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RAILROADS. MICHIGAN rWITRAl RAILROAD JUNE 84. 18T7. imwo wieitT. T J C X Sfc r p ? CJL s ?s A.M. A.M 1. M. j Ij ".M.ÍT" Uetroit, leare, ! 7 00 9 35 4 45 j 30 6 lJ 9 '.. U.T. Jiinction, ; 7 15 9 50 5 00 gg b 20 o , Wayne Juuction 7 4e 10 IJ í 32 4 15 li S? ï ïpnilanti, . 8 17.10 &S 6 (H) 7 26 M Oeddes, 8 Si 6 15 4 39 - - _J? AnuArbor, 8 40110 SCi' 6 30 1 .8 00 l i, I'elhi, 8 45 6 43453i - Llexter, 03 ( 6 53 5 07 8 SJ _ Chele, 9 23i. 7 12 5 27 8 Í7 Oriuw Lake, 9 52 , 7 S7 _J U2 F. M , I 6 10 l.v Jacknon, 10 20J2 15 8 00 7 00 9 30 u All.i-.ii, 11 04 IS 63 I 7 ;„, 10 IS [!: Uarshall, 11(0 I 35 o IMt J Bftttle Creek, fi!) 1 IS ?( HIIjl Oalesburg, 12 S5 ,11 iï__! A. H. 9 nn A. H., 1 IJ 2 40 5(10 12 16 , r.nwtuii. 1 17 6 tb IH Decutur, 2 15 6 62 IS; ÜowuKiac, 2 41 17 i 1 .__ Nili-H, , 3 11 4 07 7 0 i Ji (j. lluchanan, , 3 23 7 11 : 2 40 Three Oaks 3 52 4 43 7 87 1 20 5 , New Buftalo, 4 08 4 61 7 49 ï J5 . Michigan CU y, 4 40 i 20 8 10: U{ Lake, 5 23 6 02 II SU; ti.'.;. Kensington, 6 03 6 50 9 1': Sf ■' Chicago, arrive, I 6 56 J 40 10 Vil 63 l. OOINO Uu. 1 1 m I i". 'T7 d t ' _ SL Ï A. W. . U. V. M. f.. ,, Clilcaifo, leare, ' 7 00 9 00 3 45 i .i ; Kenniugtou, 7 50 9 50' 4 35 6 i ', iI.nke, I 8 37 10 2S S 23 I, t . MicliiRan City, SUN i lili I i New Buffalo, 9 45 11 28 6 61 ■ 1 Three Oak, .0 00 11 36 7 08 t l!lt Buchanan, 10 32' 7 -m ü Niles, 10 4 12 15 8 20 9W1H Duwagiac, 11 16, 8 48 - - .1 1 Decatur, 11 3r 1 í 1S j Lawton, 1157' I 1 a. . 1 Kalamazoo, 12 35 138 10 10 6 :m lo ■ ; Oaleaburg, 12 65 . 6 53 f Battle Creek, 1 32 21! H 7 Mili II I Maruhall, J17 3 00 8 12 11 T f i ! i.H. Albion, 12 45 3 21 i.m. 8 43 1! 05 ; Jackaon, i 35 4 05 S 20 9 45 12 1 GrMíLuke, 3 57 5 48 10 06 . I Chelsea, ) 4 19 . 6 15 10 24 . I DexWr, I 4 35; 16 30 10 35 Delhi, ' 4 Ml i 6 4S Ana Arbor, 4 54 5 10 7 00 10 50 1 U II Cieddea, 5 U3 7 05 _ Ypailanti. 5 12 6 24 7 14 11 05 3 21 If Wayní June, ! 5 36 5 46 7 40 11 22 te ■; G. T. June, 10 6 15 1 25 11 50 3W ![ Detroit, Ar., '. 6 24 6 30 8 40,12 05. J SS „ Sunclay eicepted. Saturday and Suiidj a. opted. t Daily. H.B. LED YARD, Gen'l 8upt., Dettgii H. C. Wentworth, den. Pasa. Agt., Chicajo, DETROIT, HILL8DALE&INDI. ANA BAILROAD. To tuke effect June 24, 1876. GOIMO WE8T. OOIVQ UIT. TATION. Mui.. Kxp. STATIONS. I í. u.r.v. Ypiilantl.... 8:20 7:25' -.H Saline 9:15 7:57 Banken 5:18 tt Bridgewater.. 9:42 8:15 Hüladale .. 5:20 tt Mánchente!-. 10:12 8:37 Mancheater.. 8:20 14 r. M. ' Bridgewater 8:56 a Billadale 12:45 10:33 i Saline S:-J ■ Banken 1:00 10:45 Ypsilanti.... Kk ÍS Traing run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, 8up't, Tirilw. THE HEALTH ffl A THOROUGH GYMNASTIC SY8TKX Kt I.ADIKS AND GENTLKMKN, IN TKN MIXUTKS ONCE A DAT. The Health Uit la a Seientific Zystem OF EXERCISE. Fur Lhe attuimuent and preservution of Heilll. It ia the best means of PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DE VELOPMENT. IT IS THE SIMPLE8T, SAPKST AND HM KPKiCIENT MODE OF TAKINÜ p ALL NEEDED EXECISE. In the brief tpitce of ten miuutcs II tlrnn cleinregradually, thoroughly, and ijmmetnii' brought into nction. Coucentrated exéicut h the buwy and sedentary. ANN AKIIOK OFFICE AND PAKLOfö 1 1 Eaat Hurou 8 South of Court Hou Á DOLLAR SAVÏ! IS A DOLLAlt EABNED ! NEW GOODS! And price LOWIill THAN EVKB. ■ Q i I hare purchased in New York. for iwih.11 I m nuw dHily receivins one of the lurjeit ■ mout neleot toclc of Oroceriei in Waibfe"'1 County, conaiatini; oí a tul! and well selectiJ LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - iucluding Guupowden, Imperial, VounfHT■on, lij wn, Japans, lolonfv !'■ iiiiji, oimroan. Soik iiont. a' TwanhHi'i, Togetlier with a fcill line of COFFEES, tot1!' ; ine of the followiny brands: MOCHA, OU OOVTJAVA.MAKACAIBO.LAOUAYRE.; Toa and RIO, both roasted and eroanil ; '"' and well selected utock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinjt in the line et W 8picei,0nnned fruita. and Vegetnbled. Wek"' full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Huiiery. Alo, a cholee asaortraent o( U" andOenlleuien' L'nderwear Culi ud ei""" üoodu nnd l'rice and we will KDWA11I) DUFFÏ " Maynard1 Blocky' cor. Main and Aon I"" Ann Arbur. MW■aTHighcst caah price paid for all '" f produce.K( (P nnn aiit bemBdo '-v "■" "", e'w L I l'""lh in the businais we funi-11" I M 71 Tlthose willing t work can ern gj WUUUdollarsaday in there owu lot"' llave no room to explain here. Business ple" and honorable. Women, and boys and KÍ dS well turnen. We will furnish you complet0"" free. The business pay better than nyth'lt, J We wlll bear expense of startlnij yon. Psrti"11.1" free. Wrltc and see. Farmers and nitsch"" tlieir sons ond daughters, and all classes ' 'iewr, paying work at homo, should write to ussnd !"'_ all about the work at once. Now !■ H'e "ï Don't delay. Addrws, Truk 4 Co., ".", Maine. 1W A BSTRACTS OF T1TLE8. The undersiirned, Regisier ofDecd, will pi51 ly and carelully inake Abstructn uf title, From the Original Eecords, For Attorney, Aifent, Ownenr, or P''S rf o puin will be pared to Kive a complet ütle, and show all enoumbrancea. Chrg " unable. „ v CHAS. H. MANLV Ann Arbor, Janury 10, 187". '


Old News
Michigan Argus