannor in which sho takes hor placo, indicates thtit silo lias oom') to stay. - Aibimy ArguS, Tb ere liaa been just enpugk promise öf civil service roiorm to irritatu tho machino man in Ohin au I enoiigh pretensa of tlio reform to disgust the indo pundunt vuter. Vury iwely luis an uministriitiou so duxtrouuly contrived to got itsolf so lcuiUy robuked from opposite points of the politioal compass.- AT. Y. Tnbune. Much the larger part of the indifforenco niong the liepublicans must be uttributeit to the President's Bottthe'ru policy. Of all the influences whicli have contributed to the defeat, this is tho most potent. - ,V. Y. Time. It would havo beon better, of cmrse, if our voters had tuinod out and giveu a ringing indorsemont to the aduiinistniiion and Sccrotary Sherman, but tiiey did not do it. - Cleeeund leader. Tho Ohio Democrats roso above party yestorday. That is to say, they got on top of the Kepublicaus. - til. Louit OlvbeDemocrat [He]).). The real importanco of the Ohio eleotiou is its effect upou tho admiuistraticn. The lattor, by this time, sees that it has nothing to hope for from the old Hopublican machine.- N. Y. Öraphic.


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